Monday, June 21, 2010

StoneGable Weekly Menu June 21- 27

Weekly Menu:

News Flash! Before I begin this post I just found out that I am a contestant in a "Pink Contest" at Daisy Pink Cupcake! My peony tablescape was chosen. Please visit Daisy and see all the wonderful entries she chose. And if you are so inclined, I would appreciate your vote!  Please vote for me in the FIRST voting section (there are 2 sections). Click HERE to visit all the pink and to cast your vote! Thanks!

This is catch up week at StoneGable! Catch up on gardening, catch up ( or continue my peace accord ) on housework, catch up on bills, catch up on friends, catch up on odds and ends. It seems I have been away for several weekends in a row, or at least part of them.  So I am happily at home for awhile!

This week I am serving my family some StoneGable favorites as well as some new and exciting recipes! I am also busying myself  creating some fun posts for the next couple of weeks! See sidebar for upcoming posts (hopefully) this week.
Thanks to Kendra at Haden New for Monday's Twice Baked Potato Recipe! Her blog is adorable and one I visit often. I hope you will try some of these recipes! Let me know what you think if you try any. I really appreciate the feedback.

Twice Baked Potato Haden News Style
Roasted Broccoli with Drizzled Garlic Oil

Recipe: Twice Baked Potatoes
What a yummy sounding recipe! Kendra at Haden News featured them on her blog last week, and I 'm making them! Click HERE for this delicious recipe!

Mongolian Beef
Sticky Rice
Leftover Roasted Broccoli and Roasted Carrots.

Recipe:Mongolian Beef
I am a big fan of flank steak. In this recipe it is sliced thin and sauteed quickly to keep it tender. Lots and lots of great flavor in this recipe!

1 1/2 lb. flank steak, thinly slice across the grain
1 TBS + 1 tsp butter
1/2 cup hoisin sauce
2 TBS water
2 tsp. minced peeled fresh giner
1 TBS roasted garlic (recipe below)
2 tsp dark sesame oil
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper
4-6 green onions, cut crosswised into 1 inch pieces

Heat oil and butter in a skillet over medium high heat. Cook steak for 3 minutes on each side until browned. Do not overcook steak.

Remove steak to a plate. Add onions and cook until slightly browned and soft.

Meanwhile combine all other ingredients in a small bowl. When onions are slightly browned add steak and sauce back to the pan. Heat for 2 minutes until sauce is slightly reduced.

Serve over sticky rice .

Spicy Oven-Fried Chicken
Smashed Potatoes
Collard Greens

Recipe: Spicy Oven-Fried Chicken
4 Chicken Thighs
salt and pepper
1 TBS Mrs. Dash
1/3 cup yellow cornmeal
1/4 cup flour
1 tsp paprika
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 cup crushed cornflake crumbls
1 packet dry ranch dressing mix
olive oil-flavored cooking spray

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Salt and pepper chicken.

In a shallow dish combine cornmeal, flour, Mrs Dash and paprika. In a second shallow dish add buttermilk. In a third dish add cornflakes and ranch dressing mix. Dredge chicken in the cormeal. Dip in the buttermilk and dredge through the cornflakes, pressing firmly.

Place a wire rack on a large rimmed baking sheet pan. Coat rack with cooking spray and put chicken on rack. Lightly spray chicken with cooking spray.

Bake at 400 degrees for 45-50 minutes until juices run clear.

Recipe: Collard Greens
If you are from the South you know how fabulous Collard's are. If you have never tried them... DO! They are fabulous. The best I've eaten are from  Paula Deen's restaurant's The Lady And Son's!!! And I make her recipe. This is a real winner!!! And worth the work. To see Paula's recipe click HERE.

Grilled Salmon With Sweet Corn, Tomato and Avocado Relish
Cheesy Polenta
Grilled Asparagus

Recipe: Grilled Salmon With Sweet Corn, Tomato and Avocado Relish
When I saw this whole dinner recipe I knew I would make it this week. The corn in our area is still being brought in from Georgia, and it is WONDERFUL. This recipe looks so good, doesn't it? Click HERE to visit Emeril and get his great recipe!

Friday: Company's Coming~Light Relaxed Dinner and Game Night
Cheese Board
Chicken Ceaser Salad
Individual Cherry Cobbler With Homemade Vanilla Frozen Yogurt
Recipe: Chicken Ceasar Salad With Homemade Ceaser Salad Dressing
This week's menu has many of many of my favorites! But if you are going to make 1 thing this week, make the ceaser salad dressing! I am often told that my ceaser salad is the best... I say with humility (sorry, I didn't mean to sound braggy). Click HERE and look for Tuesday's menu.  You will be swamped with compliments when you make it!
Grilled Sausage With Carmelized Onions and Peppers
StoneGable Tortellini Salad
Sliced Tomatoes Drizzled With Pesto

Recipe: StoneGable Tortellini Salad
I get many requests to bring this summery salad to picnics!

1 large bag frozen tortellini
4 green onions, thinly sliced, use white part only
1 carrot, grated
4 slices of roasted red pepper, chopped
1/8 lb. sliced pepperoni, cut in thin strips
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1/3 cup shaved parmesan cheese
1 jar marinaded artichoke hearts, rough chopped
1/2 cup sliced greek olives, pitted
1/2 cup halved cherry tomatoes
2 TBS chopped fresh parsley
2 TBS chiffonade fresh basil
Greek dressing, Gazebo House
salt and pepper to taste

Cook tortellini according to directions, drain and cool. Add all ingredients, except Greek dressing and salt and pepper. Once all ingredients are mixed, add dressing to taste. DON'T OVER DO IT! Salt and pepper to taste.

