Friday, May 14, 2010

Chive Blossom Vinegar Tutorial

Chive Blossom Vinegar Tutorial:

Chives are in full bloom at StoneGable. They are wonderful perenial herbs with a mild onion/shallot flavor and the most beautiful purple flowers. Here in Pa. they are one of the first spring herbs ready to harvest and use. And they are perfect for making a delicous vinegar.

Making herb infused vinegar is easy and so rewarding.  And cooking with it is even better.  Store bought vinegars are delicious but can be very pricey. With a little time, a handful of chives blossoms and some good quality vinegar you can have your very own homemade Chive Blossom Vinegar! And it is so very very pretty, too!

Chive Blossom Vinegar:
2 cups good quality wine or champagne vinegar
1 large bunch chives and chive blossoms ( if you don't have the blossoms you can make chive vinegar just using chive greens)
The more chives you use the more intense the flavor

Wash a jar with hot sudsy water and rinse thoroughly, or run through the hottest setting on the dishwasher.
Wash chives and chive blossoms. Dab dry with paper towel. Snip the chives into 1/2 pieces.
Put the chives in a large bowl and with a pestal or wooden (DO NOT USE METAL) spoon, crush stems and flowers. Do not smash chives. You just want to release the fragrent juices.
Pour vinegar over chives. Pour chives into the clean jar and cover with a piece of parchment paper or plastic wrap.
Put a rubber band around the parchment paper to secure. DO NOT USE A METAL CAP.

Put vinegar in a dark cabinet (keep out of sunlight).
The next day add more vinegar if needed to fill. The chives may absorb some of the vinegar. Gently shake. Check vinegar every day and refill if needed. Gently shake after each filling. 
Continue to do this for two weeks. I let my chive blossoms steep for several days~ I wanted to post this while chives blossoms were still blooming. The longer you leave them in the vinegar the more intense and developed the flavor will be and the deeper pink it becomes.

To decant:
Wash bottles and spouts with hot sudsy water and rinse thoroughly.
Strain vinegar through a coffee filter to get rid of chive debris. Do not use a metal strainer. I put a coffee filter over a cylinder measuring cup and secured it with a rubber band.

If you want to have chive blossoms or greens in your bottle gently push fresh blossoms and greens into the bottle.

Using a small plastic funnel  pour vinegar into bottles.
Put cork or spout on bottle.

If you are using fresh blossoms or chives greens in your bottle your vinegar will be slightly cloudy. And it's shelf life is not as long as a bottle without the fresh ingredients. I love the look of chives in the bottle. If you use fresh herbs make sure they stay covered with vinegar. They should last for several months this way.

I love to use this herb infused vinegar in marinades and salad dressings. It tastes wonderful splashed on vegetables such as steamed spinach!

Chive Blossom Vinaigrette
(make it in a mason jar)

A good rule of thumb sald dressing is:
1 part vinegar + 3 parts oil + emulsifier + flavorings... shake = great homemade salad dressing

1 part chive blossom vinegar + 3 parts olive oil + dash dijon mustard + salt, pepper and snipped fresh chives... shake = Chive Blossom Viniagrette

Using this method I make many different vinegars. Here are some other combinations to make delicious and attractive vinegars:
*Garlic and Chives in Champagne Vinegar
*Lavender Flowers in Cider Vinegar
*Rosemary in White Wine Vinegar
*Lemon Thyme and Sage in Sherry Vinegar
*Basil, Oregano and Tyme in Red Wine Vinegar

Herb Vinegars make a lovely gift!

I am joining Beverly at How Sweet the Sound  for Pink Saturday! Go and visit all the pink posts!


  1. What a great idea - thanks for sharing.

  2. What a great idea! Love all of the photos. I've been stashing away pretty bottles - maple syrup bottles (after the laborious task of removing the label) and now I know what I'm going to do with them!

    Yvonne, I'm having a meme on June 2nd in honor of my blogiversary and you've got to come join because it's about a question I'm sure you've been asked many times "Where do you keep it all?". If you'd like, come grab the button.

    - The Tablescaper

  3. I am going to have to try this out. I LOVE vinegar! I love to put apple cider vinegar in water and drink in the summer. The plus is these look so pretty! I like the blossoms in the vinegar. I see lots of infused vinegar in my near future!

    Come on give already! What kind of camera are you using! Inquiring minds want to know really bad! I just love the pics that you take. The set up is gorgeous but the pic quality is fantastic. I'm planning on getting a camera really soon.

