Saturday, May 5, 2012


 I received quite a few e-mails last week asking to identify the flowers in the planters from last Saturday's post.  I promised I would post them today... so before 10 random things, here the are...

Just because, here are...

"10 Random Things To Know About Me"

1. I am a horrid speller and an even worse proofreader! If you have been a dear reader of StoneGable for even a short length of time this will come as no surprise! I can't tell you how many mistakes I find a couple of days after a post has gone live... and I have read it over and over for mistakes!

I even get e-mails from blogging friends gently calling attention to my mistakes Thanks, all! I used to be embarrassed and worry, "I must look so uneducated". But now I just shrug and acknowledge this as one of my little quirks!

2. I use google like spell check! I don't know what I would do without google! It is my spelling cheat sheet!

3. Popcorn is my most favorite food in the whole world! I make real popcorn. With a pot and some corn oil and popcorn kernels and salt. No butter though. If I want to take a walk on the wild side I sprinkle it with a little seasoning salt.  Popcorn and old movies... perfection!

4. I am a crier! If you cry in front of me I am crying with you... and need to hug you! I weep in sad movies... I get misty eyed around our brave heroes in the Military... When I am overjoyed, you guessed it, I cry!
 When my kids give me a card for my birthday or mother's day they rate how good the message is in the card by how ugly I am crying!

5. StoneGable, the blog is named after our home, StoneGable. There is a stone gable in the front of our home. We have a name stone engraved with "StoneGable" at the top of it. Naming my blog StoneGable was a no brainer for me because StoneGable, the blog, is about all things home.

StoneGable, September 2009

6. I talk to myself ... out loud! I don't realize it, but my husband sure does. He thinks it is endearing. My niece who is living with us, giggles at me because I often address myself by my name... example: "Yvonne, put that away right" or "oops Yvonne, you spilled that!". I think I primarily do this at home when I think no one is around. No one outside of my family has ever commented on this ... thank goodness!

7. My father was in the United States Air Force and we lived many of my formative years in Scotland and England. While there, I went to an all girls private boarding school, St Margaret's Academy in Edinburgh. I studied botany, italicized writing, Latin, needlework, elocution, and learned all about the history and kings of England.
It was a fascinating education!!!! I took tea every day at 4:00 and learned to love kippers and ride double decker busses.

8. I am naturally messy...because I am a creative person. If left to my own devices I could be a disaster! I like "pretty" and order, so I try to stay ORGANIZED and neat. It is very very important to me. It is a constant battle to overcome my natural messy tendencies! My motto: "life is messy, clean it up!" (thanks Bissel!)

9. I like being a nice person! It thrills me to make anyone, even complete strangers, feel happy and cared about! I think everyone is my friend!  I really try to love everyone. No matter what! I try not to repay evil with evil, but evil with good... and a prayer! With God's help, I believe I can change my little area of the world for the better!

10. My secret fantasy is to be on Dancing With The Stars! Derek Hough would be my partner, of course. I am enthralled by his choreography! I love to dance! And would love to learn more!

Thumbs Up:
veggie gardens, my dog Scamp, the smell of fresh laundry, weekend getaways, girlfriends, sheep, making things myself, little shops, a great book, swimming, lilacs and peonies, label makers, jewelry, sleeping in, butter yellow, generosity, dishes, colored pens, weddings, making soup, porch sitting, magazines, tote bags, dry humor, coffee, Mexican Train dominoes, handmade gifts, photography, charm bracelets, barn swallows, surprises...

Thumbs Down:
 humidity and heat, rude behavior, texting in movies, PEAS, bad hair days, sleepiness, back pain, forgetting laundry in the washer, commercials, having my picture taken. weeds, stinginess, tight shoes, putting away groceries, being negative, spit, unmade beds, headaches, sticky fingers, getting roses, muddy water, broken promises...

Please comment today and tell me one random thing about you too!


