Thursday, November 12, 2009

Roasted Turkey Thighs wth Herb Butter- A Thanksgiving Test Turkey!

Roasted Turkey Thighs with Herb Butter:

Thanksgiving is usually at my home and it is a loud, fun feast full of food and love!  I have made an almost perfect turkey ever since I have followed Martha Stewart's "cheesecloth" method for roasting a turkey. Really, it's not that I am a gifted cook, it is absolutely her method!  It comes out succulent and moist and everyone raves.  It is also sorta fun! Kinda like a science experiment or magic! Check out her instructions you won't be disappointed!

I have also beem intrigued by recipes that put herb butter under the skin of a turkey to give it moisture and flavor.

This Thanksgiving I am going to combine both processes.  I have never made any poultry with herb butter under its skin, so I thought I would do a "test turkey".

It was delicious! And again, fun and easy.  So this Thanksgiving I just might have the best tasting turkey around ( at least as far as my family is concerned)!

4-1 lb turkey  thighs
1/4 lb (l stick) butter, room temperature
1/2-2/3 cup assorted herbs- I used rosemary, thyme, sage and chives ( I forgot the parsley)
1 bag peeled baby carrots
1 onion,  peeled and quartered
herbs for garnish

Preheat oven 425 degrees.

Chop herbs finely. 

Cream butter and add herbs. Form into a ball.

Cut into 4 equal parts.

Rinse turkey thighs and pat dry.

Gently separate skin from meat, making a pocket.

Using 1 of the equal parts, stuff  herb butter in pocket and evenly distribute. If desired add extra herbs.

Arrange turkey in a large baking dish and add carrots and onions.  Add 1/2 cup water to dish.

Roast for 20 min at 425, and lower to 350.  Cook until meat thermometer reaches 185 degrees, about 1 hour.

Arrange on plate and let rest for 10 minutes. Serve with carrots.

Serving Suggestions:
Mashed Potatoes, of course
Easy gravy * See below for recipe.

Easy Gravy:
1- 16 oz box of chicken broth
3 TBS flour
pan drippings
3 TBS white wine.
1 tsp. chicken bullion

Put all but 1/2 cup chicken broth, pan drippings, and chicken bullion in a pot and heat until just simmering.

In a large jar add 1/2 cup chicken broth and flour and shake well. Add to ingredients in pot, simmer and stir continuously until thickened, about 4 minutes. Add wine. Cook 1 minute. Serve.

This would make a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner for a small family!

 Happy Thanksgiving to All!!!!!

I am participating in Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum. I always find the most wonderful recipies and people over there. Thanks, Michael!


  1. Your recipe for herb butter sound wonderful.

  2. Yvonne! What a wonderful picture description and step by step you have shown us!! Love it. I might have to try Martha's technique this year. Blessings...

  3. That finished meal is art, not food! I can't believe you did a "test" turkey. We really would be friends:) Sue

  4. That looks so good! I'll be at my mom's for Thanksgiving, but I might have to give this a try another time.

  5. Again, I am drooling. I love the cheesecloth method for cooking any bird. It does come out yummy every time. I had an elderly lady in the grocery store tell me about it. I inherited my gift of gab from my grandmother. I can walk in anywhere and strike up an hour conversation with anyone! She told me about it and I tried it. I was so pleased with it too. I even challenged it by buying the cheapest turkey they had too! I thought that would be the real test! If you roast a whole turkey, you can buy an injector to put melted butter under the skin. This also makes for a great tasting turkey!

  6. What a gorgeous meal. I really like this recipe and will be trying it very soon. Have a great day.

  7. Delish - you're making me so eager for Thanksgiving!!!


  8. have a BEAUTIFUL meal there! I too use the cheesecloth method of turkey roasting from MS combined with brining overnight. Always perfect. Do you grow your own herbs. They are always gorgeous, as are your pictures. Have a good weekend :)


  9. I'm stopping by from Tablescaper's blog. This looks wonderful!
    Thanks so much for sharing the recipe!

  10. Goodness, I am drooling that looks so fabulous! And I bet your house smelled amazing while it was all cooking!

  11. Wow! This looks so good. Thanks for the recipe....Christine