  4. Oh Yvonne - what stunning, stunning, stunning photos!!!!!! So incredibly beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bravo my friend!

    PS - I lived in Central PA for years... such beautiful country!

  5. Yvonne, I love making herb vinegars- it's amazing how much they add to a dish. Your pictures, as always, are stunning
    xoxo Pattie

  6. Just beautiful Yvonne! Is the method the same for all of the variations?

  7. This post is just POSITIVELY DREAMY!! You make the simplest things so BEAUTIFUL and ROMANTIC!! Can't wait to try this!! Thank you for sharing!! XXOO

  8. Wonderful tutorial, beautiful photography!

  9. I don't know that I'm much for making vinegar... But these photos are gorgeous. Qualitatively--yes. But the components are nothing but amazingly beautiful. Really enjoyed looking.

  10. A sweet hello from Frog Hollow Farm. I can't wait to snip some chive flowers tomorrow and give this a try. Thanks so much for a wonderful and delicious idea. Ciao, bella!

  11. Wow gorgeous Yvonne.
    Thank you for sharing the ingredient. Love herbs.
    Beautiful Pink Saturday post!
    Happy weekend.'

  12. Vonnie...this is so beautiful. And, simple. I think I could even manage this one!!! The main thing is it's beautiful...I would never uncork it, just sit it out and look at the bottles everyday. xx's

  13. This is so pretty...what a great idea! Love it! :D

  14. Beautiful! Happy Pink Saturday!!

  15. Beautiful photographs, they caught my attention immediately.....then the excellent tutorial on making chive vinegar. I don't have chives flowering at the moment but should have plenty in a couple of months time.
    In the meantime I think I'll make the rosemary in white wine vinegar.
    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog and for contnuing to follow Normandy Life. Here's to the next 100!

  16. We have loads of chive blossoms in the garden right now...this is a wonderful idea. Not only would this make a great gift, but it looks so very pretty. Thanks Yvonne for this tutorial....I have never seen it before, but I will be trying it out today!

  17. Yvonne, this is a wonderful idea! I have so many flowering chives outside in the garden and some of my grandma's old Ball jars I can use. All of your images are gorgeous, truly magazine material beauty!
    Your blog is always such a treat to visit, have a lovely day my friend.

  18. That looks so beautiful! My chives are not blooming yet but I hope to try this when they do.


  19. Now I know what to do with all of my chives. Thanks for posting. I can't wait to try it. Carla

  20. What a great idea! Love all of the photos.

  21. Hi Yvonne,
    Your vinegars are just beautiful! I love the way they look in their lovely bottles; love the colour pink! Thank you for sharing and I wish you a beautiful Pink Saturday weekend.


  22. They look so they taste great, too! Happy PS!! dana

  23. Beautiful and so simple, even I could manage it! A great way to use up all those gorgeous pinky purple blossoms, too.

  24. How lovely they look! The garden helpers pulled my chives..I will have to wait till they grow back!

  25. The photography is amazing.

    I love this idea too.

    Becky K.

  26. I have not made herb vinegars in so long! This looks absolutely gorgeous tickles me pink (hint, me about being tickled pink)!!!!


  27. what a great idea! thanks for sharing! this would be great for gifts!.. happy PS

  28. What a great idea , I will try it !
    We have also "BIESLOOK" in our garden !

    Love from the Netherlands ♥Rini♥
    Please come over to my blog to see the give-aways there ;o)

  29. Yvonne - my email is

    It should also be on the profile page

  30. Your photos are just amazing! And the tutorial is wonderful, thanks for all the inspiration and creativity. You have a gorgeous blog. Come by for a visit!

  31. I have never made herb vinaigretts but yours looks so pretty that I have to try it. The bottles are gorgeous and so are your pictures. Have a great Sunday.

  32. What a great idea, Yvonne! And your photos are simply gorgeous!


  33. Yvonne, this is too pretty to even use! Just gorgeous!


    Sheila :-)

  34. Oh, I love how pretty your bottles are. My chives are in full bloom right now so I'll certainly have to try this. Thank you so much for sharing!

  35. Wow! That was a brilliant idea. Imma try this at home. This is so impressive. Wheeew! =)

  36. Gorgeous photos Yvonne. And the tutorial is wonderful. I'm going to make some of these. I love flavored vinegars. What a great gift idea too.