  1. Lovely. I'm glad to know all of this Yvonne. I enjoy your blog, your thoughts, your creative side. It is all delightful...and I enjoy it like I would visiting with a favorite neighbor! Activities keep us busy, but people keep us happy. You do a good job of that each week.

  2. Good morning,
    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post. Crafts and DIY projects are beyond my range of talents - I admire people that are so talented. But Mexican Train Dominoes - yes!!

    If you don't already have it, try Firefox - it corrects spelling as you go.

    One thing about me....I sing (loudly) when in private. In my head I'm right in tune with The Irish Tenors, Patsy Cline - you name it, we blend reality, I can't carry a tune - thus the private part :-)

    Have a fab Saturday!

  3. I love the stone in your house ... I think of it as PA stone as so many houses there use it. My grandfather built many houses with that stone in the Phila. area. I never dreamed you grew up in UK ... that's pretty cool! I also talk to myself aloud--keeps me straight. Unfortunately I do it at work too! The young girls just laugh!

  4. My favorite color is butter yellow, too.♥

  5. Yvonne, I think we have a lot in common. I am inherintly messy, too many creative projects going at once, and my husband uses Google as spell check also. My one random thing is that I
    love being around people, but I really love being alone and working on my creative projects. It is like my therapy. Love your blog and reading about your creative pursuits.

  6. Sure enjoyed getting to know a little about you today! I've always wanted to be a background singer in a band. I can't sing a lick but I always thought it would be fun!

  7. Thumbs DOWN to getting roses??????????????

    Did I read that correctly, Yvonne?? Or was that an overlooked shoulda-been-in-thumbs-up-category error?? :- p

    Great post. You always make me smile.

    1. No, thumbs down. I like garden roses. I do not like getting roses as a gift. Hot house roses are not my favorite... I like jewelry better!

  8. One random thing turns out to be two. I am a perfectionist and a big worrier (probably they are related) and that drives some people crazy. My mother was the same way. I've tried to learn not to worry so much, but it's a hard habit to break. On the other hand, I am a people pleaser, but sometimes that's not a good thing either...

    Thanks for sharing Yvonne. It means we are all human. You are a great friend.

  9. What a delightful post! Your stone house is absolutely beautiful! Oh my, everyone in my family and most of my friends know that butter yellow is my most favorite color in the world! I also love crafts and projects and messy, yes indeed! Photography makes me so happy, it's a wonderful hobby, isn't it?

    Have a great day and thanks for sharing!


  10. I had to smile at your crying revelation. I am such a cry-er...every time I would read a book out loud to the kids during the homeschool years they would recognize the signs that tears were coming. They used to give me a hard time about it....and I would apologize...but I truly don't think it was a bad thing. I'm glad we share that trait.

  11. Beth @ Violet Ave.May 5, 2012 at 9:57 AM

    I am also a messy person!! I am a worrier and I try to please everyone but don't speak up when I am not being treated fairly. Red is my favorite color and I love old things - movies, crystal and furniture. Love your blogs and your home is beautiful

  12. Fun reading more about you Yvonne! One random thing, which for those who read my blog isn't so random is I have trouble staying on task as I have so many thing I am wanting to get done!

  13. It is great getting to know you better! I am a big crying mess as well and I used to try and hide it when I was younger but now everyone just expects it and I just let it all hang out. Have a great weekend!

  14. Yvonne, I agree with everything on your thumbs up, except I don't have a dog and I am not sure what a barn swallow is, but if it is a bird, well, of course, I'd give it a thumbs up! I also agree with everything on your thumbs down, except.....I like peas! Love 'em sauteed with shallots and mushrooms, with bacon or prosciutto, tossed with some pasta or on the side with meatloaf and mashed potatoes. And I love split pea soup! xo

  15. Love this! Really enjoy your blog and posts. I too talk to myself, sing to myself (out loud of course) and am a cryer and a hugger. I think there is nothing so important as lifting other people up as much as you can these days. Give compliments freely!! Keep up the good work! You are an inspiration!

