Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Stone Gable Egg Salad With Cream Cheese and Herbs

What do you do with all those hard boiled eggs after Easter?  After you have eaten a dozen or so... do they sit in the frig until you throw them out?

I am one of those people that are delighted to have hard boiled eggs on hand. 

Using a recipe I have had since college, I make a yummy and fresh egg salad that I eat on a piece of great toasted bread.

What makes this recipe so special... cream cheese and fresh herbs. You will so happy you tried this egg salad recipe!!!

My chives have shown up in the herb garden just in time to be a part of this yummy dish! I hope you try this very special egg salad. And if you do you... are sure to make it often.

StoneGable Egg Salad with Cream Cheese and Herbs:
4 oz. cream cheese (use the real, full fat kind)
1/2 cup mayonaise (use the real, full fat kind)
1 TBS good dijon mustard
1 dozen hard boiled eggs, peeled and rough chopped
salt and pepper to taste
2-3 TBS snipped fresh chives
1-2 TBS fresh snipped parsley

 Put 4 oz. cream cheese, mayonaise and mustard in a food processor. Process until smooth.
Add rough chopped eggs, salt and pepper to processor and pulse until just mixed.

Remove egg salad to a medium bowl and add chives and parsley. Mix.
Serve immediately or put in container and refrigerate.

Here's my favorite way to eat egg salad...

Toast bread, Lightly butter. Slice a large tomato and put on bread. Top with 3 slices of crisp bacon and a scoop of egg salad. Eat with a fork and knife. This is decedent and company worthy!



  1. Mmmm... sounds good. I like the idea of adding the cream cheese.

    - The Tablescaper

  2. Oh, thank goodness you are back! I was starting to have some serious withdrawals! I do so hope that you are feeling better. I can't believe all the people that you had over. Especially after being sick too?! You ARE my hero!

    This looks so scrumptious. I am definitely going to try this one out. So far, all of your recipes have been a hit at my house. I am sure that this one will also be a favorite. I love good egg salad and one with cream cheese? Can I say heavenly? I was imagining these as crostinis with proscuitto and tomato.

    Why am I always hungry after leaving here?

  3. Looks delicious....real full fat kind and all. Nothing is better than the real thing. :)

  4. Looks and sounds delicious, Yvonne. The picture of the plated sandwich sitting on the napkin is beautiful!

  5. Oh yum, that sounds so good! I love egg salad but the addition of cream cheese makes this sound extra yummy:) Your food photo's are gorgeous!

  6. OK, I want egg salad for lunch now. :) This sounds and look divine! I trust your trip went well and your Easter dinner went off without a hitch! Have a blessed Tuesday, Yvonne!

  7. Oh my, that sounds really good, I'm hungry now!! Wish I could reach through this computer and grab that sandwich!! ;) Your presentation is so appealing.. And your photo's are great...

    Have a great day... I'm going to eat now! ;)


  8. My goodness - this sounds positively decadent with the full fat cream cheese and mayo. I did add arugula to my plans for fall and next spring's garden-love it's peppery flavor. Do think that this recipe would be perfect for a girly brunch.

  9. I was thinking just yesterday how good egg salad would be! So glad you shared your recipe with me; I'll try it for lunch today.

    You might want to stop by my blog today. It's my 100th post and I'm giving away some great prizes to two lucky commentors.


  10. This looks soooooo good! We are serious about our egg salad at my house. I am going to give this try and see how my critics...I mean my family;)...like it!

    More beautiful images...your blog is a feast for the eyes as well as the stomach;)!

    Happy Tuesday!

  11. This looks and sounds so wonderful...I can almost taste it now. Gosh, you're making me so hungry! Come visit me...I'm having my first giveaway...a $100 gift certificate! Also, adding you to my blog list on my sidebar...love your blog and all these great recipes you always offer. Have a great week!

  12. Yvonne, I've been making egg salad for years with cream cheese- learned from a Jewish neighbor! Your pictures are absolutely stunning as always. I've also added small amounts of diced sun-dried tomatoes for color and flavor. Hope you had a wonderful visit with that handsome boy!
    xoxo Pattie

  13. Bonjour Yvonne,
    This looks delicious, I've never added cream cheese to egg salad...until now! I know what you mean about the chocolate bunnies, glad I'm not the only one.
    Happy week to you,

  14. YUM...that does sound good...I will try adding it into the mix for a daughters baby shower! Come say hi :D

  15. This sounds like a nice alternative for a ladies luncheon. You always have such great presentation, Yvonne. You could make peanut butter and jelly look gourmet! :)

    I just noticed my chives have popped up too!

