Thursday, August 12, 2010

Scamp's Doggie Treats

Homemade Doggie Treats

I'd like you to meet the baby of the family. He is 10 years old, but he thinks he is a 4 year old little boy. He is very loved and very spoiled!  His name is Scamp. We found our little Pom at our doorstep on a very stormy summer evening when he was a dirty, hungry and tiny baby. Eventhough we tried to find his original owners, no one claimed him. And rightfully so... he was really ours all along! Scamp is pictured wearing his summer "do".

Scamp is almost the perfect dog. He is the smart, friendly, affectionate, mischevious, loves to play~ especially ball, but he is a picky eater. Although he adores treats, he only likes those gooey chewy ones. Probably not so good for Scamp. He eats almost anything I make so I thought I'd try to make a dog treat that was good for him, economical and passes his finiky taste test!

Scamp gave these treats 2 paws up! The dough smells delicious, no wonder he liked them. This recipe makes 12 dozen small bones. I hope you will treat your dog to a little homemade love!

Scamp's Doggie Treats
2  3/4 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup powdered milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 egg
1/2 cups vegetable oil
1/2 cup water ~ you can add up to 2 more TBS if too dry
1/4 cup Kraft parmesan grated cheese
2 small jars strained baby food meat~ I used beef 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix all the ingredients together and kneed in the bowl for 3-4 minutes.

Turn out onto a work surface and roll out.

Cut out using a cookie cutter or cut into squares.

Cook for 20-25 minutes.

Remove from oven and cool.

Store as you would any cookie. I have a round tin with a lid to store Scamp's new doggie treats in.

These would also make a great gift! I bet Scamp's cousin Max would love these when we visit next!

* Just a little note~ It is very important when making homemade dog treats and food that you know what foods are not good for dogs. Like onions. I wanted to use canned beef stock instead of water, but found out that onions can be fatal to dogs and canned stocks have onion power in them. For the love of your dog check out each ingredient carefully!

I am joining Michael Lee for Foodie Friday at Designs By Gollum. I get the best recipes there! Click HERE to visit all the foodies!

I am participating in Lucy's Pet Parade at Debbie Doo's Blogging and Blabbing! These pets are soooo cute!!!!


  1. have to be my long lost twin, lol. I make our Josie homemade treats (very similar recipe) and she just LOVES them! Good for you for going to the trouble...I know Scamp (who is a handsome fella) appreciates it :)

    Happy Foodie Friday!


  2. What a cutie, so glad he found you! I love your "almost perfect" comment, it's so real and they are all so special! I called my beagle "the brat", it fit:@) Enjoy!

  3. Hello Miss Yvonne, Oliver here. I've been waiting for you to post the recipe for treats because I am a treat-loving dalmatian! I have pointed out the recipe to my mistress and she has promised to make them for me this weekend. I watched while she put the baby food on her grocery list! I read her your story about how little Scamp showed up on your doorstep and she got a tear in her eye. She's such a softie when it comes to cute puppies!! I'll get back to you after I've sampled the tasty treats.

    Best to Scamp!

  4. Yvonne, Scamp is adorable and thanks so much for the recipe. I am going to have to make those for Bailey. I need to find a bone cookie cutter.

  5. What a cutie! We lost our beloved Gucci this year and he's so very missed. I made his treats too and he was always so appreciative! :)
    xoxo Pattie

  6. Scamp is just adorable! Great recipe for dog owners and glad you included the warning about reading labels carefully. Blessings to you and Scamp!

  7. This is perfect. Mister and the gang will thank you! Let me know how the salsa turns out.

  8. Scamp is a very lucky dog! I bet my Harley would love these treats:)

  9. This is the cutest little Scamp I've ever seen. Just precious and that photo with his treat in his little mouth is too cute.

    I may try making these for my daughter's he would love them, too.
    xo bj

  10. How adorable! I just love cute little Scamp. I may have to make some treats for my doggies. Carla

  11. Scamp is adorable. And, now I will have to go cry somewhere because we don't have anyone to make treats for anymore. I could just smooch his little face~ Diana

  12. How cute! What a loving Mama you are and how lucky is Scamp! Very cute!
    Thanks for sharing!

  13. Scamp is adorable!! Thanks for sharing the recipe...I'm going to have to make some for my little Yorkie girl, Chloe. She loves the ones we get her at the doggie bakery here in I'm sure she would love these too.

  14. Yvonne, you have so touched my heart. My little Muggins, my Boston Terrier baby, just turned 12 and I know he'll love these homemade doggie treats. Love your blog, so glad I found it. Thank you.

  15. What a sweetie Scamp is!! He is lucky to have a mother who is such a fabulous cook. Mattie Gray will love these. Thank you for this posting the recipe!


