Tuesday, March 5, 2013


A couple of weeks ago I went to an upscale greenhouse with a friend, looking for branches to "force".

I found stunning branches..like coral quince and pacific cherry blossom... but they were very pricey.

I was not willing to pay for something that would be here today and in a month be thrown out... so I came up with PLAN B...

I searched for good faux spring branches.

I could spend about the same money as the fancy real branches, but have the faux ones for many years! Now this was an investment I was happy to make!

I found these branches at Pottery Barn.

If you haven't shopped for faux florals in awhile you might want to give them a second look... some are quite authentic!

Please excuse the blue painter's tape, Bobby is in the "final touch up phase" of painting. The tape will be gone by the weekend! FINALLY!

To make the overall appearance look more natural and organic, I put the branches in a big glass cylinder and added moss around the branch ends to hide them.  

To complete the vignette my hand crafted bird nest sits at the base of the cylinder. It rests on a long curvy branch found in my backyard.  To see an easy tutorial for making a bird's nest, click HERE.  I promise... this is soooo easy!

This is my newly painted buffet's first vignette!  I think the color lends itself to spring!

Even though snow is in the forecast for tomorrow night into Wednesday... spring is beginning to bloom inside StoneGable!

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  1. Those look great, Yvonne. Faux florals have come such a long way since the "silk flowers" of past years. You did a wonderful job displaying them. Hope you have a great day- xo Diana

  2. This looks really great! I have to say, I never would have known these were not real had you not said. I'll have to go take a look at Pottery Barn! Thanks for sharing! =D

  3. Great idea Yvonne. And you have displayed them nicely.

  4. Very pretty vignette, the faux branches look so natural! Beautiful!

  5. So pretty. I love cherry blossoms, they have such impact.I found a really great resource for the most realistic ones i have ever seen...and have to say I am having such fun playing with them! Yours look beautiful Yvonne!

  6. These photos make me long for spring - while we're getting another snowstorm. :-(

  7. Absolutely beautiful Yvonne!! I have to say it again, your buffet looks AMAZING!!

  8. these are lovely and so like the real thing. I use silks all the time, and they are so well made now! Can't wait to see your completed Dining Room.

  9. Stunning! So fresh and vibrant...love the vignette!

  10. Yvonne,
    So elegantly done! Simply, yet not understated!!!
    I'm lovin' the more streamlined approach to decor!
    Fauxs are truly an alternative for those (like me) with allergies!!!
    Dollars well spent on something so beautiful that will last for many years to come!
    Blossom~by~blossom. . .Spring arrives!!!

  11. Very pretty Yvonne. I love it when I find nice faux branches that are quite realistic. Your new vignette on the dresser looks beautiful.

  12. Love it all. You are so talented and I delight in coming here to see what you're up to! :)

  13. Yvonne, your spring florals look perfect on your newly painted buffet. I love the compote filled with natural eggs too.

  14. One time I cut some of my pear branches and they looked so amazing a few of my friends thought they were fake..so then I thought..why NOT fake??? Makes great sense.

  15. I'm a newcomer to your blog and Facebook page and I can't tell you how happy I am that I stumbled across your blog. Your posts and pics are inspirational...and they just make me smile. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts in such a special and giving way!

  16. The faux branches look so natural. Wow.. Guess I will have to take a second look at them. Such a luvly arrangement.. simple yet elegant. Perfect foil for that stunning new piece.
    Hugs, Gee

  17. These branches are just beautiful on your pretty buffet! I have seen them in the PB catalog and I was wondering how many you need to have a nice, full arrangement like yours? I love the little nest, too, I have to take a peek at your tutorial! Thanks so much!


  18. Love the branches - they look so real and beautiful. I also love your buffet - it turned out great.
    Have a wonderful week.

  19. those really look real! I like how you put the moss in there to disguise the ends

  20. Very pretty fauxs. Old Millhouse? Spring is blossoming here too.....INSIDE:) XO

  21. Pretty Yvonne and the buffet is wonderful. I have forsythia blooming and cut in the house. I went out of town and it appears to have dried-does not look bad either.

  22. Beautiful! I have to use silk florals in some places in my house. I like a seasonal wreath on one large wall and if I want any color...it has to be with faux flowers. I think if you buy the better quality florals, they last longer, don't fade and best of all they look real. Using the moss was a great idea to cover the stems.

    Spring is in my house now too...but outside, it is a blizzard!

  23. This is such a lovely vignette! I love everything about it!

  24. Your faux branches look so real! Beautiful vignette & I love the color of your newly painted buffet!

  25. So fresh and lovely! Makes me want to run to pottery barn and then whip up a bird's nest!

  26. Very pretty Yvonne! I have some cherry blossoms I bring out for spring too, very cheerful:@)

  27. So lovely and perfect on your newly painted sideboard!
    Mary Alice

  28. I love your branches. They add such a fresh look for spring. Thanks for sharing where you purchased your branches. I also have been looking for realistic branches,now I know where to look. Thanks much.

  29. Faux flowers, greenery, and branches look so real these days...I love your branches...they are exquisite and look terrific on your buffet!!

  30. These are not real? WOW..they sure look like it. Cute little nest too.


  31. Yvonne, I love the branches. They look so real. That moss adds a nice touch. I agree the vingette looks perfect on your newly painted furniture.

  32. I love the branches. I actually bought some last year at the Pottery Barn Outlet but I don't know what I did with them, you've inspired me to keep searching for my branches. Your vingette looks great!

  33. Your buffet is perfect for spring--and for summer, and for fall, and for winter, and Christmas, and Easter, and.....This vignette is lovely, Yvonne. ~Zuni

  34. Wow. This so beautiful. Little bird nest with egg is so attractive and uncommon thing. I love your decorations. You always have fresh ideas and I wonder how ?

  35. Hi Yvonne,
    So very lovely...your buffet looks amazing with the spring branches on it. The nest is so sweet & adorable.
    All the Best,

  36. These are so lovely and I agree faux florals have come such a long way. Love the arrangement.


  37. Oh my word, they look so real! Beautiful! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  38. I'm not sure how I've missed your wonderful blog until now. I found you through your post over at Savvy Southern Style and I am now your newest follower. I am so looking forward to spending time browsing your posts with a big cup of morning coffee. Blessings to you, Patti@OldThingsNew

  39. Preachin' to the choir, sister...preachin' to the choir! :-) Well-crafted, authentic-looking faux flowers definitely have a place in this world. Pottery Barn has a nice selection as does Pier 1 on occasion. After buying good-quality flowers or branches, it's all about how they are presented that makes them look real or really crazy. :-) Standing ovation for you, Yvonne!

  40. Gorgeous, Yvonne! I love PB's faux florals ... and, you've styled them beautifully on your newly painted spectacular buffet! The vignette is stunning, as always!

  41. I have found that faux is great at a distance but when you get up close it is the leaves/foliage that gives the secret away. I usually remove the poly/silk leaves. Another thing that I have done is to mix real with faux for a fuller bouquet. With the faux leaves removed, the real leaves make it all look real. Again, more successful if the floral arrangement is not up close. The success is in the mix. Some flowers don't look good faux and there are others where faux are fabulous, so pick carefully.

  42. Ohh how pretty. I just love these Yvonne. Makes for a gorgeous Spring display and vignette. Happy Friday.

  43. Real it still better. I still see the plastic.

  44. I always love what you do Yvonne, I share your enthusiasm for bringing spring indoors, so fresh!! Is Stone Gable a bed and breakfast, or am i mistaken?
