Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Breakfast Tablescape

Breakfast with A Friend:

I have wonderful friends! And spending time with them is something I give high priority. My dear friend Cathy came for breakfast today. We carved out a couple of precious hours to catch up and encourage eachother.

I wanted to make a special breakfast for us. Setting a little table near the windows in my living room, gave us a sun-drenched atmosphere to enjoy our time together. (Several people have commented about the portrait- it is of my daughter Jacqueline. She was a ballerina for years and in this picture she was 12)

My beloved Floragold dishes were the inspiration for this table. Passed down from my grandmother, they are sentimental favorites! Floragold was manufactured by the Jeanette Glass Company in 1950. They are a hybrid glass. Not actually depression glass or carnival glass, but in a class all their own. Floragold is also know as "Louisa".

My favorite pieces of Floragold are the little dinner plates. Just 8 1/2 inches square, they are petite and detailed. The amber gold color in these ornate dishes has a slight iredescent sheen.

The little "ice tea" cups are filled with orange juice this morning. I love the square base on the cups. The bases of the sherbert glasses are also square. I have collected piece over the years and many pieces mirror this square theme.

Floragold is quite limited in variety of pieces. But what it lacks in varitey it makes up in style. The sugar bowl and creamer have the distinctive square bottoms. I love the domed lid of the sugar bowl. The silver sugar spoon was a gift from my mother-in-law.

I found this butter dish in an antique shop. A little worse for wear, it still stole my heart! The butter knife is from my mother.

We are having yummy Butter Rum Muffins. To give them a little extra importance (oh, they really deserve it!) they are elevated in domed glass pedestals. These giant muffins sit in a little fun fluff just for sass!

The table cloth and napkins are also from my grandmother.  They are a heavy white damask. My grandmother would have been 101 on Jan 24th. Her memory is always with me in the treasures she has passed on to me.

I used silver napkin rings to make big feminine bows from the napkins.

White tulips and small orchids closely matching the color of  the Floragold grace the center of the table in a slender vase. I found this vase in an antique shop. It is not floragold but the color was right. The vase sits in a Floragold candy dish.

Cathy and I drank far too much coffee, saved our muffins for lunch and solved all the world's problems as the two hours flew by!

The Menu:
Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice
Mixed Berries
Butter Rum Muffins
Herbed Scrambled Eggs with Cheese In Toast Cups
Hickory Smoked Bacon

I am posting the recipe for the eggs in toast cups for Foodie Friday.

I am joining Susan at Between Naps On The Porch for Tablescape Thursday. Join In!


  1. I love everything about this! The breakfast menu, the setting, your beautiful dishes, and the special "muffin holders." Your friend is a lucky girl!!

  2. What a beautiful setting. Love the tulips and the fruit looks like I could reach out and taste!

  3. Is there a spot for me to sit? Purdy please? :)

    It is fabulous. I just adore how you have the muffins under the footed dome. Thanks for sharing this beautiful table.


  4. This is just beautiful. I love that you put a square plate with a round one. That was something I was contemplating, but haven't tried yet. It all looks so elegant.

  5. Love those pretty dishes, and you set the table so pretty. Your breakfast menu looks so delicious. I hope you post the recipe for the scrambled eggs on Foodie Friday. :)


  6. Yvonne, I want to come have breakfast with you some morning. This may just be one of my all time favorite tables! And I mean that sincerely!!! There isn't a thing about this post that isn't tugging at my heartstrings.
    The Floragold is stunning. And I'm thrilled to know what this is. My mother had a couple of pieces of this. I'm going to ask to see who has these. They were small fruit dishes if I recall correctly. Your flowers and food are exquisite. Like I said....this one is right up at the top for me! ~ Sarah

  7. How beautiful everything is. I love it all, from the menu, dishes, muffins to the gorgeous place settings.

  8. Calgon, take me away (to your paradise, Yvonne!)

    Absolutely sublime and I love your Floragold, I do not recall seeing it before now. You've captured its subtle luster perfectly. Beautiful table (and food) !

    You have such a talent for allowing us to feel as if we are right there with you enjoying some precious time in your lovely home. It is magical!

    I'll have such happy dreams tonight, thank you for sharing. xoxo

  9. P.S. And you have cooked the eggs and bacon JUST the way I like them. :D Excellent!

  10. What a wonderfully sunny scene, Yvonne! The reflections in both your photos & your memories touches my ♥. I, too, feel the presence of my grandmother when I handle the things that she touched. You are very fortunate to have such lovely items passed down to you.

