Friday, April 23, 2010

Tag, I'm It!

Playing Along:

My BBF (Best Blogging Friend) Maggie at The White Farmhouse wants to play tag! She asked me to re-post the 6th picture I ever posted. Just a quick note about Maggie- she is hysterical! I love to visit her. She has what I call the Lucille Ball factor. Her antics and life make her irresistably charming. Click HERE to visit this wonderful blog.

I have been thinking a lot lately about my blogging journey. I have been blogging for 7 months! When  I started I could have never dreamed that this adventure would mean so much to me.

I have met so many wonderful people! I find our community warm, creative, sympathetic and encouraging. I could use about 100 more positive adjectives! And if you know me you know I love adjectives. I just want to travel the country, and for that matter the world, and visit all of you face to face!

I have been able to archive parts of my life and loves for my children and hopefully theirs children ...and so on. Do you think blogging will someday be the Little House On The Prairie of our times?  I hope so. It is a chronicle of our generation.

Well, back to the 6th picture. My first post was about welcoming the world through my front door. This is part of my front door and my 6th picture. I was showing an etched looking "P" (for our last name) on a sidelight window. I was so enamored by the monogramed windows I saw in Savannah, I came right home and put one on mine.

Every season my front porch goes through a change. I usually have some kind of theme for planting pots and decorating. Last summer I called it "Profusion". I just wanted big plants, big color and a big statement. Hopefully you can see the pink- this is after all Pink Saturday.

Look carefully. Can you find Baby, our cat in this picture?

A wider shot of the front door and porch.. and Baby.

This is why I called my blog StoneGable... it is the name of our home. You can see the house sign in our stone gable.

If you would like to see my very first post click HERE.

Now be a good sport and play along- It's fun to take a walk down memory lane! Tag 10 people and do the same!

Tag your it:
Mrs. P @ Faithfulness Farm
Rachel @ The Atwoods
Mimi @ Bonjour Romance
The Tablescaper
Pattie and Allie @ Bramasole... To Yearn For The Sun
Patricia @ Butter Yum
Sue @ I Need Mom
Splenderosa @ Gems on Glamour
Beverly @ How Sweet The Sound
And YOU ! I say the more the merrier...

Thanks Maggie, this WAS fun!

I am joing Chari at Happy To Design for Sunday Favorites. She is celebrating her 52nd- ONE YEAR- anniversary of Sunday Favorites! Congratulations to you Chari! As a new Sundy Favorites participant, I just love seeing posts from the past! Go over to Chari's great blog and catch up on the best of the best from the past!

I am participating in Pink Saturday at How Sweet The Sound, hosted by our dear Berverly. Beverly was just featured in the fabulous magazine, Artful Blogging to celebrate 2 YEARS of Pink Saturday! Congratulations to you, my talented friend!!!!


  1. Yvonne-I am SO impressed with your first post! You started out a pro! Love that stencil on the window. I'll go over and check out Maggie :)

  2. It's hard to believe you've blogged less than a are so talented!!! Your photos are always so well done and you have a fantastic eye for beautiful things! Love visiting your blog!


  3. Hi there...I LOVE the planter on the door! Do you have to take it down to water it? Very out because those sweet little birds love to make nests in things like this! Love your home to, very beautiful and how did you get the cat to pose in the front shot too...awesome! Come say hi :D

  4. Hi Yvonne - You are so sweet to tag me - thank you very, very much!

    You know how much I love your blog, but I guess I didn't realize how "young" it was. Hard to believe it's only been in existence for 7 months!

    PS - I love, love, love that you've named your house!

  5. Well, bless your heart, Yvonne for adding me to the 6th picture soiree. Love it. And, love your house, your plantings and your cat who really was camo'ed in the pic. Your post is brilliant. And such a short time to have picked up such a loving cast of friends, including me. xx's

  6. So beautiful plants at the front door.
    Happy Pink Saturday!!!


  7. Oh Yvonne!! I just got back on this morning after being off all week (Allie's Confirmation guests just left!) and this is the first thing I see!! I hope you don't mind, but I am SO stealing that monogram idea!!I am off to AC Moore this morning! Just beautiful!!
    xoxo Pattie

  8. Great idea!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

    In Shoes We Trust,
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  9. How is it that your first pic is a dazzler? I knew it would be! Thank you for your sweet comments! I am blushing right now as I type! Right back at ya babe! I would love for you to come and visit so I could dazzle you with my brilliance! ROFL! Just let me know cuz my door is always open to you! Just wait til you see the chargers that I am getting! They were totally inspired by you!

    Love the front porch! How gorgeous is that? The stone work is something to drool over. And the shutters! I'd love me some shutters! Baby is a doll. She is just the finishing touch that is needed!

    I am going to start doing a party once a month. I do so hope that you will come and play!

  10. Love your front porch and door. I am glad that you were tagged, or else I would have never had the chance to see this. Carla

  11. What a lovely post. you are so talented. Take care! Nancy

  12. Well I clicked back to see your first post, and kept on going till I had to get up and move!
    So many wonderful posts, Yvonne!

  13. Hello Yvonne,

    I'm Becky from Hospitality Lane and I am also in Lancaster County. It would be simply delightful to have you join us in our Blogger meet at Longwood Gardens. We have not yet chosen a date but if you are interested we can keep you in the loop.

    I found you through your visit to Bunny at Paris House Designs.

    Becky K.

  14. Your home is so welcoming! I believe the stone just makes such a statement! Hope you have a great Pink Saturday, and thanks for stopping by to comment on my grand daughter Anya's photo on my Pink Saturday post. Come back again sometime!

  15. What a lovely 'sixth picture' and oh so sweet kitty in your stonegabled house!..,

    You are such an inspiration to all of us with your 'seven month young', blog!.., You are such a joy and very exceptionally talented dear lady!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  16. I love these pics ! That monogram window is so cool - you are very creative !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  17. Hi Yvonne...

    Darlin', your home is absolutely gorgeous! Now I understand the name "Stone Gable" for your blog! I just love that beautiful stone...your home is my "dream home"!!! Seriously!!! Your porch and entry is sooo very warm and inviting! Just like you, sweet lady! I love all of your potted flowers! I have always thought that mixing the plants and flowers in a pot makes for the most beautiful display and yours are certainly showcase worthy!!!

    My friend, I was just elated to see you join up with Sunday Favorites...Welcome! I do hope that you'll join us again! I sooo appreciate the sweet mention in your post and all the warm well wishes for Sunday Favorites "One Year" birthday celebration!!! Thank you, Yvonne!!!

    Have a wonderful day, Darlin' and best wishes in the gift card giveway!

    Chari @Happy To Design

  18. Yvonne, what a charming front porch. Love that you named your home! Clever idea to post about the 6th photo. Thanks for sharing this. It's fun to see previous posts. When I have extra time for the computer (not that I do!) I like to go to blogs and look back through the previous posts. I need a rainy day so I'm inside to do this. LOL

  19. Love your front porch! Thanks so much for sharing and have a blessed day!
