Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pink Saturday- A Knock Out Of A Rose!

Today's Pink Saturday is extra special. Beverly our lovely host from How Sweet The Sound is teaming up with Kellee at the Katillac Shack to celebrate a very special woman, Colette. Colette is battling breast cancer and times have not been kind to her! With Kellee's help her room and hospital bed were transformed into a miracle place of healing! Now beautiful and uplifting her once dreary bedroom is a place of peace, love and HEALING! Just what Colette needs!!!!! Kellee has posted the most wonderful video about Colette. It is a must see!

I am celebrating with so many others today and participating in  Colette's Miracle Party Makover by posting an uplifting story.  I wrote this post not too long after I first started blogging. I thougt it was perfect for the occasion.

 Please vist Beverly and Kellee. By leaving a comment on either post a dollar will be donated to the Miracle Makeover! Please help.

A Knock Out Of A Rose
Pretty and pink and a real crowd pleaser, the Knock Out Rose is a happy, self confident and generous rose. Happily blooming in my garden, these beauties could tell us a thing or two about living successfully!

Roses are natural attention -grabbers, but the Knock Out Rose is a standout among stars! Stars can be so hight maintenance… but not this dazzler!

Here are 7 little lessons I have learned from observing the amiable Knock Out Rose:

1. The Knock Out rose took 20 years to develop. It was developed by the hard work of William Radler. Years and  years of loving labor went into creating this fabulous rose.
Lesson: We don’t turn into our best self overnight or by ourselves! We need time to develop. Trial and error, mistakes, frustrations, and a good deal of help along the way go into all success. God’s hand in our lives molding us and holding us!

2. The Knock Out Rose is disease resistant. To develop this quality, the creator of the rose exposed it to overhead water, that causes black spot in most roses. He also exposed it to other diseased roses. A sure death sentence for the common rose. William wanted to develop a rose that could withstand these perils.
Lesson: Exposure to adversity can have a positive effect. While most roses wilted, our beauty survived. Don’t let the bad in life overtake you. Develop resistance and resilience to it. Overcome it ! Prayer and trust work great here!

3. The Knock Out Rose is heat tolerant. Most roses were developed and originally grown in perfect conditions. So it is not surprising they do not do well in extreme heat. They tend to languish.
Not our tough little rose! It keeps on blooming even in a heat wave.
Lesson: When the heat is on, keep on doing what you know is right- don’t give up. Heatwaves don’t last forever.

4. Our rose is not only disease resistant, but pest resistant too. The Knock Out Rose resists fungi, leaf hoppers and rose midge.
Lesson: There will ALWAYS be pests in our lives. Let’s just acknowledge that and move on. Don’t let others steal our joy for life. We need to steel ourselves against the fungi, leaf hoppers and the midges of the world. Be like our little rose, unaffected even though these pesky intruders are all around. Be kind, but don’t give them a host!

5. Long periods of rain, cold , heat (see above), poor soil conditions and sun are no problem for this special rose. It can not only survive adverse conditions, it can thrive.
Lesson: Be adaptable. Change will come and so will all manner of adversity. Embrace change and stand up to adversity. Try to find the best in every situation and “bloom where you are planted”.

6. The Knock Out Rose does not need to be deadheaded. It is self-cleaning. They continue to bloom, so they just push dead blooms out of the way.
Lesson: We should always be decluttering or lives. Throwing off what shackles us, pushing aside things of no importance so we can continue to grow and learn and live lives in full bloom. Don’t hold on to things that are dead in the past that stop us from living productive lives in the present. Edit, edit, edit your life! Make room for the most important.

7. Knock Out Roses make more of an impact when grouped together. These showy shrubs like to be in each other’s company.
Lesson: Get involved. No man, or rose, is an island! We were made for relationship, and being relational is a sign of good mental health. Find someone to support and mentor. Find someone to support and mentor you. Lend your time and talents to something worthwhile. Take a lesson from our rose… be a joiner. It’s more fun!

Now, the Knock Out Rose is not perfect. It doesn't have much of a smell, does not have long stable stems, and it comes in limited colors.

I guess there is another lesson: No one is perfect! Don't be too hard on yourself!

For Colette- I pray for your total healing! May our Great God and Giver of Life be glorified through you! I'll keep praying for you! Thank you for touching my life with yours!


