Sunday, May 16, 2010

Menu Plan May 17~23, 2010

How To Menu Plan and SG Weekly Menu:

"How do you go about menu planning"?   This is a question I hear quite often from StoneGable readers. And, "You are so organized" or "I could never do that". 

I have been menu planning for years and now it is just second nature to me. I menu plan because I am NOT organized by nature and if I waited till the last minute to decide on dinner, we would be eating take out...every night!

Menu planning is not rocket science. Do what works for you. I'm not perfect at it, and sometimes I fall off the menu planning wagon. Oh well! I just get back on track.

Menu planning take time. And thought. And a little effort. But in the long run I think it saves time and you are not trying to think up a dinner at the last minute and the effort is so worth it!

Here's BASICALLY how I do it. There are so many methods. Just make one your own!

Pick a day to plan your menu: Put it on the calendar. Make a date with yourself to menu plan. Pick a time that is right for you. I spend time in the early morning to menu plan. If you can't do this in 1 sitting, break it up into a couple of sessions. Let's say, plan Monday through Wednesday one day and Thursday through Sunday another.

Have resorces handy: Know what is in your freezer, refrigerator and pantry. I have a list of what is in my freezer. Have cookbooks out, recipe cards in front of you and your favorite internet food haunts pulled up. If you like to  shop the sales have your grocery store circulars out in front of you too. Take advantage of sales, menu planning is a great money saver!

Get comfortable: Have on some motivating music, get a drink and a little healthy snack while you plan. Planning always makes me hungry so I eat an apple with peanut butter while I  plan.

No distractions: I don't take phone callsor watch TV when I am menu planning. I give it my full attention and get it done!

Write It Down: Before I started blogging I wrote what I would have for dinner in my planner/calendar right on the date. Now I write my weekly menu as a post. When I first started menu planning I wote it on a piece of loose leaf notebook paper. I wrote each day of the week down the left side of my paper, leaving space to fill in the menu.

Make a skeleton menu: I look at my schedule for the week coming up and if I know that I am going to be out of the house all day on Tuesday, then I plan a slow cooker meal. I start by writing slow cooker next to Tuesday. If I know that on Saturday we are having company I know to plan a meal that is company worthy, and write company's coming next to Saturday. I try not to serve the same protien several days in a row. I will write Monday-fish, Tuesday-Chicken, Wednesday- beef, Thursday-chicken, Friday-out, Saturday-pork, Sunday-soup.

Fill in your menu: Once I know the protien or main dish I am making I look for recipes in those categories. I love to cook so I like to make new recipes. Many menu planners get a repetoire of 20-30 menus and rotate them. Once you have found a recipe you would like to make, be sure to write down where it came from so you don't forget and spend way too much time looking through all of  your cookbooks to find it. That defeats the purpose..and you. Ialso like to use those tiny post-it flags on the cookbook page. Write down every course you will be making and eating.

Make a grocery list: While you have the recipe right in front of you, make a grocery list.

Stick To It: A menu plan is only as good as you are at using it! Make what is on your menu plan. Look at your menu plan the day before and take out any frozen foods that need to be thawed. If you have extra time, some prep work can be done the night before. Now that being said, don't be a slave to your plan. It is not a contest and you don't get a grade- it is a tool to help you. If you get invited to a marvelous last minute dinner in your honor, don't decline because you must make that coc a vin! Go and have fun! Eat the fancy chicken in wine another night.

Recycle Menus: Most of us have about 20 recipes we make often. Use them as the base of your menus and expand from there. Add 1 new recipe every week or two. Try a recipe from a blogger (how about me!). Eat what you love!

Have fun and be adventurous: You can make cooking fun- Learning something new is always fun. Try something you would normally never make. If it flops there is always plan B- take out pizza!

Give yourself grace: This is not something you need to do "right" or "perfect". Just do it, and let it evolve. You will find your way!  Laugh at your mistakes and give yourself a little pat on the back for your victories!

Start this week: Starting is sometimes the hardest thing! You CAN do it! Just do it!

What are your best menu planning tips? Leave a comment with some advice for all of us!

