Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sweet and Savory Palmiers

I was in a adventurous mood. I had planned to make little sweet palmiers (elephant ears) and got impatient while they were firming up in the frig.

 With one more sheet of pastry left I thought, "Why couldn't I make a savory version of palmiers?" 
Foraging in my frig I came up with three cheeses and some fresh chives. "Okay, good enough!" And the results were delicious...

It's so good to be in the kitchen, creating something yummy and easy and a recipe my family will LOVE!


1 sheet puff pastry
Sanding Sugar (or regular sugar)

Make cinnamon sugar by mixing 1/4 cup sugar and 1/2 tsp cinnamon together in a small bowl. Set aside.
On a covered surface  (I used my pastry cloth) sprinkle sugar liberally. Roll dough to about a 10 x 12 inch rectangle. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.

Starting at the one long end, roll up until roll reaches the center.

Roll up other side to meet in the center.

Put roll on a parchment lined baking sheet and pop into the freezer for 10 minutes.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. (This is when I made the savory palmiers also to this point).

Cut in 1/2 inch slices. I think I would cut them just a little bigger next time.

Place on a parchement lined baking sheet about 1-2 inches apart and sprinkle with sanding sugar. Put palmiers in the frig for 30 minutes.

Bake for 12-15 minutes, until golden brown.

Cool on wire rack for 10 minutes. Peel off parchment and finish cooling on wire rack.

Savory Palmiers:
1 sheet puff pastry
1 1/2 cups cheeses. I used what I had at hand. Parmesan, sharp cheddar, and "Shaky" cheese, Kraft parmesan- okay, don't judge me! I was raised on the stuff!
dash red pepper
handfull of fresh chives, chopped
Kraft Parmesan cheese

Mix cheeses, red pepper and chives in a bowl, set aside.
On a covered surface (I used parchment paper) sprinkle shaky cheese to lightly cover surface.

Roll out dough to about a 10 x 12 inch rectangle.
Sprinkle with cheese. Don't load it up but make sure the dough is covered evenly. I had a little extra and popped it into the freezer for later use.

Roll sides like sweet palmiers. Put in freezer on a parchment lined baking sheet for 10 minutes.

Cut into 3/4 inch pieces. Place on parchment lined baking sheet and sprinkle with shakey cheese and put in frig for 30 minutes.

Bake for 15-18 minutes.

Cool for 10 minutes in baking sheet. Remove to wire rack. These can be eaten warm or cold.

The savory palmiers were my favorite. They would be a great hors d'oeuvere. Tonight is soup night here at  StoneGable. Soup always is comfort food to me. Not only is it delicious but very good for me too! These savory palmiers will be a great pairing.

Remember to

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  1. SO easy, but what a great idea. I love having puff pastry on hand for quick desserts or appetizers.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  2. These both look like keepers. It looks like Easter Brunch just got two more items added to it.

  3. I like to keep these on hand for drop-ins. They're a favorite of my oldest son. So glad you're feeling a bit better!
    xoxo Pattie and Allie

  4. Yvonne - your palmiers looks so lovely and I bet they taste even better! Joni

  5. both sound so yummy! I just so happen to have some puff pastry, several cheeses - no chives though, darn!

  6. They sound delicious and look beautiful too. I may have to try this recipe. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comment.

  7. Yvonne,
    The ones with the cinnamon and sugar look so yummy and add a cup of coffee. Wow!

  8. Yvonne--Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving your sweet comment. You are so kind!

    By the way...these look YUMMY! :)

  9. I have made the sweet, can't wait to try your savory recipe! You always make everything look beautiful! Hope you are feeling better :)

  10. Your photography is exquisite! Magazine worthy! The recipes look really good, too!

  11. Yvonne, if you're going to join this family, it will be as my long lost sister!! I'm about to trade my brother in anyway!
    {{{Hugs}}} Pattie

  12. Oh, know I LOVE puff pastry. I'll be trying your savory version soon....very soon!


  13. Those would be great for Easter, Yvonne! Thank you for the fabulous directions!
    Were your ears ringing? I talked about you in my FF post..:)

  14. These look fabulous! I am glad you are feeling better.


  15. Yvonne-First, I am glad you are feeling better! I can't decide which way I would like this better--I'll just have to try both! They are both beautiful! Thank you for the recipes. Take care of yourself!

  16. The savory version looks wonderful. What a great appetizer. I really had a good laugh over not judging you for the Kraft 'shaky' cheese. Did any of us know growing up that you could buy parmesan by the chunk??? And unless you lived in an Italian neighborhood, you didn't even know what pecorino-romano was!

  17. I was wondering what had happened to you. You just didn't seem around as much as usual. I do so hope that you are feeling better. Being sick is not fun at all. I wish you lived closer, I could bring you soup to cheer you up.

    These look great! I think I will have to try them out. Of course the sugar ones are much more appealing. All those yummy calories!

