Sunday, August 22, 2010

StoneGable Menu Plan

Weekly Menu

Whistle while I work....This week I'll be concentrating on doing some heavy cleaning. I have windows to wash and curtains to launder. A garden to harvest and tomato sauce to make. Lots of homebody activities!

Except Thursday... I am so excited to go to a designer workshop and learn how to create a room translating pictures from magazines. I have my stack of pictures and a fun group of like-minded girlfriends all ready for Thursday.

So, I want to make hay until then so I can go away feeling on top of things! Lots of good eats this week! Check out how to make homemade pita bread. It takes time, but is simple and the results are worth the time!

Monday~ Slow Cooker Day And Do Over Day
Slow Cooker Italian Wedding Soup
We were invited to dinner on Sunday, so I am making this great soup on Monday. Click HERE for this yummy soup.

Pollo Mattone or Chicken Under A Brick
Baked Zucchini Pie
Garden Tomatoes

Recipe: Pollo Mattone
1 whole chicken (mine is about 4 lbs)
1/3 cup olive oil
1/3 cup loosely packed fresh rosemary leaves
1/4 cup fresh parsley
1 TBS fresh thyme
1 tsp mustard
6 garlic cloves
2 bricks wrapped in aluminum foil

Butterfly the chicken so it will lie flat and open in one piece. This sounds so much harder than it really is. For a very good, short how to video click HERE. It is from Fine Cooking, one of my must have food magazines.

Chop herbs very finely, and press garlic. Mix olive oil in a small bowl.

Put chicken on a baking sheet and rub liberally with oil and herbs. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Heat grill to medium heat. Put chicken on grill and rest a brick on each chickin breat.Shut lid. Cook for about 15 minutes, until nicely browned and skin is crunchy. Remove bricks to the side of grill and flip chicken. Replace bricks on chicken and continue to grill with lid shut for a additonal 10 minutes. Chicken should be done through. Remove from grill and let rest for 10 minutes. Slice and serve.

Recipe: Baked Zucchini Pie
I'm very excited to make this as a side dish. I still have a few zucchinis left from my harvest. I'm eating the leftovers for breakfast, no kidding. This recipe comes from Savoring Time In The Kitchen, a fabulous cooking blog~ and one I visit OFTEN! Click HERE for the recipe.

Grilled Artisan Pizza With Homemade Mozzarella
Arugula, Saved Parmesan, Pine Nut With A Lemon Vinaigrette

Recipe Grilled Artisan Pizza
I learned how to make this easy and delicious pizza in a cooking class at L'Academie de Cuisine near Washington DC. The class was dedicated to making homemade mozzarella, roasted tomato sauce and artisan pizza. I learned so much! If you are interested in cooking, taking a cooking class is the best fun as well as being a fabulous learning experience.

There is nothing magical about the word "artisan". It just means made individually or in small batches, with the eater in mind.
1 pizza fresh pizza dough
canola oil
pizza sauce
cheese- I'm using my homemade mozzarella

This is not a rocket science recipe. Make it the way you would like... that is what makes it ARTISAN.
I bought homemade dough from my grocers. NOT THE TUBE KIND! If your grocer does not have fresh dough, your local pizza shop might sell some to you. Or try making your own, it is very easy.
I love the dough Mrs. P from Faithfulness Farm makes. As a matter of fact, her primer on pizza is wonderful. Click HERE for a great and informative post.

Preheat grill to medium.
Divide dough into 4 equal amounts. Roll into a ball and flatten out. Pull into a 8 inch round. Put round on a rimmless cookie sheet. Coated with canola oil. Make sure the bottom of the pizza is oiled with canola oil.

Put the dough directly on the grill and shut the lid. Cook for 3-5 minutes. Watch it will burn easily.
Take crust off of the grill, put on the oiled cookie sheet UNCOOKED side down.

 Add pizza sauce. Sprinkle with shaved parmesan cheese. Cut fresh mozzarella into 1/4 inch thick rounds and place on pizza.  Add toppings for each individual person.

Place pizza on grill and shut lid. Grill an additional 3-5 minutes.
Remove from grill, cut and serve hot. YUMMY!

Recipe: Homemade Mozzarella
Be looking for this post on Foodie Friday. You won't believe how cool it is to make your own. It is heavenly tasting!

