Thursday, October 1, 2009

Baked Oatmeal

Fall has come to my part of the country. I am thinking about pumpkins and falling leaves and crisp air. My taste buds are also in a fall mood. I am craving food that fills my kitchen with cozy aromas of cinnamon and vanilla and fills my mind with thoughts of comfort.

One of my favorite breakfast foods for this time of the year is Baked Oatmeal. It is warm and filling and just delicious. It can be made in so many variations- classic and plain or all dressed up with add-ins. Any way you make it you are in for a yummy treat.

Baked Oatmeal:
3 cups rolled oats
1 cup brown sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 cup milk
½ cup melted butter
2 tsp vanilla
*Optional Add-Ins: up to 1 ½ cups total
½-¾ cup walnuts or pecans
½-¾ cup dried cranberries, cherries, raisins or other dried fruit
½ cup chocolate chips, butterscotch chips
Preheat oven to 350. Spray 9x13 with cooking spray.

In a large bowl mix together by hand oats, brown sugar, cinnamon, baking powder and salt.

Beat in milk, eggs, melted butter and vanilla. Stir in add-ins.

Bake for 40 minutes. Serve warm with milk, brown sugar or ice cream.
Especially good if shared!


  1. I'm going to try this... and see if I can get my grandkids to eat this for breakfast! Thanks for the recipe!
    Have a wonderful week end!
    ~Really Rainey~

  2. I did a post on Baked Oatmeal a while back. My grandson had only ever eaten instant oatmeal. When he was staying with me, I told him I was making baked oatmeal. He asked me what I was like. I told him it was like a big oatmeal cookie and not that slimy instant stuff. He is now a convert and likes oatmeal. lol

  3. I just made some baked oatmeal and totally loved it. I will save your recipe and try it soon. Geri

  4. We love baked oatmeal in our house. I usually add raisins or blueberries. I add applesauce instead of sugar to the batter and then the kids put brown sugar and milk on it in their bowls. It makes a wonderful breakfast and snack!

  5. Yvonne...your blog is lovely. We love baked oatmeal. It is surely oatmeal weather now.


  6. I love oatmeal, but have never tried it baked. We'll remedy that really soon. Have a great day.

  7. This is such a fabulous keeper-of-a-recipe. I've never baked oatmeal and can't wait to try it. Dr. G will LOVE this! Thanks for participating in FF.

  8. Thank you for a delicious recipe. My family and guests loved the Baked Oatmeal. I enjoy your blog.

  9. Thank you for the delicious recipe. My family and guests loved the baked oatmeal. I do enjoy your blog each day.
