Friday, January 15, 2010

Pink Saturday: Drink The Pink

Berry Smoothie:

Smoothies come in all flavors with a plethora of ingredients. But berry smoothies rank at the top of my flavor list!

Filling, satisfying and good for you, these frosty libations are easy to make and portable. Very good for a quick breakfast or snack when on the go!

I make mine with any berry fruit I have on hand, either fresh or frozen.  I use "pom" juice, but I have also used apple, orange or even a little water in it. My yogurt of choice is raspberry, but cherry, strawberry or blueberry tastes great too. I usually eat no fat yogurt.

1 6oz. container of berry flavored yogurt
1 cup berries (frozen or fresh)
1/4 cup Pom, pomegranate juice
1 cup crushed ice

In a food processor, blend yogurt, berries and juice until smooth. Add ice and process until smooth. You may need to add a little more liquid at this point if smoothie is too thick.

This smoothie is more like a melty sorbet than a creamy smoothie.


I am participating in Pink Saturday hosted by Beverly at Thanks, Beverly. I just love being a part of this wonderful event!

Christi at A Southern Life has a wonderful post about forcing spring flowers. Go see her beautiful blog!


  1. that looks wonderful! I love smoothies.

  2. So pretty...and good too! I make mine with strawberries, banana and plain or vanilla lowfat yogurt. I could have a smoothie for breakfast every day!

  3. Love smoothies and that one looks yummy.

  4. ummm, your smoothie looks delicious. I love them!

  5. This is my kind of breakfast too! Just this morning I had a vanilla yogurt, banana, frozen blueberry smoothie. Delish!


  6. Yvonne, this looks gorgeous and I'm suspect it tastes every bit as good as it looks. Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday.

  7. Yvonne, this smoothie looks absolutely decadent! I'll be sure to give it a try!

    Thanks for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday!


  8. Your smoothie looks delicious. I could almost taste it and I know I could smell the berries. Happy pink Saturday!

  9. Your photos are so gorgeous that I feel all I need is a straw and I could pick those berries right off the screen too, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  10. Boy that looks good! Happy Pink Day!

  11. YUMMY! I have smoothies almost everyday with berries.. have never added the pom. juice.. but I will try that this week! :)
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  12. Yvonne ~ that is one beautiful smoothie, and healthful! I really like the idea of adding Pom to the recipe. Thank you for sharing your recipe.

    Gorgeous photos, too! xo

  13. Ohhh yummmmmmm. I love,love smoothies, and this sounds wonderful..and it's so pretty. Happy Pink Saturday,have a wonderful weekend.

  14. Hi! this looks delicious and nutritious--great alternative to the cookies I have been on since xmas!

    Thanks for your kind comments!

    love, kelee

  15. I'll be right over. This looks perfect for Pink Saturday and every day. Yum!

    Happy Pink Saturday, Yvonne.

  16. Excellent choice. I had one today!

    Happy Pink Saturday! Do stop by my blog. I am having a give away for a mini-makeover by Susie of 1st Floor Flat to celebrate my new blog look.
