Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday Scripture

Sunday Scripture

Old City Jerusalem, Israel

Walk in the manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of love.  Eph 4:1-3


  1. Dearest Yvonne,

    Indeed we must walk worthy of the calling; even in the rain!
    Have a great Sunday and feel free to visit my Guardian Angels...
    I did post two yesterday, one little one is still waiting for comments; lonely.

    Greetings from Georgia,


  2. Beautiful verse. Thanks for sharing Yvonne.

    Have a peaceful day,


  3. Great verse, thanks for sharing this on this great Sunday!


  4. A wonderful reminder with directions for how we are to live our lives!

  5. Yvonne, your posts are at the top of my lists! I love your pearls from the Bible.....and your garden and place setting shots make my head spin with new ideas! I just love the direction in which you take your designs....


  6. Thank you so much! A wonderful verse to live by!
    Have a wonderful and Blessed Sunday!

  7. This is one of my favorite scriptures! This is definitely the way for us to approach everything we do. Thanks for posting!

  8. Yvonne, I love this scripture. It is such a reminder that the Lord has plans for all of us.

    Also thanks for the kind comments on my breakfast room redo. I really do like the wall too. I've had that shelf for years,but didn't have anywhere to put it in the last house and so it went in the guest room, then you know how it is, all of a sudden you think that's where it belongs. I am so glad I moved it out and so glad I have the "Grace" picture back on the wall in here. You asked about the round table. I absolutely love mine. I like that you can place the chairs at an angle and I think it gives a room so much more interest. I do have 4 leaves with mine, so I can feed a crowd if I need to. I think you would love a round one. Hope you are having a super day. Hugs, Marty

  9. It is beautiful. I actually got here before the day was over!

  10. So wonderful Yvonne! I always love the pictures that you chose to go with the scripture!

    God bless you!

    I have missed a few of your previous post. I am off to get caught up!

  11. Lovely scripture, Yvonne! I wrote a little piece for Belle Inspiration called "Little Ways to Live More Beautifully." Unfortunately I am in no way shape or form a photographer, so I think Mimi is finding some nice photos to go with it! XX!

  12. I think even if I was sitting in the beautiful garden pictured even though I am writing from an apartment that is surrounded in front by higher apartments and in the back, a mountain top that is dull green and barren for lack of water, I would need reminder to remember every day, walk in a manner worthy.

    Linda @ prone to wander, my 2nd one ((

  13. Very inspirational verse,and a pretty courtyard. Thanks.


  14. You certainly do LIVE this scripture!!!!! XO, Pinky