  16. Yvonne, I love hearing more about you. So neat that you grew up in Scotland and England. I have visited both several times and I always thought it would be fun to live there, for a while. My first name is Margaret and it was interesting to hear about St.Margaret, while in Scotland. When you said you attended St. Margaret's I was not surprised in the least.

    One thing about me? Blue and yellow is my favorite color combination. I absolutely adore those colors and especially together. One can tell that from my blog.

    Have a great weekend.

  17. It is always so nice to learn more about friends we have made online. You know I love your blog and am so glad you are back with us. I'llbet you didn't know that my favorite breakfast is fried rice and that I have it 4 or 5 days a week. Have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

  18. What a wonderful post...I so enjoyed learning more about you! Your blog has become one of my favorites! You inspire me to be more creative!


  19. Fun post. You are such a creative person!!

    I am a cryer as well. I even cry when I am mad.

  20. I took piano lessons for 7 years as a child and don't play a note now. How sad is that? But I love, love music. I also love Mexican Train dominoes which we play regularly with our friends. I enjoyed your post and learning more about you. P.S. My dad ate kippers a lot and I like them but haven't had them in over 40 years! Pamela

  21. I went to boarding school, too. My family lived in Venezuela and I attended the Grier School in Tyrone, PA for 9th grade. I loved it!

  22. Another reason I enjoy visiting you and find you so endearing... I can't spell a lick either. Seriously, I have even baffled spell checker and responding to comments takes me forever because I have so much to correct. Don't you just hate all of those red squiggly lines everywhere! I have no problem reading, just spelling. Oh, and I flip numbers and can't remember them either. So there you have it. Will you still be my blogging friend :)

  23. I think we need a photograph. I like to think of people in their setting and I have your setting just not you in it.

  24. This was such a learning post! We have many similar traits. Crying, creative, caring of others. The one thing most folks don't know about is that I made trailored suits for my younger sister when she was in college & her first years of work at the same college. That's probably the last time that I used my tailoring skills.
    Beckie in TN

  25. Yvonne: What a fantastic post. Loved learning ten things about you.

    You seem to be such a loving and caring person.

    One thing about me is that I am very shy and usually sit and listen but do not put in
    much input into the conversation.
    Hope you have a fantastic weekend.

    PS I love sheep since my last name is Lamb.


  26. spell just like my dad, he couldn't spell either, messy despite efforts to change it is still there, creative but get distracted by messes, love to cook and host folks for meals, love to rock on my porch, love lunch out with friends but that is rare,
    still learnig how to live here, want a doctorate in theology and I love sunny lazy Saturdays!

  27. Yvonne thank you for telling us is always so interesting to learn more about our friends!

    Oh lets see, I have a desire to make life better for everyone! Audrey Hepburn is my inspiration!

    Featured: an Interview with Tina from The Enchanted Home...


    Art by Karena

  28. Except for not liking peas and growing up in Scotland, this could have been written about me (though my ancestors were from Scotland).

  29. Wonderful post!! I loved learning about you. and thanks for the flowers.. Now I can go plant something that looks good together. hmmmm.. something about me. English is my third language.. German and French came first.. Happy Weekend!! xo marlis

  30. I love your blog and find a kindred spirit with you in so many ways.... but I suppose the main thing I that I am a huge anglophile... I so hope to go to Scotland and the Uk before too long... ever since retirement there has been something or another standing in the way... because I do want to go on my own, not a canned tour.... so much I want to experience and see...

  31. Fun post Yvonne, always nice to get to know folks better! No peas??? Oh my, one of my favs. My random fact would be that I hope to one day write the lyrics to a Christmas song, even have topic already picked out. Have a great weekend:@)

  32. Great post this Saturday....I enjoy everything about your blog and learning more about you. Amazing how many "cry-hers" you have on your too !!!! When I hear the Star Spangled Banner, see a bride walking down the aiale and see a newborn baby for the first time always makes me have misty eyes. I'm with you on the them in a garden but not so much from a florist (to expensive...rather have a rose bush). Have a great weekend

  33. What a wonderful insight into the wonderful person of Yvonne. I am like you in many more respects that I would have thought. It is amazing how similar so many of us are here in blogland! I just love coming here to visit you and feel like I know you even better now.