  18. Oh my gosh they BOTH look and sound SO good. I will try both, maybe for Easter!!! Thanks so much! XO, Pinky

  19. Both look and sound great. Your photos are fantastic. These look so easy...can't wait to try them both. Glad you're feeling better. Bronchitis seems to linger on and on. Take care!

  20. For Pinky- You are always so kind to stop by my blog and say the sweetest things! Just wanted you to know how much that means to me!

  21. Your step by steps are outstanding. Not only are they beautifully photographed, they are spot on and I am with you in your kitchen, asking about sanding sugar (what is it?) vs regular. I've thoroughly enjoyed your photography info. I had such a time this afternoon. My husband had a skin cancer removed today, and we were gone most of the day. I zipped into my trusty Publix then came home and nothing worked. Couldn't get into a zoneI have writing days like that, too. :-)
    Hope you feel better SOON.

  22. Hello Yvonne~I've just strolled in for my first visit...I've enjoyed taking a peek at your past posts. You've got so many wonderful ideas. Your blog is so beautifully inviting.
    We share similar taste for so many of the same creative design elements.
    I appreciate your detailed instructions wrapped up in your lovely photos.

    As spring approaches I looked forward to applying it's inspirational palette of colors into a few DIY decorations and gifts, with a little baking/cooking in between.
    Don't you love the aroma that fills the air during this season?
    It's definitely invigorating.

    I've bookmarked you in my favs and joined your followers too.
    I look forward to coming by your charming blog again.
    Come by for a visit. Your company would be nice.

    Sweet wishes,

  23. I am so excited to try these savory palmiers. I love palmiers and savory ones sounds fab!

    Thanks for making 504 Main the blog of the week! I really appreciate it!

  24. I can't wait to try these. They sound like they would be wonderfully paired with a soup. Now off to find a sheet of puff pastry.

  25. sounds so good- my dd would love the sweet ones- cinammon addict- she is!!! i myself would enjoy the savory ones. sorry to hear you were not well-really like your blog entries

  26. These look delicious. Great idea for the savory variation. would love for you to join me for Crock Pot Wednesday next week. I took a little break this week to spend some time with Hubby at the beach, but CPW will be back up and ready for you next week.

  27. BTW, I love the wreath. It's gorgeous.

  28. Yvonne, I'm so glad you were feeling well enough to get back in the kitchen! These little morsels look & sound delicious & I have all the ingredients on hand to make them...even the "Shaky" cheese. Yep, that's what we called it, too. LOL :-)
    Thanks for sharing your recipes!


  29. Always have loved palmiers..even as a child. Sticky and crunchy all at the same time.
    I was introduced to savory palmiers by Ina Garten. She has a wonderful recipe I've used for many a party.
    And now yours. I love the idea of just chives and parmesan. Can't wait to try it!

  30. I;m so glad you are feeling better. And, now you've gone and made me hungry. These look delicious.

  31. Thanks for reading & comments on my blog today. It was fun. When I started filling in the alphabet, I thought there needed to be some humor added along with it. I am a night owl! No more do I get up at 5 am. I do try to get in bed by 12, but because of my fibromyalgia, I don't sleep as soundly as necessary. Bad sleep...pain the next day.
    Thanks, again!

  32. Hi Yvonne,
    Both versions sound wonderful and look beautiful! I'm catching up on your recent posts. Your Easter table is gorgeous, and the post you did on silver ... AMAZING! Loved what you had to say about it, and your photos were perfect! I know from experience that silver's not the easiest thing to photograph. Your images were the best ... as brilliant as the shine of the silver itself!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  33. Bonjour Yvonne,
    So sorry to hear you have been under the weather, but glad you are up and around again. These palmiers looks so delicious - both versions. I'm trying these this weekend, I think my sweet tooth will insist on starting with the cinnamon-sugar first.
    Take care and have a lovely weekend,

  34. Great ideas! This is so helpful. I will have to remember it when I need to make up a snack for the kiddos (or me). Thanks!

  35. p.s. sorry to hear you were sick, hope you are fully well soon.

  36. Mmmm, those look delicious! :) I've really enjoyed my visit to your blog, it's just lovely!

  37. Blogging Friend, you really should publish a tablescape cookbook. I love every post you do! Thank you, Joan

  38. Hello Yvonne~ ~ ~
    Glad to hear you are up and feeling better! Cooking is proof of that and what a masterpiece. These look lovely and I'll bet your kitchen smelled. .yummy!

    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  39. Normally I am a sweet kind of girl but you are singing my song with the savory ones too! I was raised on the shaky cheese, too - buying a hunk of ungrated cheese is downright fancy in my family!

  40. Both recipes look delicious; I would love to try the savory version. I'm sure they would go perfectly with a nice bowl of soup or alone as a snack while watching a movie. Thanks!

  41. Top o' the morning! It's St. Patrick's day and these look like they could be made into clover leaf shapes! Chives for the green and green Christmas sugar sprinkles for sweet....thanks for the idea!