Designer Seminar With Fun Girlfriends
Boys- Leftovers

Roasted Tomato Tart
Spinach Salad

Recipe: Roasted Tomato Tart
My garden is tomatoland! Harvesting these big red jewels is a joy. I am canning and freezing and making recipes with tomatoes now until the first frost. I LOVE to cook seasonally.
Roasted Tomato Tart is another recipe from my friend Mrs. P! I can always count on her recipes to be delicious! To get this recipe from Faithfulness Farm clickHERE.

Menu: StoneGable Spinach Salad with Poppyseed Dressing
1 large bag of fresh spinach, washed
2 hard boiled eggs
8 sliced of thick bacon
1/4 large red onion, thinly sliced
1/3 cup slivered almonds
1/4 cup crasins ( I omit them when I make this for myself)
Brianna's Poppyseed Dressing

Mix all ingredients together in a salad bowl. Dress with poppyseed dressing. Serve immediately

Greek Chicken Pasta Salad
Homemade Pita Bread
Tomato Salad

Recipe: Greek Chicken Pasta Salad
You had me at Greek. I love anything with Tuscan or Greek flavors! And this Greek pasta salad is full of yummy flavors I love! This recipe come from Wives With Knives, don't you love the name of Cathy's blog!!!! Another fabulous go-to foodie blog! And such a great gal! She leaves the most uplifting comments! Click HERE for the recipe.

Recipe: Homemade Pita Bread
I have been making pita bread for 20 years. Here is my original recipe. I am an atrocious speller, and any of you that have followed StoneGable know it is sad but true. Please excuse the misspellings.

The back of the recipe says "brown paper bag for 15 minutes".

I am posting this on foodie Friday in a couple weeks.

Steaks On The Grill
Corn On The Grill
Ceaser Salad

Recipe: Ceaser Salad
Here at StoneGable, Ceaser salad is on the menu for lunch or dinner almost every week. Making homemade dressing really makes the biggest difference. It can be frozen in ice cubes trays. Pop out 3 or 4 and thaw just before serving. I make a big batch and freeze the rest.
Click HERE and look on Tuesday's menu for this soon to be favorite recipe!

Check out StoneGable's facebook page for a tip on drying herbs!


  1. Yvonne - thanks for stopping by Sanity Fair!
    I'm LOVING some of these recipies - I shouldn't be reading this so late at night! Now I'm hungry! :)

  2. You are a tease with that cheese:)

    Everything sounds yummy for this week! I'm going to do a couple weeks like you did...clean out the freezer. I'm running out of room and I'm not sure what is in there!

  3. Yvonne, we're doing a cleanup here too. Made stock last week for soup and bread is rising- can't wait to here about your fun class. I love teaching those workshops!
    xoxo Pattie

  4. Good morning dearest Yvonne - I made a big mistake today... shouldn't have read your blog before having breakfast!

    Had to laugh at your "you had me at Greek" comment!!

    I've been dying to make mozzarella, but I haven't been able to find the curd. I suppose I could mail order it.

    Have a blessed day, my friend.


  5. I can't wait for the mozzarella tutorial, Yvonne! That sounds wonderful. The design seminar with your girlfriends sounds like so much fun.

    Thank you so much for including my recipe in your menu plan! I was a big hit here and I hope you enjoy it too :)


  6. Yvonne,
    Everything sounds delicious! But I am so makin' the Italian Wedding Soup. I love it but have never ventured to make it. Can't wait!

  7. I should never come here on make my stomach growl from hunger pangs:):) It all sounds delicious! I am cleaning too. Where are you going for the designer class? It sounds like something I would LOVE!!! Can't go this time but would like to check out future possibilities. Have a GREAT week! XO, Pinky

  8. Love that you scanned the recipe card in! I can't wait to see what you come up with in design class. I'm already impressed with what you do already. I think that's an area where I could use a little guidance. :-)

  9. More delicious recipes to study! I love the "vintage" recipe card--I have a few of those in my file (well, many) and I have the same pita recipe and used to make it often (I used to make everything from scratch!)

    how did the "veal" dish work out?

  10. Yvonne, I hope you will stop by my blog tomorrow. I tried your salt scrub tutorial, and my girls and I have been enjoying pampering our hands all week. Now, if only we could use our silky hands to eat some of your delicious recipes, we would have happy hands and tummies!

  11. How wonderful! I love your weekly menu and your photos are stunning. I'm so glad you found me.


  12. Everything sounds great! I'm looking forward to seeing how to make the mozzarella and off to check out that zucchini pie!!!

  13. I love your menu ideas. You have a beautiful blog.

