Sunday, November 1, 2009

SG Menu for Nov 2- Nov 8, 2009

Pictures: Famer's Market, Headhouse Square, Philadelphia Pa
I am ready for a busy week.  The tallipa was pre-made by the seafood section of my grocer, ceaser salad dressing is in the freezer, Wednesday and Sunday's meals go into the slow cooker, and much of the other dishes are very quick and easy. Trying to eat well when your schedule is not cooperating takes planning! So... as a part of being more organized I am joining scores and scores of others who post their menu plans.
I have also decided to find at least one recipe a week from my blogging friends, make it and highlight it.
See Wednesday.

  • Beet, Carrot and Apple Salad
  • Tallipia Stuffed with Crab
  • Roasted Aspargrus with Parmasean Cheese

Recipe: Sweet Pickled Beet, Carrot and Apple Salad.
1 cup jarred pickled beets
1 cup shredded carrots ( from bag)
2 apples, cut into matchsticks
1/2 cup walnuts
1/2 cup poppyseed dressing ( I use Brianna's,  it's so delicious I don't make homemade)

In larger jar or bowl, add 2 TBS of honey to pickled beets and juice and let sit for 2-24 hours in refrigerator.
Drain and cut into matchsticks. Place in bowl.
Add all ingredients and gently stir. Serve immediately.

  • Ceaser Salad with Anchovies (Yum)
  • Chicken Picata
  • Angel Hair Pasta
 Recipe: Hands Down Best Ceaser Salad Dressing:
3-4 anchovie fillets ( yes, this makes it great! Please give them a try! You don't know you are eating them)
1 clove garlic
1TBS Worchestershire Sauce
1/2 tsp dijon mustard (any will do)
Juice of 1-2 lemons ( start with one, and see if you need more- I like it lemoney)
Wizzzz in food processor.

With processor running drizzle in 2/3 cup mild olive oil
Process till emulsified.

Add 1/4 cup egg substitute and Process till thick and emulsified. Refrigerate if not using immediately.
This recipe can be doubled or trippled and dressing can be frozen in ice cube trays and then popped into plastic bags in freezer.  Thaw 2-3 for large salad.


Recipe:Make ahead Mashed Potato
8-10 large Ukon Gold potatoes
1/2 container of  whipped cream cheese and chives
1/4-1/2 cup sour cream
2 TBS butter
salt, pepper.
Can be doubled or trippled.

Peel potatoes and put in a pot with water covering them.  Bring to a boil and cook until fork tender.
Drain water
Add cream cheese, sour cream and butter. Whip or mash
Salt and pepper, Stir.
Depening on the type of potato used, these measurements are a good guess.  Use more or less according to the consistancy.
Eat immediately, or cool and freeze in freezer bags or plastic containers.
THESE ARE GREAT TO MAKE AHEAD FOR THANKSGIVING. Thaw them the day before in frig and heat. For Thanksgiving I put them in a crock pot on low to warm for several hours. I do this every year and everyone loves them!

  • Salmon Cakes with Dill Sauce
  • Roasted Potatoes with Onions and Herbs
  • Roasted Broccoli with Browned Butter Breadcrumbs
Recipe: Salmon Cakes:
1- 14 oz. can wild Salmon,
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2/3 cup plain bread crumbs
1 egg
1 TBS fresh parsley or 1 tsp. dried
1 tsp. lemon zest
healthy dash of salt and pepper

In a large frying pan heat vegetable oil and add onions and cook until soft- aprox. 4-5 min on medium low heat. Do not brown.

In a bowl add drained salmon, gently pick out bones. Flake
Add onions, mayo, bread crumbs, egg, parsley, lemon zest and salt and pepper. Mix.
Wipe out frying pan and heat over medium heat. Add vegetable oil to coat and heat.
Meanwhile, make cakes of salmon to resemble the size of a hamburgers about 1 inch thick.
Put in pan and fry until golden brown.  About 5 minutes. Turn and brown, about 5 minutes.
Serve with lemon wedges and dill sauce.

Dill Sauce:
1/2 cup mayo
1/2 cup sour cream
1TBS lemon juice
3 TSB fresh dill or 1 TBS dried dill
1 TBS good quality rellish

Mix together, and serve with salmon.  Tastes better if made at least 2 hours ahead.