StoneGable Weekly Menu:

I'm out to dinner , but my boys are home
Grilled Turkey Sausages
Oven Fries
Peas and Carrots ( I only cook peas when I don't have to eat them)

Fettuccine With Creamy Spinach Sauce
Caprese Salad

Recipe: Fettucine With Creamy Spinach Sauce
12 oz fettucine
1 TBS olive oil
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, pressed or minced
4 cups fresh cleaned spinach
2 cans crushed tomatoes, italian if prefered
1 cup ricotta cheese, pureed in the blender
pinch of nutmeg
salt and pepper

Cook feffucine according to  package directions. Drain, reserving 1 cup of pasta cooking liquid, keep warm.

Heat oil in skillet over medium high heat. Add onions and cook until soft, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook for 1 minute. Add spinach, tomatoes, and salt. Cook stirring frequently until spinach is wilted, about 5 minutes. Add fettuccine and 1/4 - 1/2 cup of the reserved liquid and ricotta cheese. Cook tossing fettucine until heated through. Add extra liquid if necessary to make the sauce creamy. Sprinkle with nutmeg. I also add shaved parmesan cheese.

Wednesday: Slow Cooker Day
Southwest Steak Tacos
Refried Beans
Shredded Iceburg Lettuce with Chunky tomatoes and onions

Recipe: Southwest Steak Tacos
1 lb flank steak
1 cup pale ale ( I have a stout beer)
Juice from 1/2 orange
Juice from a lime
salt and pepper
8 (6 inch) flour tortilla
sour cream

Combine steak, ale, orange juice, salt and pepper, in a slow cooker. Cook on low for 8-10 hours or 4-5 on high.

At the end of cooking time, transfer steak to cutting board and shred with 2 forks. Discard all but 4 TBS cooking liquid. Add shredded steak and mix.

Soften tortillas and top each with steak. Roll up and top with salsa and sour cream.

Provolone and Olive Stuffed Chicken Breasts
Sauteed Rice
Roasted Asparagus with Cheddar Cheese

Recipe: Provolove and Olive Stuffed Chicken Breasts
I was looking for a chicken dish that would be healthy and easy. This recipe looked so very good to me!
Click HERE for this yummy recipe.

Tilapia with Citrus Bagna Cauda
Steamed Artichokes with Lemon Aioli

Recipe :Tilapia with Citrus Bagna Cauda
This recipe is from Giada De Laurentil and is packed with flavors I love!  I will serve it over a small bed or orzo. Click HERE to see this recipe.

Out to dinner- Family Gathering

Sunday: Soup Day
Beef Barley Soup
Homemade Bread

Recipe: Beef Barley Soup
1 large soup bone with meat
1 1/2 lbs stew beef
1 onion, chopped
3 ribs celery, diced
3 carrots, diced
3/4 cup barley
1 bay leaf
6 cups good beef broth
salt and pepper

Put all ingredients into the slow cooker. Cook on low for 6-8 hours.

~ A very special thank you to Gypsy Purple for featuring me in a post this weekend! Gypsy Purple is a beautiful blog and I am so honored to be among some stunning and creative blogs she highlighted. Please go visit GYPSY PURPLE for a delightful visit full of inspiration!

Look for these upcoming posts and have a blessed week!


  1. Hi Yvonne,

    Thank you for your precious visit to me tonight! I couldn't go to bed without letting you know how I appreciate your comments. I know God is my protector and I am blessed. I love your Menu for the week! Sounds great! Can't wait to see your next creation!

    Miss Bloomers

  2. Thanks for sharing all your good ideas and recipes! You are so organized! :D

  3. A sweet hello Yvonne from Frog Hollow Farm! Wow, you and I must be long lost twins! I love creating and organizing weekday menus for the same reasons you do, and am actually a bit tired of take-out dinners even if they are from great restaurants! Thanks for validating my quest for organization and recognizing the gratification one feels when making the most of time and resources. Ciao, bella!

  4. Those are some great menu planning ideas. I am going to have to try to do that for one month and see if it helps. I have a hard time not cooking like the marines are coming over. I tend to make too much food. Not a great one for leftovers either. So I got some freezer pans and put half the portion in a pan and freeze and the other half I serve. It is so great on those nights that I just don't have time or feel like cooking! Just the other night we had your Ravioli Lasagna. Just as yummy as the first night. I am going to have to try out the recipe from Giada. I just love her!

