Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fall Preview

Fall is just around the corner... even though it is 95 degrees today here in the Mid Atlantic.
Fall conjures up thoughts of crisp chilly weather, pumpkins in every shape and size, the smell of cinnamon and cloves and football!

I think StoneGable is at it's best in the Autumn! I love stick and twigs and natural elements and fill my home with these beautiful gifts of nature.

I took a fieldtrip to one of my very favorite local shops, The Olde Mill House Shoppes and brought back some visual inspiration and a little preview for fall.

This Lancaster County landmark boasts the most beautiful wreaths. Each one a unique work of art. Prized for their hand made attention to detail and quality, they are a treasure to have. Each one different and exquisitely made. I have a couple, and they have lasted for years!

Consider using brambly wreaths to fill a space with Fall!


If you don't have a big enough space for a wreath consider hanging a fall swag. This beauty, again a hand made creation, uses bittersweet, and twiggy elements caught up in the most gorgeous ribbon! I'm going back for this! Isn't it the epitome of Autumn. I LOVE the ribbon.

Autumnal swags grace a fireplace giving it extra warmth and style.

Tucking twiggy and natural elements here and there make a big impact!

Bittersweet or oak branches in a artisan basket make any surface full of Autumn charm. Fall is a time to bring these beautiful earthy items indoors to be enjoyed! Faux , real... or mixed they celebrate this short but favorite season.

If you like this little preview of Fall, then you will love the Fall Open House at The Olde Mill House Shoppes going on this Saturday and Sunday. If you are anywhere near Lancaster County, Pa you will want to visit the shoppes filled to the brim with the most distinctive and beautiful Fall decor. 


  1. Gorgeous! I love all the berries and twiggy vines! Very cute jackolantern wreath too!

  2. Yvonne: Thanks for the fall posting! It's my favorite time of the year--partly because it is when I return to my beloved Blue Ridge mountains and Shenandoah Valley for a few weeks. Lancaster has also been a part of that trip from time-to-time. I always come back to the midwest with armloads of bittersweet and grapevine. Your wreaths are wonderful and I've noted the shop that you visited.


  3. Miss Yvonne,

    I love fall and all these wreaths are just gorgeous..thanks for the preview..I can hardly wait to start decorating my home in autumn colors! BTW I bought the pocket pie mold from WS and made the cutest little apple pies! Thanks for sharing this with us! I'm going to enjoy it so much for my fall baking! As always such a beautiful post!

    Miss Bloomers

  4. Thanks for waking up the fall in me. Getting settled in and back to blogging. It's been a while. Love your blog.

  5. Good Morning Yvonne!
    Oh how I wished we lived in the north east when fall hits...I LOVE the beautiful colors you enjoy up there. Here in Kansas we get a lot of yellow but not much red. These wreaths and swags are beautiful and I wish I had some to put around the house next month. Unfortunately our home is small with no storage in what little basement we have so seasonal decorations are few and far between. Thank you for sharing these photo's from your favorite shop and I hope you take home your favorite swag so I can see where you put it ;) Have a wonderful Tuesday. Maura :)

  6. It's all absolutely gorgeous Yvonne.

    I have a few things gathered for a front door wreath. I'll pick up a few more things while we are at the lake, this week. I believe our home is best in Autumn. I love the colors!

  7. I have already bought a bunch of fall stuff and am just waiting a while longer before I start going crazy. It is really cool here today and I love it. Just a tease I am sure. Your wreaths and that swag are gorgeous.

  8. Here we are at the last day of August. Where did the summer go? Your wreaths and swags are so beautiful, Yvonne, and make me excited for fall. It's my favorite time of year.

  9. I might have already told you this, but I am one of those gals that is not at all excited about the end of summer. It didn't even get nice here until the first week of June, and the weather got cold the first week of October last year, so we had 8 long months of cold, gray, windy weather. I just can't even think about that again!! (Like if I don't think about it, it won't happen, right?)

    Anyhow, even though I'm not on the fall page, I really appreciate your beautiful photos. As always, my day is beautified by a visit to Stone Gable.

    Have a lovely day.


  10. Don't you just love all of the gorgeous colors of fall?! I adore all of the examples you have shared today! The wreaths are stunning! Now I wish we would get some cool fall weather;)! It is HOT and muggy here today...I am so ready for a change!

    Have a wonderful day sweet lady!

  11. Absolutely dreamy - the older I get, the more I love fall! I can't wait for your next post :). By the way, I didn't realize you were in PA. I have a lot of family in Centre County.

    Talk to you later, Yvonne. Stop by and enter my giveaway.


