Monday, April 19, 2010

StoneGable Menu: April 19-25

My menu plans have been MIA for a couple of weeks. I had decided not to post them anymore- for a few good reasons. Even though they are very helpful to me, I wondered if a weekly menu and some recipes were interesting and helpful to you, my cherished reader friends. And after coming back from two trips filled with delicious food I want to lose a little weight- and how exciting is lettuce? And yet another reason for my decision was I want to make small changes to eat more healthfully- not perfect, just a little healthier.

Well, that decision lasted two weeks! I've gotten some comment about the missing menu and some e-mails too- and I have been convinced to keep StoneGable's Menu Plan around, at least for the time being.

Lo Calorie Spring Rolls
Sauteed Fried Rice
Fortune Cookies (left over from take-out)

Recipe: Lo Calorie Spring Rolls
This delicous looking recipe comes from Michael Lee West at Designs By Gollum. She is the fabulous hostess of Foodie Friday. I was so excited to see these gems on her blog! Click HERE for this yummy recipe.

Recipe: Sauteed Fried Rice
1 TBS olive oil
1 onion, diced
2 ribs celery, diced
2 cups basmatti rice
3 1/2 cups chicken broth
1 egg scrambled
1 TBS. soy sauce

Heat olive oil in a large skillet. Add onion and celery and cook on medium heat for 5 minutes, until they are translucent  Add rice and "fry" in skillet for 5 minutes. Add chicken broth and cover. Cook for 20 minutes. While rice is cooking scramble egg in a frying pan. Set aside. When rice is done add soy sauce and scrambled egg.

Chicken Ceaser Salad with Homemade Croutons

Recipe: Grilled Chicken Ceaser Salad: 
I add grilled chicken to this delicious ceasar salad. This is the best best best ceaser dressing ever!!!
Click HERE and find Tuesday's menu.

Recipe: Homemade Croutons
stale crusty bread or baguettes
olive oil
butter, melted
garlic salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut stale bread into large crouton size chunks. Put on a large rimmed baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and a small amount of melted butter. Sprinkle with garlic salt. Toss. Bake in oven for 15-20 minutes. Watch these closely, they will burn easily! I speak from experience.

Teriyaki Grilled Pork Loin Medalions
Roasted Broccoli with Shaved Cheddar
Baked Potato Latkes

Recipe: Baked Potato Latkes
pam cooking spray, butter flavor
2 lbs yellow potatoes, peeled
1 onion, diced finely
1 clove garlic, diced finely
1/2 cup egg substitute
3 TBS. plain breadcrumbs
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper

This recipe was adapted from Weight Watchers.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray the muffin cups of a muffin pan with pam.

Spray pam in a small skillet and heat on medium heat. Add onion and cook for 3 minutes until translucent. Add garlic and cook for 1 additional minute. Take off heat and set aside.
Shred potatoes using the large holes of a box grater. Put potatoes in collander and squeeze potatoes to get rid of exta moisture. Turn potatoes onto several layers of paper towel and squeeze out any remaining moisture. Put potatoes in a large bowl and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix.
Divide ingredients between the 12 muffin cups. Bake for 30 minutes, and spray tops of potatoes with pam. Put them back into the oven to finish baking for 30 additional minutes. Remove from oven to wire rack. cool for 10 minutes and serve.

Cream of Asparagus Soup with Pancetta
Parmesan Twists

Recipe: Cream of Asparagus Soup with Pancetta
Recipe will be posted for Foodie Friday

Recipe: Parmesan Twists:
1 box puffed pastry
parmsean cheese, finely grated

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Roll out puffed pastry. Cut into 1/2 inch strips, cutting the shorter side. Lay strips on a large rimmed baking sheet. Using both hand and twisting in opposite direction, twist strips. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese, flip and sprinkle other side. Bake for 20 minutes or until done.

Chicken Taco Salad

Saturday: Family Coming For Dinner
Wedge Salad with Bleu Cheese Dressing
Flat Iron Steak On Skewers
Bow Tie Pasta with Homemade Pesto
Grilled Zucchini with Balsamic Dressing
Ice Box Cake

Recipe Flat Iron Steak On Skewers:
This is a family favorite. Flat iron steak is more tender than any other steak, except fillet mignon. If you cannot get flat iron steaks in your area use skirt or flank steaks. You can marinade and grill the whole steak or cut it into strips, marinade it and put it on skewers.
Click HERE and fnd Tuesday's menu for recipe.

