Friday, December 18, 2009

Pink Saturday- Dec. 19, 2009

Pink Saturday- My Favorite Christmas Tradition:

The very definition of Christmas at my house IS Tradition! There are so many Christmas traditions that draw us in and knit us together at this holy and family-oriented time.  So many that it is hard to highlight just one.  What I find so facinating is that these traditions are held dear by each family member yet we all have our favorites, and they are all different.  For me, it is our Christmas Eve tradition. If truth be told, I love Christmas Eve the best. There is something sacred and peaceful about this time.

We all have dinner together as a family and go to Christmas Eve Service.  The church is bathed in candlelight and the creche is resplendantly arrayed with the final addition of the Christ Child.  Beautiful, almost etherial Christmas music is played and the choir's praises and carols sound like angels are singing! As I sit and take it all in, love is all around. My family all together, my church family in one accord, and God's great love full in my heart and surrounding me like a perfect hug! I know what "Peace on Earth" means! Not peace between men, but peace with God. I know this peace...Peace bought with a price...And I am tearfully grateful! 

At the end of the service we all hold candles, lights of hope...promise...lights of faith.  There is no other light in the sancturary, and we sing "Silent Night". This is my favorite! The words describe my world and my heart at that moment...
Silent Night, Holy Night. All is calm, All is bright...

The traditions of Christmas Eve and Christmas day go on. One thing that ties them together is the music. In the background, strains of familiar and wonderful carols and fun seasonal tunes are playing.  Nothing gets me in the Christmas Spirit like the music of the season! I guess this is my second favorite tradition and the one I have a visual representation of for Pink (sorta) Saturday.

I used old sheet music to paint this Jingle Bell picture over. Now it has become part of our Christmas Tradition. So it joined all the decorations I take out and use year after year.

No matter how big, small, silly, sacred, fun, formal or unusual, traditions are like threads that bind our family together to the real purpose and meaning of Christmas... A celebration of Emmanuel... God with us!

May your Christmas traditions encircle your family with love. And may your Christmas be blessed with all of God's great gifts... the most precious One, His Son!

I am joining all the wonderful people who post about their Christmas traditions at Thank you Beverly for hosting one of my favorites!


  1. Thanks for sharing your Christmas traditions... My family always had our Christmas celebration on Christmas Eve too. But tearfully my family no longer lives close together anymore, so I really miss those times, but treasure the memories...

    You did such a beautiful job of painting on the sheet music! What a wonderful and creative idea! You are very talented!

    Warm Christmas wishes to you!

  2. You cook, you garden, you set a beautiful table, you created a gorgeous house and now you paint?! Is there anything you can't do? I think Martha needs to step down from her throne to make way for you dear friend. The painting is stunning!

    I remember Christmas Eve mass at midnight. Such a magical place to be.

  3. Your Traditional Christmas sounds wonderful, how lovely to have your family around you at this time of year.
    Guess what? It snowed here in Normandy last evening, quelle surprise!! We may have a white Christmas after all.

  4. Great post, Yvonne. I love what you said about "Peace with God" being the result of Christ's coming....not peace between all mankind (cuz I don't think that's gonna happen). I also love: "No matter how big, small, silly, sacred, fun, formal or unusual, traditions are like threads that bind our family together to the real purpose and meaning of Christmas... A celebration of Emmanuel... God with us!", so profoundly true.
    I can't leave out the gorgeous painting you did over the sheet music for Jingle Bells, that is sooooo cool. (whining voice...make me one ;) Blessings and Happy Pink Saturday, Yvonne

  5. I agree with you wholeheartedly about music for sure. The painting is gorgeous too!!

  6. That's one of my boys favorite songs. I have to say I LOVE your pear plate-it makes me think of my sister-she collects pears.
    I have had so many Google problems-and it isn't over-Google has no idea how to solve the problem.
    Sorry I haven't been by much-I decided after weeks and weeks of non-stop Google issues, I am throwing my hands up and making much needed visits.
    I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas and hope you can come by for a visit.

  7. What a beautiful post! I agree that Christmas is tradition. If fact, I mention the same in my post today. Yvonne, I think the sheet of music embellished with the ribbon and bells is one of the prettiest things I've seen. What a beautiful idea! You are very talented in all that you do. I so enjoy my visits to Stone Gable. Christmas Hugs ~ Sarah

  8. That is a beautiful tradition. Your painted sheet music is gorgeous too! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  9. Yvonne, this is a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing the joy and peace in your heart with me.

    I am sitting here listening to Charlotte Church sing O Holy Night as I leave you this message. My soul is also at peace.

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Holidays to you and your family. I'll think of you Christmas Eve.

  10. Great traditions, and best of all centered around the Lord.

    LOVE the painting you did on the music paper.
    I really must try that some time. Love music paper, and paint, so what's stopping me? =)))
    (maybe after Christmas.)


    barbara jean

  11. Nice to meet you and such a pretty blog you have here. Your music decoration turned out GORGEOUS! I just love that, you need to sell a few of those!!! Have a sweet Sunday!

  12. Our Christmas Eve candlelight service is one of our family traditions as well. Wishing you a very blessed and merry Christmas. Happy Pink Saturday {a little late}.

    Back Porch Blessings,
