Sunday, June 13, 2010

StoneGable Weekly Menu 6-13~20, 2010

Weekly Menu:
Before I talk weekly menu I want to tell you about a fabulous and FUN party being planned! My friend Catherine at The Shiny Pebble is having a "PARTY"  party! This  fashionable soiree  will begin on  Wednesday June 16th. It is to celebrate the finale of the Interior Design Challenge. The fun starts at 12:01 (Central Time) sharp!
All are welcome! You are to post about anything party. What you would wear, what you would eat or drink, or anything party related!
Catherine, our hostess extraordinare, will explain it all. Go visit her and get in the know about this very interesting, upscale and brilliant party.  Click HERE to get all the info.

Now I know for a fact that fasionista and spectacular friend Splenderosa will be there along with a FABULOUS story about Mom-Mom Chanterel and Chelsea~ these wonderfully eccentric (and fictional) characters. It is worth participating just to read the story!!!!! Click HERE to visit Splenderosa and see her delicious take on the fun!

Please join in! It should be the fashion event of the blogging year... and you won't believe what I am wearing!

Now to something much less spectacular, but very yummy...

The Menu:

This week I must tend to my house. It is VERY angry at me! Every room has a problem!  
My laundry room is sick... it keep throwing up the clothes I have not folded and put away all week. I hate clothes vomit! 
 My kitchen has a mental disorder... multiple personalities. It  thinks it's my office, and is trying to come up with a new filing system for all the bills, papers, magazines, instructions, gift wrap, books and all the what-not notes lying all over my island!
My bedroom is totally fed up and running away from home. It is packing the suitcase that has been lying on the floor half unpacked since my last overnight away. And it is trying to use the unmade bedsheets as a ladder to escape out of the second story window!

 My bathroom has given in to being the most juvenile of delinquents! There is no more toilet paper in it and the kleenex is running low. It has been out late each night toilet papering the neighborhood trees! 

My most trusted confidant, the office, has a huge eating disorder. I can see the tell-tale signs... crumbs on the desk, popcorn kernels on the floor and a two weight watcher fudge bar boxes in the trash can.

Thank goodness my living room and dinning room seem to be holding it together. But things could get ugly very soon. They have created an alliance and are threatning to kidnap the front stairs in an act of defiance if things don't change. I heard them whispering about writing the ransom note in the dust on the dinning room table!

And you thought you had housekeeping problems!
So this week I am signing a peace accord with my house! I promised it that I would spend 6 hours a day- a part time job of a day- nursing it back to physical and mental  health! And that within 10 days (not counting the days I am away... sorry house!) it would be organized, clean and calm.
My house agreed to this arangement but is skeptical. For it's part in this peace accord it will continue give sanctuary and love to all who enter... and it will forgive me! No wonder I love my house.
Now I hear rumors of the garage staging a lock-out in protest. Both of the garage doors don't seem to be opening!

Pan Fried Boneless Pork Chops with White Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Roasted Broccoli with Grated Cheddar Cheese

Recipe: Northern Girl With A Southern Daddy's Pan Fried Bonless Pork Chops With White Gravy
4 boneless pork chops
1 egg
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup plain breadcrumbs
1/2 tsp paprika
salt and pepper
2 TBS olive oil

1TBS butter
1/2 cup flour
2 cups milk

Beat eggs in wide shallow bowl. Mix 1/2 cup flour, breadcrumbs, paprika, a little salt and pepper inn a wide shallow bowl. Dip pork chops, one at a time, in egg and dredge in flour mixture.

Heat oil in large pan over medium high heat.  Put pork chops in pan and pan fry until browned, about 5-6 minutes. Turn over and cook on other side until done through, about 5-6 minutes more. Remove pork chops to platter and cover with aluminum foil to keep warm.

Add butter to pan and melt. Add flour to pan and cook for 3 minutes. Stir so it does not stick or burn. Add milk and stir up all the brown bits on the bottom of the pan. Bring to a simmer, stirring. Simmer until thick gravy.  Plate each pork chop and pour white gravy over it. Very Yummy!

Tuesday: Slow Cooker Day
Beef Barbeque on Buns
Oven fries
Homemade Coslaw

Recipe Beef Barbeque:
I posted this recipe and got so much positive feedback. I hope you will try this delicious, souppy, tasty barbeque! Click HERE and look for Monday's menu. You will find it there.

Spaghetti and Turkey Meatballs
Ceaser Salad

Recipe: Spaghetti and Turkey Meatballs
I love italian food! I am using my tried and true recipe, but using turkey instead of other meats to make the meatballs. Click HERE and look for it on Monday's menu.

StoneGable Crab Cakes (Do over from last week~ we went out)
Sauteed Rice
Roasted Carrot Sticks

Recipe: StoneGable Crab Cakes
If you make these please use lump crabmeat. It makes all the difference. I know it is expensive, so wait and get it on sale. These are one of my most requested dishes. Click HERE and look for Monday's Menu.

Friday ~ Monday
Bobby and Scamp home!Out of Town...AGAIN!
Bobby there is food in the freezer... no takeout!