Sunday: Slow Cooker Soup Day
StoneGable Slow Cooker French Onion Soup
Arugula, Pine Nuts, Shaved Parmesan Salad With Lemon Viniagrette

Recipe: StoneGable Slow Cooker French Onion Soup
This is as good as the often tedious stove top method! Click HERE and see Wednesday's menu. This will be one of your go-to best recipes! It's one of mine!

Recipe: Arugula, Pine Nuts, Shaved Parmesan Salad With Lemon Viniagrette
This is another absolute favorited!!!! Click HERE and look for Tuesday's Menu. I eat this at least once a week. Usually much more. It is fabulous for lunch!

Bon Appetit!


  1. There are several things from your menu that I want to try.. I'll have to come back later to print out the recipes!

  2. Sounds like a yummy week! I agree that everyone should try collard greens! My dad grows them and I am always excited when they are ready to harvest! Carla

  3. Sounds yummy! I want to try the spicy oven fried chicken! thanks for sharing all these recipes!


  4. everything sounds great. I think I am going to try that tortellini soup! mmm by the way I had to look at your post to spell it!

  5. Hi Yvonne, I hope you like the twice baked potatoes!! Make sure you stop by my blog, I am having my first "Giveaway"! Have a great week:)

  6. Sending a sweet hello from Frog Hollow Farm! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. Yes, seeing my son on our porch that afternoon was indeed a wonderful surprise! I love, love, love your weekly menus - that beef recipe sounds great! Glad to hear that you will be home for a few weekends - I love having weekends free from obligations! Ciao, bella!

  7. Yvonne, I'm thinking I just need to come live at your house. However, since that is probably not a possibility, I am going to save some of these delicious-sounding recipes. Thank you for sharing them. laurie

  8. gosh you're making me hungry! great menu!!
    i popped over and voted for your table. can't go past peonies! your tablescape really was truly my favourite, so beautiful, and such gorgeous photography, congratulations!

  9. You've given us a wonderful selection of recipes, Yvonne. I know I will be trying several of them. Your weekly menus are full of inspiration.

  10. I'm coming to your house this week for dinner! Yum!

  11. Oh my goodness, girl! My mouth is watering! Don't forget to share your favorite recipe to serve guests at my hospitality party this week!

  12. Hi Yvonne!
    I really LOVE stopping by your blog several times a week! I so look forward to seeing what you are up to next. Last Week I was inspired by your Pesto posting so much that I decided to make some of my own! I posted about it with lots of pics and referenced your blog for the receipe several times. I have also put your button in my sidebar. Keep up the great work on your blog, I am lovin it!! So many great ideas and receipes I want to try and so little time ~ LOL!
    Carolee ~

  13. Brilliant! I love your blog. And the week's menu. What I really want is a chef, but your menu making and providing great recipes comes a pretty close second. Thanks so very much! xo Lidy

  14. Brilliant! I love your blog. And the week's menu. What I really want is a chef, but your menu making and providing great recipes comes a pretty close second. Thanks so very much! xo Lidy

  15. Oooh, I want the spicy fried chicken (being a Southern girl, of course that's what I would pick!) They all look delicious, though, and I will pop over now and vote for you! XO!

  16. Congrats on the contest, I voted for ya! Also have the onions in the crock pot for the French Onion Soup-yummy!

  17. Wow, yummy! I must admit yours is the only weekly menu post I've read 'cause it's so appealing looking. The pictures and descriptions are fabulous. It's been along time since I've had a twice-baked potato. If my teen hadn't of just left with my van I would run out and get some potatoes now, but she won't be back 'til after dinner is prepared. Now, I'm hungry. Have to go see what's for lunch. :-)

  18. A really good the Tortellini salad..YUM! I liked your post on your study too, such a beautiful place to blog! Come say hi :D

  19. Hello, thank you for visiting me I love your blog and now I am following you. IN Brazil we roll up the colllards and cut it VERY THIN and deep fry it. Hummm it's delecious!!!

  20. Yvonne~ sneaking in for a quick visit while my guest is taking a tour of the backyard/gardens with my hubby.
    For dinner we're having a fresh crab and shrimp salad with our steaks. I remembered your lemon vinaigrette dressing recipe and immediately thought it would be wonderful for tonights menu. Thanks bunches!

    Sweet wishes,

  21. Ugh, if only I had more than 11 cents for groceries this week! Everything sounds great!

    Thank you once again for your sweet comments. That porch unfortunately, is not mine. I have had it in my design file for awhile now. It is pretty though. I do have the white siding. That is about all they have in common!

  22. I love these menus they always give me such great ideas. Thanks for posting them for us!

  23. Hi Yvonne! Congrats to you. I will go over and vote for you! I do believe you're very organized to have all your menus ready! Everything sounds delicious.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  24. Yvonne,

    I'm making your oven-fried chicken today, but do have ranch dressing nor buttermilk. Can I sub with anything else?

    Thank you for your help!! :)


  25. Wow! Your blog is wonderful!!!! And your table settings are just to fabulous for words!!! I can't wait to come back and visit and read and look at all the pictures when I have a little more time!
    Just Beautiful!
