Thursday, July 29, 2010

Peach Dumplings

What's not to love about fresh peaches, butter and brown sugar wrapped in a delicate puffed pastry and sitting in a pool of rich creme anglaise? In other words... Peach Dumplings...

The only thing that would make this flaky yummy creation more loved is if it would be served for breakfast! Well call me cupid, and get ready to fall head over heals!

Here at StoneGable dumplings are served for the first meal of the day! In Lancaster County dumplings are common breakfast fare. And not only that, they are served as a main course for dinner! I consider this one of the main perks of living in this beautiful area.

Our peach crop has been exceptional and sweet this year! So I wanted to take full advantage of these just picked lip-smacking beauties.

Traditionally, peach dumplings are made with pie crust, but I have an easier, less time consuming version.  I use store bought puffed pastry instead of homemade pie crust.

I hope you will consider yourselves Lancasterians for a day and indulge in this delicious treat for breakfast or dinner while the peaches are so fresh in season!

StoneGable Peach Dumplings
8 large very ripe peaches
4 TBS butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
2 boxes puffed pastry sheets
1/4 cup heavy cream
sanding sugar

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Take thawed puffed pastry out of box and roll into a square.

Cut pastry sheet into 4 squares.

Set aside. Cut 2nd sheet of pastry the same way.

Cut out leaves using another puffed pastry sheet. You can cut them out freehand...

Or use a cookie cutter. I have a trio of leaf fondant cutters that are perfect for this!

Score each leaf to resemble leaf veins. Set leaves aside.

SG tip: I use a well floured pastry cloth whenever I work with dough. It makes my pastry life soooooo much easier. I do not use a pastry sleeve for my rolling pin though. Once the cloth has been used and floured several times it will become seasoned. When I am done using it, I shake the excess flour out into the sink and pop my pastry cloth into a freezer bag and then into the freezer.

SG tip #2: Keeping a pretty cup filled with flour on hand  to continually dust the pastry cloth is a good idea. This keeps the pastry from sticking and making a mess, and the cup is pretty to work with! I keep this cup in my flour bin.

Mix sugars together in a bowl. Add soft butter and mash together with a fork. Mixture should be somewhat crumbly. Set aside.

Cut very ripe peaches in half using the natural indent in the one side as a guide. Gently twist and the peach should easily pull apart. It really helps to use freestone peaches.

Remove pit from peach with a sharp knife. Repeat with all peaches.

Remove one puffed pastry square onto a work surface. Scoop a generous tablespoon of sugar mixture in the hollow of one half of a peach.  Put peach together. Sugar mixture will be in the middle. Sit upright on the pastry square.

Bring diagonal corners up and over the peach as shown.

Use a little water to wet the ends of the pastry and gently push them together.

Fold opposite diagonal ends up and over peach tucking in the sides of the pastry.

Using a pastry brush, brush heavy cream on dumplings and cut out leaves. Arrange leaves on dumplings and dust with sanding sugar.

Bake at 400 degrees for 30-40 minutes, until golden brown.

Let cool for 10 minutes.

While peach dumplings are cooling, make an easy creme anglaise. Melt a GOOD vanilla bean icecream in the microwave (shhhhhhhh- don't tell it is not from scratch and no one will know the difference). That's it! Creme anglaies!

Pour creme anglaise into a bowl and gently submerge the peach dumpling into the vanilla yumminess.

If you are having StoneGable Peach Dumplings for breakfast, the traditional way to eat it is with milk poured over it.
Indulge immediately!

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  1. I so love the way you take short cuts...easy but delicious..thats my kind of cooking! These look AWESOME...can't wait to make them..would be so good in the Fall and with the contant rain we are getting this year, that might be very soon! ya FB bud! :D

  2. Oooh yum Yvonne! I made these and stuffed the peaches with blueberries and mascarpone last week- but serving them for breakfast is a wonderful idea!! Gorgeous!
    xoxo Pattie

  3. Don't know how you did it, but I can actually smell the peaches baking! Beautiful, and just "wow"!

  4. Here's why I SO love your blog. You make even something as ordinary as a peach dumpling into a beautiful work of art!!!

    Such gorgeous photos...such gorgeous dumplings.

    I think peach dumplings for breakfast is a fabulous idea. One of my son's favorite breakfasts is pumpkin pie. I've received criticism for letting my kids have "pie for breakfast", but, really, it's healthier than a donut or a least I think so.

    I have 16 fruit trees (3 of them peach), and I'm getting zero fruit this year. We had a miserable spring, including freezes in late April and early May...and all the fruit was lost. NOrmally, my sugar lady white peach produces a TON...which I generally give to my neighbors, as we really don't like that variety.

    Anyhow, thank you for sharing how you made a beautiful masterpiece out of a peach dumpling.


  5. How very good of you to post this! As you said "Peaches are in Abundance" right now and I have many frozen this month, just waiting for me to "make something"! I may even put in a few blueberries,, wonder what that would taste like?
    I copied your recipe and this will be on the menu before the weekend is here!