    Your photos are exquisite....I could almost smell the flowers & taste the fruit. :-)
    Would you mind sharing what type of camera you use? I'm in the market for a new one, but can't make up my mind.

    Thanks for sharing this lovely scene in your beautiful home. Everything is just perfect!


  11. Ooops....forgot to say how much I love the portrait of your darling daughter in her ballet attire. I must remember to send a link to my DD so she can think about having a similar one done of our sweet Caroline. Fabulous momento!

  12. Just beautiful! I loved learning about your Floragold! The pieces just glow in the sunshine! Can I come over for breakfast tomorrow? ;)

    PS I absolutely ADORE the portrait of the young ballerina on the wall! STUNNING!

  13. What a beautiful tablescape!Breakfast looks yummy too.

  14. Oh my! ANOTHER set of your dishes that I am in LOVE with!! I, to, have some very special friendships that I treasure and I know that Cathy realizes how special your time together is. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Off to find some Floragold!!
    xoxo Pattie
    P.S.- I absolutely adore the portrait over your couch. I'm quite sure it is very special to you

  15. Yvonne...your table is breathtaking. I just love the sun-drenched look and your dishes are gorgeous. Those muffins looks devine and I just love that you gave them a *staring role* on your table! Breafast, brunch and coffee/tea time are my favorite opportunities for entertaining. Your daughter is a beauty and what a sweet reminder of the little girl ballarina now that she is all grown up :)

    Blessings to you my friend!

  16. I have just had the pleasure of discovering your beautiful blog. After reading your profile I learned that you and I are at the same stage of life. I love what you say about living positive and purposeful.
    This post today is simply gorgeous. Your friend must have felt like a queen to be treated to such a special breakfast.

  17. You have a dishroom to store all those beautiful dishes don't you? Come on admit it. Love everything. Just so soothing, classy and elegant like you. The tulips are perfect too. Your attention to detail is amazing. Oh no, now you got my tummy growling. Eating cereal out of the Hello Kitty bowl now seems so bland compared to this.

    Have a wonderful time with your friend!

  18. Ooooh! Your breakfast-table is so georgeous - and all those pretty dishes!!! It must be wonderful to be invited to such a breakfast!!!
    Thanks for sharing!!!
    Maybe you've got the time and the good mind to go in for my draw. Would make me happy :o)
    Warm hugs from cold Austria, Traude

  19. What spectacular photos! I want to come for breakfast at your house just to look at the table.

    Thanks for stopping by yesterday on my SITS day! Hope you stop by again.

  20. I see we both did breakfast tables this week. Your table is lovely and your photography stunning!

  21. Loved the beautiful table setting....as yummy looking as the food! I saw your reflection in the napkin ring...cute! Thanks for sharing.

  22. Amazing color pallet! So truly elegant. Everything is so perfect together it is hard to pick out one thing as a favorite except maybe the napkins, the feminine touch is beautiful.

  23. What lucky friends you have! How wonderful it would be to while away the morning sitting at a table like that! And to be able to eat that delicious looking food! Love your floragold dishes and accessories. The tulips and orchids are a perfect centerpiece. My fav part is that you put those muffins under glass! Great touch!


  24. I can think of no other word but...


  25. What a beautiful inviting table you have set!! The food looks perfect, too. I love those floragold pieces! They really are exceptional! Enjoy...

  26. Stunning table setting, Yvonne! The vintage gold dishes with the white, and the gorgeous silverware is all just beautiful. The floral arrangement was so pretty...it added so much to the table.

  27. Perfection, and I would love a sun-drenched setting right now. Love it!

    Christi @ A Southern Life

  28. OH my gosh, I wish I was your friend... one word to describe your tablescape.. GORGEOUS!

    No, I am 50 year old, chubby overachiever as you can tell. Thank you for stopping by and I am your new follower.

  29. Green with envy....the beautiful dishes, flowers, sunshine and everything you put together... I think someone else bet me to Exquisite!

  30. This is so beautiful! I love the Floragold dishes, I'm glad to learn the name of this, I've seen it before, but didn't know the history.

    My nickname is Kathy, so I'm pretending I'm the guest, Cathy! Glad to see the bacon is crispy!

    I always enjoy seeing your creations!


  31. This is just stunning! Everything looks so beautiful and reminds me of warmer days to come. Your food looks equally delicious. Thanks for sharing and happy TT to you!

