Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spring Fever

Garden Planning:

When the calendar flips to March my thoughts turn to gardening. Dreaming of beautiful blooms and lucious veggies I peruse garden books and magazines for new ideas and designs.
Victoria Magazine

Truth be told, I love the IDEA of gardening more than the actual act. Thoughts of digging in the warm summer dirt sounds so romantic in March. But somehow these imaginations lose their appeal in August when oppressive heat and thick tangles of weeds are the reality! There is nothing too romantic about sweat dripping off my nose and green stained fingers!

Country Home

But because it is March and my head is full of horticultural thoughts I am making big plans!  More flowering trees, a perenial border expansion and a new layout for the vegetable garden.

Fine Gardening

This year my heart set on a copper roofed Martin house in the herb garden and architectural elements stategically placed for interest in the vegetable garden. Can you picture slender green beans on lush vines climbing up a big teepee trellis?

Horticulture Magazine

I have just discovered a couple of helpful and fun web-sites that allow you to virtually plan a garden- Vegetable Gardening On-Line and BHG Plan A Garden. These are very user friendly tools with many informative features to help  plan and grow a beautiful garden.

Are you dreaming, schemeing or planning your summer garden yet?


  1. Those are gorgeous and inspiring pictures, Yvonne. My husband has been pouring over Gurney's catalog for awhile now. He is the veggie gardener of the family and I am the flower gardener. We plant quite a bit, but he always reminds me that I have 95% of the house, so the garden is his! :)

  2. oh, those pictures are to die for! I'm excited that we will have a small veggie garden for the first time in this house
    xoxo Pattie

  3. Beautiful pictures! I just started planting potted herbs last summer and now I'm itching to do more, and add a small veggie garden. Thanks for sharing those links! I'm going to check those out.

  4. I agree about the fun is in the planning. Lucky for me, my husband loves the outdoor work of it and I love picking out all the pretty things. I'm just ready for anything that blooms!

  5. I am scheming! Thanks for sharing those photos, I will be planting peas this year and that teepee would look so lovely in the area I have, I may just try it. And those links look helpful, I have no imagination when it comes to gardening so every little bit helps. And thanks for your adorable comments on my blog they always make me smile!

  6. thanks for posting the info links- we are planning our first veggie/cutting garden this year. trying to decide what to climb my teepee this year- morning glories or moonflower. good luck with your garden- please post your progress.

  7. Hi, my name is Justin French.

    I recently noticed your article on flowering trees. I loved the article and was wondering if you would mind linking your article to my site. I work for a site called BrighterBlooms.com and we carry a wide variety of landscape shrubs and trees. We would be willing to offer you a plant of your choice off of our website, BrighterBlooms.com. Or if you choose, a cash payment. The value of these would be directly linked to the value of your websites content and information. Terms can be negotiated.

    Details about our site are below.

    Also, If you have any questions or need anything feel free to call me at brighterblooms@gmail.com or (704)644-4484.

    I am a real person, not a link request bot :) :)

    Best wishes,

    Justin French
    on behalf of Brighter Blooms Nursery

    Brighter Blooms is fast becoming one of the nations leading suppliers of specimen and hard to find plants. These include shrubs, perennials, vines, ground covers, roses, and even trees. Brighter Blooms Nursery strives to bring the customer the best experience possible. We do this by maintaining our high quality of product and giving unparalleled customer service. Our professional horticulturists have over 50 years experience in the plant industry. They bring their professional knowledge to help you find that perfect plant for your landscape.