  6. i have been baking and eating sugar all day, in other words, full up to my ears and sick ro death of any food... until i see you... you can make this fat old broad still crave MORE! i have done this with apples, the peaches look fantastic, along with every single shot!

    you are a charmer~

  7. They look wonderful Yvonne. Who wouldn't want a heavenly breakfast like that!
    It looks like you left the skin on? I usually peel, but if it can be left on that is even easier!

  8. I'm in big trouble, Yvonne. If I keep making your fantastic recipes I'm going to weigh 500 pounds. Just made your little pies in a jar (love them) and now am going to be making peach dumplings. But its fruit and its good for me...right?

  9. These look delicious. You make every one of your posts so pretty, and they are so informative and easy to follow. Thanks.

  10. Slightly intimidated by this, but boy is it beautiful! It must be delicious too.

  11. Looks so inviting. I'm very impressed. Such a nice presentation. I know your guests will be delighted!!

  12. Oh this looks so good. I love the idea of the puff pastry, it is so good and flaky. Yours look fantastic. I can't wait to give them a try. Thanks for the tutorial on how to make them so pretty. Hugs, Marty

  13. Yvonne, Your photos are exquisite! The peach dumplings are so pretty and I'll bet they taste every bit as good as they look! A cousin brought us some homegrown peaches (from Kansas) and I've planted the seeds - so maybe I'll have a peach tree - or nine - someday. I've not had good luck growing them here before but I'm always willing to try again.
    Have a wonderful wknd, Yvonne!

  14. Yvonne, peaches are so good here right now, too. I love peaches. That looks really good except for the peach skin. I don't eat the skin. Love all your photos and great directions.

  15. This is my kind of breakfast! They look beautiful Yvonne!

  16. Ahhh...fruit in disguise! These are adorable and tempting. I have never heard of a peach dumpling. I can only imagine how tasty they are.

  17. These look great! I think I'm going to have to give them a try this weekend.

    - The Tablescaper

  18. Too pretty to Eat! I also made your iced tea, even made the iced tea ice cubes. What a big hit. Loved it thank you!

  19. Oh, does it get any better than fresh peache dumplings for breakfast? These are almost too pretty to eat! I said almost ~ if we had any of our fresh hill country peaches left I'd be making this tomorrow morning. But sadly we ate the last one this morning. Hope we can find some more soon. :-)
    ~ Sarah

  20. Oh Mother of Mercy, my mouth is WATERING and I think I may have drooled onto my computer:):) These sound FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE peaches, have been having them on cereal every day, they are wonderful here too. I am going to try this....have nevr worked with puff pastry before....wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  21. That is the most beautiful thing I've seen in a long time! Looks delicious!

  22. Oh, how pretty! I live in Georgia so there are some really great peaches available. I think I'll have to give this a try. Your photos are so beautiful!


  23. Hello Yvonne... OH my I am drooling all over my laptop keys,,,,lol what a yummy looking post..... I love peaches and never thought of making peach dumplings... apple ones yes,,,, but not peach.... I love your recipe.. now I just need some peaches....


  24. Wow Yvonne, that looks delish! Oh how I wish I was a foodie! :) It looks so artistic!!

  25. Well, how timely! I just bought some gorgeous Washington peaches at the store today!

    Gorgeous photos of a delightful dessert! I can't wait to try it.

  26. Can I say this is a peachy idea to have for breakfast? I am so going to try this out. The peaches are just starting to come in here. I can't wait now to get some and make this! If I had a new ice cream maker I could make my own ice cream. Ok, enough whining....

    Wait til you see what I came up to do with my enormous amount of cukes! It's ingenious! I owe it all to you too!

  27. Yvonne, I don't even know what a pastry cloth is, so I can see that I have a lot to learn. But the rest of the recipe seems easy enough for me to try and it looks delicious! Linda

  28. These look outrageously beautiful, and I love the fact that you use shortcuts. Please, tell us more about the pastry cloth - I've never heard of this! You should do a whole post on it.

  29. Uh oh Yvonne! Looks like I'll be forced to make this scrumptious dessert! I'm not sure mine will be as pretty though!
    Hope your week is going well!
    Big hug,

  30. Oh my heavens!!!! That is as adorable as it is delcious, I'm sure!!!!!

    This is a must try for me!!!

    Great Photography, as usual!! :-)
    Blessings, Carissa
    PS Bought an ice cream maker yesterday!!! :-) Thank you for your advice.

  31. I opened your blog and just said, "Oh, Oh, Ooooh!" My husband is sitting beside me and I kept saying, "Look at that, look at that, look at that!." This was one of the most scrumptious blogs I think I have ever seen. I love the idea of having this for dessert, bathed in cream and with fresh peaches on the side....

    Will you teach photography classes, pleeeeeeease!!! I will come anywhere!

    This was just incredible.

  32. How could ANYTHING be prettier than this. Lovely, simply lovely.

  33. WoW! I'm drooling!
    Great photo's and tutorial Yvonne!
    Thanks for sharing:)

  34. These look simply delicious Yvonne ~ and I am going to hold onto this one to try! Have a wonderful week-end.

  35. This looks divine! If it looks like dessert and you can eat it for breakfast, count me in. I wanted to let you know that I made your panzanella salad and it was delicious! The next day I looked in the pantry only to find the unopened bottle of white balsamic vinegar that I forgot to add:) It was still very good, but I must try it with the vinegar. We had it with filet mignon, yum.