  • Antipasta Salad
  • Chicken and Pesto French Bread Pizza
Recipe: Chicken and Pest French Bread Pizza:
1 loaf french bread, cut horizontally
2 cooked chicken breasts, diced or shredded
1 cup pesto, store bought or homemade see blog  9/15/09,
2/3 cup parmesean cheese, grated (more if you love cheese)

Add ons: ( pick some for top of pizza)
black olives
sun-dried tomatoes
onions, carmalized onions
fresh mozzerella, goat cheese
sauteed mushrooms
roasted garlic
your favorites!

Heat oven 350 degrees. Put both piecers of bread on a baking pan side by side.
Spread bread with pesto and distribute chicken evenly over both pieces. Sprinkle on cheese. Garnish with add-ons.  Cook 15 minutes until bread is brown and crunchy.

  • Mexican Explosion Salad
  • Chicken Quesidillas
  • Fat Free Refried Beans with Cheddar Cheese

Recipe: Mexican Explosion Salad
1 bag romaine salad
1/2 cup canned mexican corn, drained
1/2 cup black beans, rinsed well and drained
1/2 sharp cheddar cheese
1 tomato, diced
Mexican ranch dressing, recipe follows
Nachos, crushed

Place salad, corn, beans, cheese and tomato in a salad bowl.
In a small bowl, mix 1/4 bottle of ranch dressing, 2 tsp pkg. taco seasoning, and 2TBS salsa. Mix well.
Dress salad and add crushed nachos.

  • Slow Cooker Ham and Bean Soup - See new blog on Wed, Nov 3 for recipe and instructions.
  • Corn Bread

Have a great week and "bon appetit"!

I am joining Laura at Organize junkie.  Wow, there are some great menu ideas! Go see!


  1. Wow, what a fantastic idea, you are so organized! I am so not organized :) Your menu is awesome! Great recipes!

    Love your mosaic!

  2. Oh my gosh...can I come over for dinner? I wish I was that organized...

  3. Love the vegetable mosaic, and the recipes. Oh to be so organized!

  4. I plan ahead a little, but never quite like this. I never know for sure "what sounds good" on a given day. So, I will have the ingredients for several things and decide in the morning what I'm making. It is easier to do that now that I'm not working.

    Your meals sound very gourmet for a normal week. Yum, I see several things I want to try.


  5. I wish that I could tele-port my self from Australia to your place right now! YUMMY!!!!
    Best wishes, NM.

  6. I've never been this organized with meal planning. You are amazing! It looks to be a tasty week for your family. ~ Sarah

  7. I admire you but don't think I have it in me to plan ahead. I wish I did.

  8. Oh, to be this organized!!! Your photos are lovely and make a beautiful mosaic.

  9. Hi Yvonne! Oh, I'm so impressed that you are so organized! Your menu items all sound so delicious. I haven't had my breakfast yet and I'm starving! :)
    Your mosaic is so lovely and I thank you for your prayers.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Yvonne -- Right back at you! Great recipes! I particularly liked the beet salad and the salmon patties. It all sounds good.

  11. I am in awe of your organization! And I wish I could be like that, too. ;) Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful images and your recipes at MM. :)

  12. I'm always looking for different meal ideas. That's why I love MPM.
    You have a great week!

  13. Another beautiful mosaic!! Your menu looks very yummy. I'll have to try that salad with the beets. We love beets here. Your organization is inspiring :)


  14. WOW, first your mosaic is wonderful and what a great idea to use the pretty veggies. I wish I had the time to prepare a menu for the week. You Tuesday menu sounds delicous, what time is dinner?

  15. Love your menu mosaic!
    Mine would be full of question marks!! :)

  16. Love your idea of posting the week's have more energy than I do. Those are elaborate meals! I couldn't pull it off after coming home from work.

    I am going to sit down and think this through...I know I can organize it to have more flair to the weekly meals!

  17. So glad you enjoyed the Beef Burgandy - it is a favorite of our also! Thanks for linking up to my site!!

  18. I am a new, totally smitten follower! I am fascinated with your willingness to share so much with your fan base. Especially liked how you did not "stage" your luncheon buffet, but showed it au naturale!