Sunday: Company Luncheon
Chicken Salad in Phylo Cups
Caprese Skewers
Mini Orange Muffins
Cheese Board
Mini Cheese Cakes

As you can see, the menu at StoneGable is less fussy and more health conscious. That is until the weekend, when we have company. Thanks goodness for company and the weekend!!!!

Have a Yummy week!


  1. Sounds wonderful Yvonne. This is Allie's Confirmation week so we're busy, busy! Big night is Wednesday and she wants cheesecake! She definitely inherited the family DNA! We're also doing Spring Rolls- it's a favorite here
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Yvonne,
    YOu always come up with such great recipes. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Your menu sounds good, especially those lo cal spring rolls! I'll have to look at that recipe.


  4. All of these sound great Yvonne! I saw Michael's Spring Rolls too and thought they looked so good.
    Have a great week!

  5. I love reading your menus!! Let me know how your Spring Rolls turn out, I too am interested in those :) Have a great week!

  6. What ime are we eating? Be blessed. Cindy

  7. ummm, I need to make a run to the market for some of these ingredients. Mr. Sweet and I are trying to eat more healthy, too. These all sound delightful.
    xo bj

  8. Look at you. You are so organized! I'll have to check those spring rolls out. We do the same thing. Weight conscious during the week and then blow it on weekends!! Have a great week!

  9. This all sounds so yummy! Especially those spring rolls--I love spring rolls!

    Have a great Monday, Yvonne!

  10. Everything sounds so good. I missed not having your yummy menu last week. I like that you are doing it more weight conscious. I have gained quite a bit of weight following your blog. Blah! Who am I kidding, I was fat before that.

  11. Yvonne, can't wait to see the cupcakes you make! :)

    They make great favors too! I forgot to mention, but have you tried adding a jam (jelly) or chocolate filling? Tastes yuuuummyy!


  12. When I check out your menu plan and view your beautiful tablescapes, I always wonder if you are close enough to Chicago for me to come for dinner. I'd bring the dessert!!


  13. Bonjour Yvonne,
    So glad you decided to keep doing the Weekly Menus. The Spring rolls look delicious, and you have included a great selection of healthy foods. Yes I definitely need to start eating much more healthy!
    Happy week,

  14. Wow! Love your blog! Thanks for your nice comments on my new Etsy store items.

    The tutorial you did on the hydrangea arrangement was wonderful! Take care, Kristen

  15. Hi Yvonne!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day, and thank you, thank you for your sweet comments about my cakes! I'm a new follower of yours and am putting you on my blogroll!! Those recipes sound fantastic!

  16. Your blog is lovely. I recently found it and it has quickly become one of my favorites. THANK YOU for posting your yummy menus and recipes. I made the taco soup this weekend and my family loved it.

  17. Thank s so much for all the care you take with your lovely blog..No wonder all that surrounds you is perfect.

  18. I so love your menus; you make the best stuff! I am trying to eat a little healthier (and lighter) too, so this week's menu is great. Thank you for continuing to post your menus. They, as well as your tablescapes, are some of my favorite things on the 'net.

  19. Hi Yvonne,

    So glad you stopped by for a visit and left a comment so that I could find you here at your gorgeous blog! I have so enjoyed my first visit and will return often for inspiration and the menu ideas. ~jermaine~

  20. I love your blog. And thanks for the's always fun to have new ideas.

  21. What a lot of thought and work you put out here...thanks for sharing it all looks so good! Come say hi :D

  22. Hi Yvonne! It's always fun to see what's on your menu. It's nice to see your've left a few things in the sweets department! LOL! I am trying this week to cut back on carbs. That's a hard one.

    Always love checking in with you.


  23. Well I'm on my way home from a few days in Boston and I know what you mean about needing to adjust eating habits to get myself straight. Thanks for the great recipes.

  24. Lovely menu, Yvonne! I am sure Sunday's guests will be delighted!

  25. Stopping by to thank you for your comments on my blog.

    Your blog is beautiful! Wonderful posts! Great ideas! And I especially love the herb butter ideas!

    I know I have to do something about myself in the health department, but to tell you the truth, I could happily live on nothing but ice cream! (And maybe throw in a few salty chips!).

    All the best,

  26. I'm doing a bit of surfing through your previous posts, and I am becoming a follower. I will add your blog to my blog's sidebar so I can see all your new posts. My hubby and I were just talking about planning out our weekly meals a bit better, and your ideas and recipes look very interesting. Thanks for the inspiration.

  27. Yvonne,
    Your menu does look fantastic.. I am a little late getting back to you... Thank you for all your kind comments. Love your blog.


  28. hi all my best world !!!
