Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pansies In Eggshell Pots

A Pink (And Purple) Tutorial:

Some of you have commented on these sweet pansies planted in an eggshell pot and asked me how I did it. So, here is a very easy tutorial to make these little pieces of springtime. To see this decoration  used in the tablescape "Pansies And The Girl's Breakfast", click HERE.

Crack an egg about 1/3 the distance from the pointy end.

Keep the egg for another use, and rinse out eggshell. If you feel the opening is too small, just chip it away by breaking little pieces off until the opening is satisfactory.

Using a teaspoon, fill just the bottom of eggshell with potting soil.  Take pansy out of pot and gently break away all soil and root hairs until you have just a small clump of dirt and the root- about the size of the egg.

Gently push pansy root into the egg. Dribble a few drop of water onto the soil to water.

Clean any dirt off eggshells and put in egg cups. I added a little hand twisted birch wreath around the base of the egg cups for interest.

You could also add moss to cover the dirt to give it a more polished look ( I chose not to do this, I like the earthy look). I added a small egg as an accent.

Your creation will last up to a week inside. When ready to plant outside, crack egg and repot the pansy.

I am joining Beverly for Pink Saturday at  How Sweet The Sound. Come on over and see all the creative pinkness!


  1. Yvonne, you've given me a great idea for a ladies' brunch I'm planning. I'm so excited! Thank you!!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Yvonne--Have LOVED all parts of your brunch/egg with pansies posts! Thanks for sharing, have a great weekend :-)


  3. Wonderful and lovely!
    Thank you for sharing dear Yvonne..
    Happy Pink Saturday and enjoy the weekend.

  4. LOVE this!!! So pretty! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Those are SO SWEET! I love your idea! Thank you for visiting my blog today! =)

  6. my goodness, how adorable they are.. I admire your creativity. looks like spring has sprung

  7. Yvonne, now I want to have a BRUNCH! Lovely post, your creations and tutorials are wonderful. I just joined the Pink Saturdays and wouldn't you know, I overslept today, so my post just went up, please come back and leave a comment. Also I have a Spring giveaway starting, so be sure to enter it! I am looking for a few good eggs to have some fun! HAve a wonderful and blessed weekend.


  8. Yvonne, Happy Pink Saturday. I love your pansies...and happy Spring

  9. so sweet! what a way to welcome spring!

  10. Well first off Yvonne, let me just say that you have a totally amazing blog. I LOVE it! And I'm so glad to meet you. That was a great tutorial - thanks so much for sharing with us!

  11. Hi there, thanks for your visit to my blog and all the kindness. I love your blog everything is just so nice. I have added you to my blog list..look forward to getting to know you! :D

  12. I love this!!
    Beautiful post~~~

    Happy Spring and PS!!


  13. What a delightful idea. I'm new to your blog but I enjoy it very much.

  14. Very sweet, beautiful and FUN! Ah, spring is coming. I know it is~ even though it is snowing here in No. Illinois. xo Joan@anythinggoeshere

  15. You've created your own spring. And your photos are awe inspiring!

  16. Ahhhhh Yvonne, lovely. How do I join Pink Saturday, I don't see a "Mr.Linky" anywhere, and today I did a pink post. I've sent your tablesetting post to one of my friends in Houston and she is awed just like me, and she was going to make your quiche lastnight. Love you, Marsha

  17. HPS to you. LOvely idea for Easter. Thanks for sharing. Nancy

  18. How clever and pretty! Now I want to have a parthy before I forget this! Thanks for the tutorial. laurie

  19. Yvonne, glad you came by and answered my Friday fives!! Yes, I will pray for you; I will also pray that I don't feel envy over your girl's trip to Savannah!!! Aaahhhhhh, well, I am glad for you,and how much fun you are going to have. I bet it is gorgeous this time of year! You will be ready for Easter, I just know it. You have the most creative, best ideas and best looking recipes. Will you be able to pop some things in the freezer for your company coming? Hope your week is very productive and your trip is fabulous!!! Take care!


  20. What a wonderful lesson! Thanks for teaching me!

    Sorry to visit so late, but glad I could enjoy your pinks!

    Happy PS!

    In Shoes we Trust,
    Maggie Mae
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  21. That is such a great idea! It's gorgeous and thanks for the tutorial!

    Stopping by from SITS. Welcome!

    Cheers :-)
    - CoconutPalmDesigns

  22. Those are so cute! Thanks for sharing :)

    Visiting from SITS to welcome you to our community!

  23. Yvonne, I love this idea. You are so clever. Thank you for sharing this lovely inspiration.

    Happy Pink Saturday. Marsha e-mailed me. I hope she will enjoy Pink Saturdays, too.

  24. What a great idea. I adore your blog!! Welcome to SITS.

  25. Greetings Yvonne,

    Your blog is fantastic! I love the eggshell and pansies, especially how the table has been decorated.

    I thank you for having visited my blog or I would not have known about you.

    Warmest regards,

  26. Such a creative idea! I love it!

  27. Beautiful photography and your menu looks so GOOD!