  32. My goodness, I LOVE it!

    So fresh, the perfect way to start a day with a great friend (lucky friend ;p)


  33. Sooo pretty Yvonne! I'm loving the way you used the napkin rings to make bows.
    Your breakfast looks delightfully delicious!

    joyfully ~ Maria

  34. Great post. I never knew there was a glass that was inbetween Depression and Carnival. That painting of your is beautiful.

    - The Tablescaper

  35. Yvonne,
    This is simply stunning! The colors are so clean and fresh. All of your pieces are so special. I know you are truly proud of them. The tulips make such a statement as to say, "Welcome"! Thanks for sharing!

  36. Oh my, you certainly know how to set a table. everything is simply georgous.

  37. What a stunning brunch. Your photography is incredible.

  38. Looked all so wonderful, soft and elegant!!~ The ambiance was all there for some great conversation I am sure:) Debbie

  39. Yvonne, All I have to say is Gorgeous!! What a lucky friend Kathy is to have someone like you to make her feel soooo special with a beautifully appointed table. Loved it all, especailly the tulips, one of my favorite flowers. Just Gorgeous,Kathysue

  40. Absolutely lovely! I just wanted to sit down and be your guest! :)

  41. As always, this is elegant and tasteful...literally this time with that sublime breakfast spread!
    And the flowers make me YEARN for spring!
    Blessings, Lana

  42. Everything is beautiful, love the flowers and the beautiful dishes, everything looks so inviting and delicious, I'll be right over...Love the table for twooooo......

  43. What a wonderful space. Looks like somuthing from a movie.

  44. Such a beautiful table. Thanks for sharing.

  45. Such an elegant table! The colors are subtle but so beautiful! Your floral centerpiece is just perfect!

  46. Today's lesson is Floragold, I've never heard of it but I'll think of your beautiful table should I ever see a piece.

    I'm having a small ladies dinner party in a couple of weeks and your tablescapes have been a true inspiration. THANKS!

  47. Yvonne, everything looks spectacular. I love Floragold, too. What a special time for you and your friend.

  48. What a stunning settings with the healthy brekky? Lucky friend.

    Nice to hear that you have a nice moment with dears friends and I am drooling thinking that one beautiful day, I have my precious time with my dear friends, too.

    TY for sharing.

    Greetings from Stockholm, Sweden...

  49. Well, just when I think that there is no way that you are going to pull out differant beautiful things, you go and do it. What a gorgeous table. The muffins under the domes with the paper grass is a stroke of genius. You have to tell me how you made the toast cups...that is a gorgeous plate right there, with the eggs. I could keep pouring adjectives over you, but I think you get the picture. Beautiful and I'm in love with your tablesetting.

  50. Abolutely beautiful and so inviting! Can I come next time?

  51. Ooo...you really fuss. My friends never get bacon and eggs...fruit and baked goods, always. I love how the table looks, the flowers are beautiful, your dishes as always look amazing and the muffin "display" is such a clever idea. Love it!


  52. How beautiful! What a wonderful place to enjoy breakfast. The table is very inviting! And the food looks delicious!

  53. What a gorgeous table you set! And that each piece has a specialness to you makes it even more delightful.

  54. OMG!!!!! Amazing! Gorgeous!!! Breakfast???? My kids are lucky if they're cereal bowls match!

    Poppin in from SITS!

    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner?

  55. What a beautiful table! I love the colors you chose to decorate your table with today. Your grandmother's dishes are lovely and so different.

  56. It's always such a treat to look at your tables, but this one is just gorgeous! I love your Floragold and how you combined it with the white dishes. Simply beautiful!

  57. The gold and white are vibrant, especially this time of the year when everything looks so gray.

  58. Such a lovely table.
    What a wonderful friend you must be.

    Your Floragold dishes really light up the table. It all looks so delicious and beautiful.

    Your blog is a joy to visit. The photography, the recipes, the inspiration, your beautiful dishes and home, your sweet spirit...thanks for sharing it all with us.

  59. Beautiful tablescape. Just wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

  60. Mother of Mercy, this just takes my breath away! I am IN LOVE with the Floragold! I have never seen it before but LOVE it. You have such lovely treasures! WHERE did you find the domes that you have the muffins in???? How special! You have such a knack for making your guests feel SO SPECIAL, and sharing that with us! Thank you so much! I LOVE your blog! XO, Pinky

  61. I am speechless and all I can say is...I wish we were friends so that you could make me a breakfast and table like this. Oh, what fun to gab and eat! Amazing table!!!