    One random thing about me? I would love to publish a children's book. xo Diana

  34. Yvonne this was a fun post! I love to learn more about my blogging friends. I talk to myself all the time and think it's just fine (that's my story and i'm sticking to it). One random thing about myself is that I love to lay on my bed and read. Just the most comfortable place in my home!! Hugs, Linda

  35. Loved this Yvonne,love your honesty, and your ability to laugh at yourself, a very admirable trait!! I too talk out loud to myself, LOVE popcorn, and loved what you said about liking being a nice person, I am the same way, I love to help and make people feel good about themselves, it gives me great job. You do a wonderful job of that through your blog..thanks for that!

  36. OMG, we have so much in common. Love popcorn and of course we get a large order when we go to the movies almost weekly. I am messy, too and not organized at all, but working on it. I do like a neat house, but don't look behind closed doors. I am a stickler for a made up bed. Drives me crazy for it not to be made up. I am a crier, too. I cry at the Hallmark card and Folgers coffee commercials. So much fun learning these things about you.

  37. Wow ~ I love this Yvonne!! I can cut and paste your thumbs up and down portion for myself ~ PEAS!!! I laughed at that one! I am a hugger and have been told many times that I do give the best hugs. I cry at sad movies, commercials, cards you name it I have a tear for it.

  38. Hi Yvonne -
    After reading your post, I realize we have a lot in common. I, too, am a messy person (by nature), but I try really, really
    hard to keep everything in order. It's hard when it doesn't come naturally. I also "like" to be a nice person. It is just who I am.
    Many people over the years have said I am too nice, but I cannot help it. I don't feel I am taken advantage of, I just think it is
    easier to be a good, nice person than a miserable one. One more thing, my kids tell me I talk to myself. Big Deal!
    I love your blog, especially your receipe.
    Have a great day!

  39. OK, since you asked: I sang with a band in HS. Yup, and it was FUN! I now only sing while in the car alone:) I too have messy tendencies but HATE messes so TRY to be organized as well. We sure have in common that we like to be kind and helpful to others. When Oprah had her "random acts of kindness" thingy going on I LOVED when I would go through a toll botth, I would pay for the next person too. FUN!!!! Now we all have "easy pass".I could go on and On. Maybe I should do a similiar post. XO, Pinky Miss you already:(:(

  40. This was the "funest" blog I've read in a long time. I'm envious of your time in England. One thing most people don't know about me is that I can tie a fly for fishing that would make all fishermen want them.


  41. Yvonne - what a fun post!!! I am always using google (upper right hand corner of my screen - so convenient) for spell check too. I am a new fan of composting and worm farming :) I love being a mommy of two little ones but sure wish I had more time to garden, cook and create. Although with those babies came a bunch of tears for the simple little things in life - must be a Mommy thing. I am very messy but think I am organized :) still working on a nice balance. I am really good at re-creating a tablescape, a room or garden from a picture (I did your red and white tablescape for Christmas (minus the rooster) and it looked almost exactly the same. Love your blog - glad your back!!

  42. Yvonne, loved this post and getting to know more about you. My husband hates PEAS so much he tells people he's allergic to them so he is never served a pea. I happen to love a fresh garden pea and when I grew them many years ago, I never had to worry about sharing them with my dh.

    I like to hum to myself. My grandfather was and my father still is a 'hummer'; guess I inherited more than the dimples. :)

  43. Dearest Yvonne, We could be twins. I've always loved your blog and admired your many abilities. Getting to know you has been a great blog experience. Please know you are not alone. Before we married my husband wanted a grocery list. The first thing was popcorn, that has been 43 years ago and there is always popcorn in our home. I have two sisters and we are all criers. My husband says I cry if a match is burned for then it is gone. Life is wonderful.