  16. Oh, Scamp is too cute!!! I am bookmarking this recipe so I can make some for my little Stanley. He lives for treats! And he thinks he needs one every time he comes inside, even if he was just out there chasing bugs!

  17. Little Charlie Dickens, my 4 lb., 9 year old Yorkie, loves his treats....this is a great idea! I''ve already copied the recipe, and I'm going to make them for him. Scamp is a treasure; I think that it was no accident that he chose your porch on that rainy evening. Thank you for sharing the recipe. Cherry Kay

  18. Scamp is one very lucky little cutie pie to have a mommy that takes such good care of him. Your doggie cookies look pretty darn good, Yvonne.

  19. Scamp is the cutest! The dog treats
    are simply amazing, just like everything else you do! I want to
    make some and tuck them in my
    Flora Dooras.

    Flora Doora

  20. Awwww.... what a cutie pie! I love the last photos of him with the treat hanging out of his mouth - what a great shot!

    I'm filing this recipe away for Christmas time. My daughters dog sit for several neighbors, so this will be a wonderful treat for them to share.

    Thanks so much!!


  21. Ah, Yvonne, he is adorable. I so miss my little girl.

    You're a wonderful mommy.♥

  22. How cool! I have a picky eater and now have adopted my son's dog, temporarily, who is also a picky eater. I'll have to try this!
    Great job,

  23. Your little Scamp is adorable. Funny what you say about thinking he is a 4 year old little boy. That is what we say about my Dexter. I keep thinking one day he will just unzip his dog suit and a little boy will step out! Anyway, these treats look fabulous and I am going to try and make some for my boy!
    Have a fab weekend Yvonne!
    xo Delores

  24. Scamp is just precious! Thanks for sharing your recipe; my dogs Molly and Tinky are looking forward to trying it. I have to find a dog-bone cookie cutter!

  25. My new baby is a St Bernard I adopted. She's not quite a year and I've had her for 4 months and she is already very spoiled about food. That is completely my fault. Can't wait to try the recipe... I have a large bone cookie cutter for the job. One question, with the meat in them do they need to be frozen or refrigerated?>>

  26. What a precious little guy he is. I have three 'kids' and I ocassionally make them treats. I'm definitely going to use this recipe. I thank you for your warning, lots of folks don't know about onions, grapes, raisins and the other 'odd' things that are bad for dogs.

  27. That Scamp is one lucky dog.Not only did he find a loving home, but one that cooks special treats for him too.

  28. Yvonne,
    Scamp is so adorable, we just love dogs and have 5 here at the paris house..they are my other babies :)
    He is so lucky he found you and your warm and wonderful home filled with such joy! The doggie treats look wonderful.
    Have a nice weekend

  29. Oh my goodness, your dog is adorable. My daughter has a cute little dog. I'm going to pass the recipe to her, she loves cooking and I think she would enjoy making the treats for her little Milo.

  30. Scamp is so cute I bet he loves hi treats, I need to start making them for my little ones!!! Thanks for sharing...

  31. Scamp is TOO cute, what a face!! And I have somewhat picky eaters too, so blueberries are their treat of choice! Thankfully we have lots of bushes so they get a few berries each day!

    Kat :)

  32. Yvonne-Got my computer back! I made Jessie a birthday cake last summer. She was not terribly impressed :). You are a good "mom"! Scamp is adorable. A Pom showed up on our doorstep too and we finally talked my MIL into taking her after no luck finding the owner. It was a blessing to both of them!

  33. Now if those are not the cutest! Our daughter made dog treats last year and sold them at Farmer's Market. I will save her your recipe. I am sure her dog Dakota will like! Have a blessed weekend!

  34. Yvonne, your baby is adorable! I love his new little treats...perfect for dog-days of summer!

  35. My spoiled pup will only eat Milk Bones. We've have brought her the cutest things from puppy bakeries etc. and she won't touch them. Of course at 14, she is pretty set in her ways!

  36. I don't knoiw how I missed this post but have to say that Scamp is ADORABLE!!!! WE had a toy poodle for 17 1/2 years. I would have made these for her cause she, too, was a very picky eater!!!! I miss her alot. Give Scamp a treat from Aunt Pinky:):) XO, P

  37. I have two fluffy ones that I'm sure would LOVE some homemade biscuits. Someone even gave me one of those cookie, I mean biscuit, cutters. But I can rarely get human cookies made - let alone doggie ones! Lucky Scamp.

    - The Tablescaper

  38. Scamp is just precious. I love the bandanna and love the recipe! I'm enjoying catching up with your blog posts this Saturday evening!

  39. Should you tell it ?a lie.

  40. Scamp is so adorable. What great looking Lucy would go crazy for them. Thank so much for joining the party.

  41. what a cutie, love the name too, great post!

  42. Scamp is handsome and deserves homemade treats of course! ♥O