  16. The cream cheese must make it so creamy good... great idea I know I will use as egg salad is one of my favorite lunches!

  17. I'm not a big "egg" person but this looks really good!

  18. Wow does this look good. I wonder if it would be ok with lower fat stuff...probably not. Sigh. Wonderful pictures here and of your Easter table!

  19. Hi there,

    Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. :)

    That egg salad looks so delicous. I love egg salad too! Great pictures of it also.

  20. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. Your blog is lovely. I will be back for sure.
    Your egg salad look delicious, I'll have to try it!

  21. Wanted to stop by and say thanks for visiting my "Words of Encouragemetn" post and boy did I get a feast for my eyes! Your table scapes are just BEAUTIFUL. I love the pansy in the egg the most, but all are just wonderful. Do you like up to Between Naps on the Porch? She does a link for tablescapes and yours would be perfect. I wish I was better at that. I am putting your blog on my sidebar so I can get some good recipies. I'm not very good at that either! Oh Well. Blessings...Sherry

  22. I have made egg salad the same way as my ancestors--way back ancestors--for years. Mayonnaise, a touch of yellow mustard, sweet pickle relish, some of the sweet pickle juice and, of course, the eggs. I do love this recipe but I'm very anxious to try yours. It sounds deliciously different. And, I have all those eggs that I tried, unsuccessfully, to dye with red onion skins. ;-)
    Thanks for the recipe.


  23. YUmmmm!!!
    Thanks for finding my blog and leaving such a sweet comment!
    I'm so glad to have found your blog ... it's amazing!

  24. Your egg salad recipe sounds delicious. I see it dressing up tiny pastry shells or cream puffs. Thanks for sharing. :)


  25. Oh, I bet this is delicious. Anything with cream cheese & mayo are right at the top of my list.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  26. I agree, the cream cheese is wonderful! I added it to my scalloped potatoes this time, and they were really good..
    How about our Alma getting published?? I hope the papparazzi don't bother us when we shop at the Dollar Tree! :)

  27. Hi! I'm trying to work my way back a little bit. Limbo is a good word for where I am, although I've been much too tired to notice. I feel so blessed to have this time with my parents, but it certainly zaps all my energy. Now that she is home, I think it will get easier. Although between the doctor appts. and therapy sessions...we will still be busy. After all that has happened to her the past weeks, I just think I'm lucky to be able to be here.

    Now, for the egg salad. I love it, have never added cream cheese and I always have it for lunch, not breakfast. I have had an egg salad BLT at a favorite restaurant and it was delicious. I'm going to read back through your posts...I won't comment on all of them, but know that I read them.


  28. I have a ton of eggs left over and I can't wait to try this! Thanks for sharing.


  29. Yum, this sounds really good!
    We had the most unusual (for our family) Easter menu ever: we had tuna steaks, salmon, catfish, & chicken breasts on the grill. So this evening I made a favorite of my hubby's with a new twist: tuna noodle casserole made with fresh grilled tuna instead of canned. For more details, check out my blog tomorrow... (Seasoned-Sister.blogspot.com) I found you through NewEveryAM (my daughter!)

  30. we had our first egg salad sandwich today, but i will try this tomorrow!!! because we have PLENTY for some more sandwiches.
    your pictures are beautiful!!!

    hope you had a beautiful easter!

  31. Yvonne, Thanks for the blog feature! You're too kind! Also, thanks for the noodle advice on my soup. I'll definitely have to give that a try next time I make it! :)

    Blessings for you today!

  32. Yvonne,

    This looks wonderful. I am going to whip some up tomorrow. Your blog is so lovely. Thanks for all your inspiration. I don't think I have told you how much I love coming here.


  33. Not only does this sound delicious, but you have such a wonderful way of presenting this yummy egg salad. I plan to try your recipe for my family very soon. Thank you for sharing.

  34. Yvonne~I've never thought of adding cream cheese to my egg salad, which is a unusual for me,because I use cream cheese in m-a-n-y sauces and desserts.
    I had to chuckle at the "use the real, full fat kind"... that is sooo me in sooo many ways,lol!
    I love cooking with full flavors...butter and cream. I also like the versatility of this recipe. You could apply this into an hor'sdourves for any spring event.
    I'll be posting about nests and what to fill them with and this would be ideal.

    Sweet wishes,

  35. Hi Yvonne - thank you so much for this recipe. With vegetarians in the family, this will be a welcome change from the plain egg salad sandwich. Enjoy your day, Deb

  36. This looks so delicious Yvonne! I love chives!