Have a wonderful week! Please be thinking of me as I strive to be back on civil terms with my house!


  1. Sounds great...and I don't believe any of that about your home! Love the menu for the week, thanks for the ideas to add to mine! :D

  2. LOL..what a fun post, my friend! Like Julie said, I can hardly believe it. My house has it's own complaints. A week of special services at church last week had Mt Washmore taking over around here. I spent the rainy weekend getting things caught up and in order again.

    Have a productive week :)


  3. I CAN believe this about my house, but not about yours!!! It was however, quite a clever post, and I smiled many times as I read it! thanks for sharing your great sense of humor and your motivational speech.....maybe I need to take heed!

    And I'm off to read about the party you mentioned!!! thanks


  4. A sweet hello from Frog Hollow Farm! Both endearing and inspiring! Ciao, bella!

  5. It is VERY hard to believe that your home is messy and/or disorganized!!! I spent today cleaning and getting things back together too. How does it get away from us so easily???? I have no excuses.... Have a wonderful week!!!! XO, Pinky

  6. Pinky, It is almost scandaleous, but sadly true! Sometimes letting the house away from our organized and watchful eye happens. But I am refocused and less tired and it will be back in shape in no time!
    Now if only I could do the same with my little dog!

  7. Loved reading about your home - mine can certainly identify! I'm working hard to make peace, too, but have made no definite commitments and I'm thinking it's not too happy right about now!

  8. I KNEW there was something going on when I realized my house was packing it up- apparently it's planning to meet up with yours! After having houseguests and 6 kids wreaking havoc and mayhem (and lots of laughing) I had to promise my home (and my husband) some undivided attention. A great post that I SO related to!
    xoxo Pattie

  9. Oh My Goodness, Yvonne! You are just so creative!!!! You are hillarious. I will use the laundry vomit to describe my always messy laundry room. Too cute!

    Thank you so much for the write up on the party, and YES, please do bring guests. I would love to meet your friends.

    And what an honour to be your blog of the week! You are so fabulous!!!

    Hugs and Kisses, my dear.

  10. Cute post, Yvonne! You are spending 6 hours a day cleaning for 10 days...yikes, that surely is a misprint...when do you find time to do all the fun things, like tablescaping, cooking, tablescaping and more tablescaping?

  11. This week's menu sounds terrific. Sorry to hear about all the problems in your home. :(

  12. Yvonne, what a cute post. I was just laughing the whole time. My house is in about the same shape. I have got to do like you and stop the madness. Your menu plan sound wonderful and I may copy some of those. I am glad I can come here and find out what we are having this week!

  13. What a cute post. Love all the recipes as usual. Where do you find the time to do all that you amazingly do? Be blessed. Cindy

  14. Thanks for the weekly menu my friend...It all sounds wonderful and Yummy...Hope you have a great week and thanks so much for coming by and seeing me...Hugs and smiles to you Gl♥ria

  15. What a dreadful revolt you have on your hands :) Maybe you shouldn't cook this week :) I bet you are exxagerating to make the rest of us feel better! Just take it one task at a time-- My only problem is when I get it spotless, I want to lock the doors and enjoy it for a while--NEVER HAPPENS! Have a good week and thanks for the sweet congrats on the mixer!

  16. I made your Southwest Tacos in the slow cooker a couple of weeks ago and loved it. You should have seen me standing in the liqueur aisle trying to figure out what a pale ale or a stout beer was! I stood there forever reading all the labels and then moved on in frustration. I came back later hoping to find someone to ask, but no. So I just picked one and went with it. Used it for your recipe and to make a batch of beer bread too. We loved the tacos!

  17. Thanks for making us laugh at the most common of problems all we women face....but...did you know that "All processes manifest a tendency toward decay and disintegration, with a net increase in what is called the entropy, or state of randomness or disorder, of the system. This is called the Second Law of Thermodynamics." So really our homes are just laboratories for proving scientific theories! :o) Toni

  18. Bonjour Yvonne,
    What a hilarious way to describe those times when we let thing...ahem, slide...a bit! I don't believe your home is doing any of that though!
    I will check out The Shiny Pebble now. Splenderosa is so movely along with Mom-Mom!
    Safe travels this week,
    P.S. I'd love to know what you think about the email, but no worries till you get back in town. Be careful!

  19. Hi Yvonne! My house can behave so well for weeks at a time and then act up in a moment--usually at a most inconvenient time! What do you think is needed? Tough love or tender care? I plan to whip mine into shape today! :) Linda

  20. Sadly, I often find myself in the same predicament. Sometimes it takes a mess to make things better, but that doesn't make me like it any more.

    The menu looks yummy this week and the crab cakes have certainly caught my eye.

  21. Well, you gave me my giggle for today! Enjoy your week!

  22. I truly enjoyed reading your blog today. I did get a chuckle and I needed it. Your previous post of making jams made me think of helping my mom make jams and jellys. They always taste so much better then the store boughten ones. Have a wonderful day.