    Looks like this week is going to be a big one for posting here! Looking forward to all the great posts you have up your sleeve!

  5. Thanks for the tips. I need to do a better job of planning. Carla

  6. Yvonne,

    I don't know a person that can do better tablescapes and menus than you!!!

    I love your photos as well as your content!
    But I am soooo lazy when it come to menu planning. I tried once and it lasted about 1 week :(

    I am sooo lazy, that I wish I could just grab yours and print it! :D

    I read all your tips on it, but I think it's a total habit thing!!! But seriousy, your menu is so cool I am very very tempeted to steal it and claim all the rewards!!! :)

    Love and thank you,
    Oh, I think tomorrow I'll make the spinach pasta with feta instead (can't get ricotta here..)

  7. love this post- like you- I do plan for a different protein each day of the week. The completed menu is posted on our refrigerator for all to see- no more asking what's for dinner. My core recipes (tested and family approved) are written down in my hand into a blank cookbook (for my dd someday ) and working on getting them into the computer- especially those passed down from my grands. Working on making some of the recipes more healthy and perusing weight watchers cookbooks has helped with us all trim down.

    Will try your flank steak recipe this week- what a blessing the slow cooker can be!!

  8. What a great post. Thanks for taking us through these steps and the great recipes. I am not quite as organized as this in my own home but I do know what ingredients I have on hand and try to get my proteins for the week on grocery day. Enjoyed my first visit to your blog and happy to be your newest follower!

  9. Sounds like a very yummy week ahead at StoneGable! :)

  10. Thanks for sharing. Be blessed. Cindy

  11. Delicious menu! I agree with taking stock of what you already have! There's nothing worse than having 2 of something you don't really need, just takes up space in the pantry. We have a freezer full of farm-raised beef and fresh fish (my husband is a coffee roaster so he gets things from his clients and other wholesalers), so I try to plan around whatever we have that week! XO!

  12. Wowo! What a great mind you have! Lovely menu plans and recipes!

    Thank-you for joining in for Wed. night! Bless you!

    love, kelee

  13. Congratulations on being featured, Yvonne! You have such a beautiful blog, and I enjoy visiting.

    And I'm impressed at how you plan your week. This was very helpeful.


    Sheila :-)

  14. You continue to amaze & impress me with your wide range of skills, Yvonne! I learn so much from your wonderful posts. Thanks for the link to Giada's tilapia, too. We're eating more fish these days since DH's ♥ attack.

    ~~~ Rettabug scribbles note to self: if Yvonne ever comes over for dinner, don't serve PEAS!!~~~


  15. you are SOMETHING else!
    how did you know i was thinking i needed to become a better menu planner?
    thing is, i love to cook, but hate the shopping & planning.
    great ideas. thank you for this - really.
    do you tweet? i looked for a twitter tag on your blog, didn't see one.
    i'm going to tweet about this post. (not that i have many followers) but such good advice in this post.
    have a wonderful week.

  16. Thank you for visiting me the other are organized and inspire me to be the your slow cooker recipes..those are the best things ever invented...hugs for a wonderful week ahead. xo

  17. Such a valuable lesson. Life is just better when I organize and then act out my plan. Thanks for sharing yours. It's awesome!

  18. That chicken recipe looks AWESOME!!! I will try that one. It would be tonight but we just had chicken last night:) I wish I had the motivation to do this./ Maybe some day:):) XO, Pinky

  19. Hi Yvonne,
    Great info. My daughter has become one of your biggest fans and uses your menu planning every week now. I have been lucky enough to try some of these delicious meals. Thanks, we love your blog and I am as big a fan as she is.

  20. This was a fantastic post, Yvonne. I loved the tip to write your shopping list as you go. I would have never thought of it. This week we go on a little vacation, but beginning tomorrow I will try my hand at this. Thank you so much for sharing.

  21. One of my least favorite questions in the world is: What's for dinner? I usually make a list of things to make and build my shopping list around it. So, I do a fraction or so of what you said. I really like the way you have it laid out tho. It makes look much easier. I am going to have to give it a go.
