Sunday, November 8, 2009

Menu 11-9 Through 11-16-09

Menu: 2nd Week in November 2009

The weather is getting cooler in my area, and I see a definite shift in my pallate as well.  Hearty food, that warms the body and soul tend to be more appealing now.  I don't like that it is getting darker earlier, but I love the feeling of cooking with lights on inside- I feel cozy! I want to eat near the fireplace in my pajamas (even though it is only 6:00). I have been inspired by other blog friends to try their delious recipies- so this week there are 3 featured recipies from blogs I visit often. It is like having the best and biggest cookbook at my fingertips! Thanks to them all!  I hope you are inspired to cook something cozy for your family this week.

Chicken Parisian
Mashed Cauliflower Potato
Green Beans Sauteed in Garlic Oil

Recipe: Chicken Parisian
4 boneless chicken breasts
1 pkg. Borsin Cheese
4 slices of good deli Ham
Puff Pastry

Thaw pastry according to directions. (Must be done ahead)
Pre heat oven 400 degrees.
Individually pound chicken breast between plastic wrap or in an unsealed freezer bag until 1/2 inch thick.
Spread cheese evenly on each piece of chicken and top with 1 slice of ham. Roll up chicken starting at short end.
Open 1 piece of pastry, and roll to even out. Cut into 4 rectangles.  Center chicken on pastry with seam side down.  Fold pastry around chicken and seal seams with a little water.
Make an egg was by whisking egg with a little water and brush on puffed pastry. Place on a greased baking sheet, seam side down and bake for 25 minutes or until pastry is golden brown.  Serve immediately.

Recipe: Mashed Cauliflower and Potato:
Frozen bag of cauliflower
1 lg. boiling potato. peeled and cubed into small pieces

Bring a pot of water to a boil. Add salt. Add cauliflower and potato cubes and bring to a slow boil.
Boil until very fork tender. Drain.
Add milk and butter just like making mashed potatoes.Whip with a hand mixer. Add salt and pepper to taste. These are delicious!

Pan Seared Scallops (See upcoming blog- Thrus. Nov 12, 2009)
Arugula Salad with Pine Nuts, Parmasan Cheese and Lemon Vinaigrette
Rice Pilaf

Recipe: Arugula Salad
1 bag baby Arugula
3 TBS toasted pine nuts
3-6 TBS  shaved parmasan  cheese
Lemon Vinagrette, recipe below

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Toss with dressing and serve immediately. Very YUMMY!

Lemon Vinaigrette:
Juice of 1 lemon
1/4 cup good olive oil
1/2 tsp mustard
dash of salt
Put all ingredients in a jar and shake.

Slow Cooker French Onion Soup
Baby greens, Toasted Pecans, Bleu and Pears with Poppyseed Dressing

Recipe: The Easiest (and best) French Onion Soup*
8 large yellow onions, Make sure to use YELLOW ONIONS
2 TBS olice oil
2TBS butter
1 1/2 TBS  sugar
1 1/2 TBS  salt
3 cans Campbell's Double Strength Beef Broth
4 cups chicken broth
1/2 cup good white wine, dry sherry or Marsala
1 dried bay leaf
6 sprigs thyme, tied with kitchen twine
1tsp pepper
1 baguette, cut into 1/2 thick slices
1/2 shredded Gruyere cheese for EACH serving

Combine oil and butter in slow cooker on low- put on lid and melt butter. While butter is melting, peel and slice onions into half-moons and slice thin.  Add to slow cooker when the butter is melted.  Add sugar and salt and toss to coat. Cover and cook on low for 10-11 hours.  They will cook down to a fracton of their former vollume and most of the liquid will evaporte.  If convenient stir once or twice during cooking, so they cook evenly.

Add broth, wine, bay leaf and tyme to slow cooker and cook on low for 1-2 hours.

Meanwhile, preheat oven to 350 degree. Put baguette slices on baking sheet and toast for 10-15 minutes until dry.  Increase oven temp. to 400 degrees.

Put soup in ovenproof bowl, leaving room to put baguette on top. Put cheese on top of baguette.
Put bowl on baking sheet and bake until cheese is melted and brown, 10 minutes.
* I make this the day before, because of the long cooking time and serve it in the next day or two.  It tastes better if flavors are melded together.
Serve with salad.

Sticky Bones
Cheesy Polenta
Steamed Artichokes with Aioli

I am featuring a wonderful recipe by my friend Gail at Faithfulness Farm for Stick Bones- these look insanely delicious!

Zucchini and Potato Latkes
Pecan Crusted Tilapia

I made these when my garden was profuse with zucchini and I froze them.  They are fantastic! I server them with a little sour cream.  I know my grocer still carries zucchini.  I got this recipe for a blog called "Smitten Kitchen". Consistantly great food.

Herb infused Turkey Thighs ( Thanksgiving dry run for a new way to roast turkey)
Waldorf Salad

Recipe: Halushki
1 bag of Coslaw
1/2 onion, finely chopped
1 bag thin egg noodles
Cottage cheese
1 TBS vegetable oil
1TBS butter
Salt and Pepper

Boil water in large pot.  Add salt and and 1 bag of thin egg noodles. Cook until tender and drain.
Meanwhile, add oil and butter to pan  and add onions and coslaw. Salt and pepper to taste. Cook until tender and slightly browned, 10 minutes.  Add noodles and cook an additional 5 minutes.
Plate and add a dollop of cottage cheese. Serve immediately.

Spiral Ham
Potatoes Daphinois
Garlic Sauteed Spinach

Potatoe Daphinious (Scalloped Potatoes) recipe from Mari at Once Upon A Plate, these potatoes look over-the-top sensational! And her pictures are food for your eyes!

Recipe: Garlic Sauteed Spinach:
1 TBS oil
1 TBS butter
1 large bag fresh spinach, spines revoved
2 cloves garlic, quartered
Salt and pepper

Heat oil and butter in large frying pan over medium heat.  Add garlic and sautee for 2 minute. Remove.
Add Spinach and cook. Spinach will cook down very quickly.  When wilted, it is ready to serve.  Salt and pepper to taste.

Pictures: Headhouse Square Farmer's Market, Philadelphia Pa

Have a fruitful week!


  1. Hi Yvonne!
    I love your weekly menu recipes. They sound wonderful and I believe I am going to try a couple of them that you have shared.

    I envy you with the cooler weather. I miss that in Phoenix. I have a fireplace in my home, that we have lived in for 25 years, and I can count on (1) hand the times we have lit a fire in the fireplace. We either have no burn days, or it is just to hot to have one. I miss the good clean air, where you can have a fireplace and you don't have to worry about getting fined for lighting a fire in your fireplace.

    Thanks for sharing sweetie. I so enjoyed this post. Stop by soon. Country hugs, Sherry

  2. I enjoy getting meal ideas from your weekly menus as well. Lovely mosaic and great shot of the squash!

  3. I love seeing your menus. The arugula salad I would love. We can't often buy arugula here. Once in a while it shows up and I grab it. Hope you have a good week. I have parents still here and now grandbabies...crazy at my house.


  4. Man, you had me at menu! I may be rethinking my whole menu for the week now! I did create a recipe for Boursin cheese if you are interested in it. Super easy!

    Thanks for visiting! Now I am off to drool over the other recipes here.

  5. Your recipes sounds so delicous. I am going to have try the first recipe, the chicken parisian.

  6. Great looking menu. We LOVE French Onion Soup. YUM!!