    Have a great weekend.

  36. The photos just take my breath away.. and I am in the mood for dumpling/pies having just made them. Yours are just perfect and a great way to get the most out of the fruit without cooking it to death. Every detail, including plating, is perfect, BRAVO!

  37. I can hardly wait to try these. They looook so good.

    I adore that you use the shortcuts that still end up delicious. Puff pastry is a woonderful invention. Just love it.
    Your photos are so beautiful...
    Please think about doing a cookbook, using all you beautiful recipes and your amazing photos. I sure would be the first to buy it.
    And, I'm NOT kidding. It would be such a hit.
    xo bj

  38. I adore dumplings and am amazed that a whole, unpeeled peach can be done. Less time consuming. Although I am thinking ahead to fall and imagine that the apples would need to be peeled.

    Have a blessed weekend. I am still on a bit of a bloggy sabatical.

  39. Frozen puff pastry is my BEST friend, lol. Another great dessert, Yvonne! I love that you brought out some peach lusterware to serve these on :)

    Have a great weekend, my friend!


  40. I'll be right there!!!! They look to pretty to eat. Wonderful blog:)

  41. Yummy!!!!
    Have a wonderful day!

  42. I've never seen a whole peach inside a jacket like this! Beautiful and yummy! Have a good weekend,


  43. Gorgeous! I've also not seen an entire peach encased in a dough this way. It turned out lovely, almost too pretty to eat! Thanks for sharing this Yvonne!


  44. This is a beautiful dessert! My mouth is watering just reading your post! Toni

  45. Absolutely beautiful. I've never baked a dumpling... this makes me want to experiment. Your photos are lovely!

  46. Yvonne, every recipe you post is one that I'm inspired to do. What a beautiful presentation of such a delicious fruit.

    I'm celebrating my one year blog anniversary with a small selection of gifts. Please stop by and put your name in the "pot".

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  47. I love that these are so much easier than they look. I hope everyone actually reads the instructions and doesn't just see that gorgeous picture and be scared off! We hopefully (if it isn't storming) will be heading a little bit south to the peach orchard this weekend. These will be on my "to do" list!

  48. This is my kind of breakfast! Thanks for the recipe...and the beautiful photographic instructions. I'm off to find some fresh peaches...
    Jane (artfully graced)

  49. Peaches are just coming in on my end of the state. I've made apple dumplings many times but never have I made peach dumplings. I will now. :)

  50. Yummy! Peachy keen! You need to stop by my blog. I featured you on my Pink Saturday post.

    Have a wonderful week! Anne

  51. What a feast for the eyes & the tummy~

  52. Oh, my goodness. What a vision for the senses! I will definitely be trying this as my husband & I prefer peaches over apples any day.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  53. Can I come and live with you? :-) These look fabulous ~ and what a delight to have for breakfast. Hmmmmm, delish!


  54. Love it, love it! Thank you for taking the time to post about this beautiful breakfast/dessert. The name dumpling is too ordinary to quite express how elegant your peaches look.

  55. Love this post - the second time round.

    Thanks so much for being a part of "Summer Sundays".

    - The Tablescaper

  56. You are amazing!!!!!!!!!!! Everything you make....... looks lovlieness!!!!!!! I know that is not a word, but I like it and it fits you! This is a must try!

    Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs from my farm,

  57. Lancaster Pa? if so i am from York Pa.......i just so happened to come across this recipe for peach dumplings and am gonna make this week they sound so good!! i am now a follower and look forward to reading your blog.

  58. I just wanted to say that I LOVE your blog! So excited about all the wonderful recipes you have that I want to try! :)

  59. What a stunning dessert! I have saved it to my recipe file. Thank you!


  60. I rarely turn on my oven during the summer but I couldn't pass these up. They are in the oven right now. We can't wait! Thanks, Yvonne, for the recipe. I am serving them to company tonight for dessert. Now only if I had some of that pretty peach dinnerware too.

  61. They were delicious and such a hit! Mine weren't nearly as pretty as yours though. I think I need smaller peaches next time. Thank you so much for the recipe!

  62. THAN KS for this incredible recipe! Made them for Sunday Dinner and my-oh-my, were they delicious! Mine didn't turn out nearly as cute as yours, but that didn't effect the taste! :) I guess I'm going to have to just keep trying it again and again till I get it right! ;)

  63. Do you think this could be done with an apple??? :)

  64. I just tried this recipe. MMmmmm! These dumplings are so good. I used three peaches and a pear (I forgot about the peaches and ended up with one spoiled.) Even the pear came out wonderful. Thanks so much for the drool-worthy recipes.

  65. Made this for my husband and he loved them. This recipe is so good and easy to make. Thanks for sharing this .

  66. These look beautiful. I have got to go buy some fresh peaches..

  67. My mouth is watering as I can smell the peach dumplings baking. You sent this out on my birthday and peaches are my all time favorite fruit. Will HAVE to try this ASAP! Thanks for the recipe!