  12. All very pretty, indeed. I am wanting to just skip thru fall and get right into wintertime!! :)))

  13. Yvonne -- Fall looks so inviting at Stone Gable! Joni

  14. Gorgeous! Gorgeous! I love all of this inspiration and I'm just itching to get started in my own home!
    Thanks so much for posting these beautiful pictures,

  15. Hello Yvonne,

    Patti's sentiments basically reflect those of mine! I am hanging onto summer for all that I am worth! I am not anywhere near ready to let go of it yet. But, I can appreciate the beauty of the wreaths, swags and baskets you have shared with us today. My mom gave me some bittersweet last year and I am hoping it survived being stored since last fall.

    ~ Tracy

  16. Gorgeous wreaths! You can see the quality of the workmanship shining through! All of a sudden, I am feeling ready for Fall. The kids go off to school tomorrow and I am anxious for the crisp cool mornings that Fall brings! Diana

  17. I love the beautiful, warm colors of fall! Such lovely wreaths! I wish I lived closer so I could visit that place.

  18. FALL!!!! oh yeah. makes me want to decorate.

  19. The Olde Mill House Shoppe is always on my list of stops when I make it down east. It's such a great place for inspiration!

  20. Beautiful wreaths Yvonne, I'm lovin' the jack-o-lanterns! I'm so looking forward to fall and football! Have a great day:@)

  21. Yvonne, this is all so beautiful! I have been fighting off Fall because summer was SO short but I know it's here, I can feel it on my morning walks. I love all these things..and I love acorns, I wish someone would send me a box of them because we don't have them here! Time for me to get going with Fall I guess :D

  22. Yvonne, can you tell me how to get there from Rt. 896? That is how I come up to Lancaster County. This shoppe sounds like a place I want to see!!!!!!!!!!!! Love all these wreaths and swags. I want so much to decorate for Fall but like you said, it is SO HOT!!!! I am trying to save my hydrangeas for the florist to use in the wedding. I was out watering this morning for 2 HOURS!!!!! Wish me luck, please!!!! XO, Pinky

  23. Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the fall colors, leaves, twiggy things, pumpkins, and the crisp, cool air. Thank you for getting us started on such a special season.


  24. I love fall, too! I hope to someday acquire items like the ones you have showcased to fill my home. Until then, thanks for letting me live through you!

  25. Oh I'm just drinking it in!! I can hear the crackling fire, Smell the cinnamon donuts, Taste the pumpkin pie & hot apple cider, Feel the crunchy fall leaves under my feet and See the soft flicker of the candle in the jack-o-lantern. Oh I am so there! :-)
    I think I will go and pull out all of my fall decorations now!!! Was going to wait until this weekend, but after reading your post, it is next on my list!

    Thank you SOOOO much for the generous sweet comment you left on my blog re: B's first day of school! It meant so much!!

    Love Carissa

  26. I just walked up from the beach, so your Fall decos are cooling me off!
    They are beautiful!
    I am not ready for Fall here yet! ( nor willing to start carrying all the Fall up from the basement while it is still 90!)

  27. OMG- I LOVE LOVE LOVE ALL of the wreaths! Especially the first one with the mini jack-o-lanterns.

  28. Thank you for that taste of fall! Carla

  29. Gord pumpkins are the cutest. Love all those shots. Keep em coming.

  30. See, you are getting in the mood. It took a trip or two to a store filled with fall treasures to get me thinking about it too. It is hard to think fall when it is still over 90 degrees!

  31. Thank you for a peek at Fall. LOVE all the berries, bittersweet, twigs, etc. Beautiful pieces!

  32. This is fall beauty at its best.
    thanks for the sneak peek and I cant wait to see more..


  33. Very inspirational! I can't wait until Autumn. It is in the high 90's here, too and fall cannot come soon enough.

  34. We've only had summer for about 6 weeks...I'm fighting Fall, but I love it and this helps me want to embrace it! Thanks Yvonne, your decorations are amazingly beautiful!

  35. Love all your fall photos...I can't get pretty faux arrangements here in South Florida!

  36. Home sick for Lancaster and for fall!! Can't wait to get my autumn decorations out!
    Linda @bushel and a pickle


  37. I have been itching to start decorating for Fall. I love to bring in natural elements this time of year. The wreaths shown are beautiful. Take care, Sherry

  38. Until now, I really wasn't ready for fall. Your beautiful wreaths have persuaded me. I especially love those little hollowed out jack-o-lanterns.


  39. Hi Yvonne Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share. Just absolutely gorgeous for sure. I love all of the wreaths and the baskets. I am not so great with arranging, but I do give it the old try every now and then.

    I am wondering if I start bringing out all of my Fall if the triple digits will leave Phoenix and allow us to cool off? You think? Nah...I didn't think so either, but a girl can wish you know?

    Have a beautiful evening sweetie and thank you SO much for the gorgeous share. I love the little carved pumpkin heads the most.

    Country hugs and much love, Sherry