  1. Beautiful pictures! I can actually smell it's scent..

  2. The pictures are beautiful and the message even more so. This was very nicely done.


  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your blog is awesome!

    marti @ forking it!

  4. I love your rose lesson, thanks for letting me take time to think about the lessons. I enjoyed it. Beautiful in every way.

  5. Hi Yvonne! Thank you for saying my blog is beautiful! It made my day. Also so did the rose lesson... Fantastic... I am sending my daughters here to read this too... I'll be thinking about this all day! Its SO nice to meet you!
    Have a great rest of the week end.
    ~Really Rainey~

  6. What a beautiful post.
    I have knock out Roses and love them.
    Thank you for your sweet comment.

  7. Those roses are gorgeous! Imperfect? Never, LOL~


  8. It's a beautiful rose and I enjoyed the way that you turned it into a lesson for all. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my flannel sheets. I'm about to head into them myself. Have a great Sunday!

  9. You roses are absolutely beautiful!! Fabulous photography too!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Such a great shade of pink!

    - The Tablescaper

  11. Great post and you are oh so correct! After all, "all good things come to those who wait" - and work hard too I think!

  12. Yvonne--so we should all aspire to be a "Knock-out Rose"! Thank-you for this inspired post!

    Thankful you are on the Miracle Team!

    love to you!


  13. Yvonne, I will pray for your friend. I love this post. Life is a rose, full of beauty and thorns, and oh those little pests!

  14. Dear Yvonne,
    Thank you for your inspirational post. Yes, I am learning the wonderful lessons written in your post and I love roses too.

  15. We should all aspire to be KNOCK OUTS!!!!!!!!!!!! This was a wonderful post, the pictures are beautiful and the lessons even better! Thank you, Yvonne. Now I will head on over to the other posts to leave a meaage so a dollar will be donated! XO, Pinky

  16. We should all be a Knock out rose! Excellent post, Yvonne, filled with wonderful lessons and beautiful photography. Thank you for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday Miracle weekend.


  17. What a beautiful post! Happy Miracle Saturday!

  18. Cool how you wove in those life hints! The timing is good as for many of us, the new season of kids returning to school prompts us to make our own plans and adjustments. And of course the rose!
    Linda (still can't quite make the comment form work over here)

  19. I've tried and tried to grow roses ... sooooo many beetles ... I give up ...

    switched to herbs and other wonderful flowering beauties ...

    I adore container gardening ...

    thanks for visiting

  20. The Knock Out Rose, to God be the glory. Thank you for being the messenger, wonderful words that touched me and I'm sure, so many others.

    As for your dear friend Colette, God is a miracle worker. Upon healing, let's be careful to give God all the praise, glory and honor.

    All the Best,


  21. Yvonne, as always, your post is totally gorgeous. Your knock-out rose is stunning, and your photography has captured her beautifully. I appreciate your life lessons. They are all SO to just incorporate them into our lives!!!

    By the way, here's something interesting. This post did NOT come through on my Blogger dashboard. I actually saw the photo and title on Facebook, so I came directly onto your page. But on my Blogger Dashboard it never showed up. Even when I pulled up only Stone Gable updates, this post didn't show. It went right from "Fresh Mozzarella" to "Sunday Scripture." Any thoughts on that?

    Have a wonderful, blessed Sunday.


  22. Love the lesson of the Knock Out Rose. We all need to hear that on a regular basis. Happy Miracle Weekend.

  23. Happy Pink Saturday, Yvonne. Thank you for making Pink Saturday special, and for taking part in this day of celebration and thanks.

    There truly are miracles going on all around us every day. We just have to open our hearts in acceptance.

    Thank you for sharing the inspiration represented by the knockout rose. There were many lessons to be learned.

    I'm still hoping to reach my goal of 200 comments by midnight tonight.

  24. I have discovered your lovely site today.

    The Knock Out Roses are beautiful, the Lesson is even more beautiful!!
    I relate to all of them.

    I have a large rose garden and my Knock Outs are always wonderful and not as needy as the others.

    I'm going to be a regular vistor.

    Thanks and Bless you,


  25. Wanted to let you know that i host a garden party on thursday's & would love to have you link up (old or new post)! also, hosting an Easter tag giveaway - hope you sign up! oxox, tracie