  44. I too wear my heart in my tear ducts.

    I also have an affliction my family refers to as "musical tourettes" I sing all day long, changing words to popular songs to suit the event. :()

    1. You are a joy to visit, Yvonne.
      Perhaps it is divine that I am following Laura. (Also a favorite visit of mine.) I live my life in song. When I wake, I have a song in my head. I have a voice only a mother could love. I change the words ( like Laura),as well. This morning, I was singing my version of Cinnamon Girl to my granddaughter, Holland. She wasn't even at our house. It's her little rock lullaby. I blogged about it!
      My visit to Stone Gable this evening has truly warmed my heart!
      Thank you, good friend!

    2. wrong reply click girl! How divine!

  45. Thank you for sharing. We have alot in common. I have sometimes felt "weird" because I tend to cry at things most people do not. I truly love people and enjoy making them happy, too. I could keep going. Bless your sweet heart. You do a wonderful job with this blog. Keep it coming.

  46. I love this post, I simply love learning more about the blog writer of the blogs I follow and love. I am incredibly sensitive and cry often... I love doing things for other people, do not like gifts and do not like people doing things for me.
    One random thing...I studied chemical and biological weapon systems for my Master's Degree.

    I have to say, even though I said this before...I am so happy that you are back. I know that God works in many ways and perhaps part of his plan for you is to be a part of all of our lives and spread your love and light that way?

    Thank you for sharing! Elizabeth

  47. I, like all the others, truly enjoyed this post, Yvonne, and it absolutely fascinates me that FIFTY ONE people have commented! To think that we all care enough to read this long (and lovely and interesting) list amazes me. And YOU amaze me with your list. Even your list is creative, and your observations of self are so interesting. So well done...very cool. I like to sing and I like to dance, but I REALLY can't sing. When we travel by car I sing along to help my husband stay awake because he laughs so hard--REALLY! I would LOVE to sing like Sarah Brightman. :) Thanks for a great post! ~Zuni

  48. Your spelling issues are also mine. Geez, I hate finding mistakes days after a post!

  49. Oh such fun to hear ramblings on 10 personal things about you and your general likes and similar to me, too! As requested, a single tidbit about me...I'm an artist who paints realistic floral still lifes in oils, and as a result seem to be developing an increasing sensitivity to everything around me! It's an amazing feeling to look at everything in essence, with a magnifier...and to have such emotional sympathy for living things that I too can cry at the drop of a hat! :o)

  50. It's so much fun learning random things about people! Love it!! Four leaf clovers almost scream at me lol I find them all the daughter can too. I have them in books all over the place.

    Love your blog and your home is beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing:)

  51. Oh, Yvonne.....I love this kind of post. We have so much in common and I could comment on many of the same quirks, I mean characteristics, but I'll just endorse POPCORN. If I were on death row, I'd pick a big old bowl of popcorn for my last meal.
    Linda @ A Toile Tale

  52. What a great post Yvonne. I do know one thing, if we were neighbors we would be best friends! I could have written your thumbs up and thumbs down. Oh, and theres that RED DOOR, could it be that I have one just like it?
    Have a great Sunday.

    The French Hutch

  53. Oh my gosh. Were we separated at birth. I thought I was reading about myself, and when I got to the PEAS in the thumbs down, I felt like I was definitely looking at my doppelganger.

  54. Hi Yvonne. So fun to get to know you a little more! Thank you for sharing yourself with us. I am like you in many, many ways. I guess one quirky thing about me is that I am TERRIFIED of spiders!

  55. What a fun post, Yvonne. I enjoyed getting to know you more through this post. Whenever I travel, I have to keep my watch on "home time" so I know what my loved ones will be doing. :)

  56. Loved the 10 things about you! I totally GET the not receiving roses thing. After working in the florist industry while attending college, like you, hot house roses, just are not my thing. There are too many other wonderful flowers to give and receive.

    One random thing, about me really isn't about me. I am 99% sure my friend in PA waited on you one night in a restaurant. A while back I had told her about your blog and she started reading. I don't think she comments. Anyway, she called and said "I'm so excited, I think I waited on Yvonne and her husband tonight" She said, I wanted so badly to ask for an autograph! LOL So sweet and cute! We all adore you Yvonne!

    Your planters are beautiful, LOVE LOVE the heliotrope-such a yummy fragrance.

    Mary From Virginia

  57. I love you!! I hope I get to meet you one day. Your humility is such a blessing!!
    TheI thing about me is that I am a horrible procrastinator!! I was told that really procrastinators are really perfectionists putting off a task for fear it may not be perfect. Hmm - sounds likely!!

  58. Cute post! I've driven my husband crazy for years, with my little messes all over the house--- stacks of magazines, clippings, half-finished scrapbook pages, etc.

  59. Love your post. I aspire to set beautiful tablescapes as you do. One random thing...I cannot smell. My whole life, I've been faking it.

  60. Enjoyed your post. What I've most enjoyed about your blog and many others I read, and also through pinterest I'm not the weird person my family thinks Iam. There are many people like me out there and I'm so thankful to know that. I love pea salad and also rainy winter days where I can stay warm inside. Love riding with windows down through the country with my dog in my lap.

  61. Hi Yvonne - WOW - amazing how many things we share in our likes and dislikes...especially PEAS !! The one thing I could help you with is I am an amazing speller and proofreader!! So I would have your back on that. Your blog is always the first one I read in the morning with my nice cup of coffee and my labrador next to me on the couch. Hugs, Dorinda

  62. Love posts where the blogger shares things like these. I actually think, for those of us that have followed for quite a while, I knew many of those things (maybe not in detail, though). I do find it hard to think of you as having messy tendencies. Your home is always lovely. One randome thing about me...I am a girly girl and don't follow sports. But people are always surprised to find the one sport I love watching is Indycar racing. Go figure!

  63. Hello Yvonne,

    I love your blog...your photos and sentiments are always very touching and beautiful. I love your name, because one of my dearest and (long, long-time) friends is named Yvonne. I know you and I could be close friends. English is my second language, sooooo I'm am very picky about spelling, and consider myself very good at it. However, thanks to spell check I am sometimes quite surprised that I have misspelled words. My mom always said that the perfect people are in heaven and that God isn't done with those of us here on earth yet. Carla

  64. This was fun! It's always nice to learn a little more about our fellow bloggers! I, too, cook popcorn the old-fashioned way on top of the stove. No butter, but I have taken to dropping a spoonful of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter into the pot right after I toss the popcorn in. It really gives it a good flavor and eliminates the need for salt. I thought my Mom and I were the last people on earth who still prepare popcorn on top of the stove!!! Glad to know we're not alone in this world!!! :-) One random thing: On days that I KNOW I MUST get a lot of things done around the house, I keep my pajamas on so that I'm not tempted to leave!

  65. I'd love it if everyone did this! I like that heat and humidity are at the top of your thumbs down list; here in south Louisiana, they're at the top of EVERYONE'S!!! Thanks for this lovely post!

  66. How neat! Everyone should do this! There could be a special day for this!
    Love that heat and humidity are at the top of your 'thumbs down' list; here in south Louisiana, that's on EVERYONE'S list! Thanks for a great post!

  67. yvonne,
    I was delighted to read this post...we are alike in many ways. I used to be an excellent speller and proof reader for a local newspaper, anymore spell check and "Mr. Webster" are two of my close friends when blogging!!! Typo's have been with me since the beginning! Ha! Butter yellow??? A must see is my newest post, My Longing Soul. . .

  68. That was a fun read, Yvonne! I'd choose Derek for a partner, too! He's my favorite. He probably wouldn't want me for a partner, but he seems so nice, doesn't he? I talk to myself, too, and I always listen soooo well to me!! I'm a good speller. In fact my hubby still asks me words to spell on a daily basis. I call it my "gift"!!!

  69. Yvonne~ I'm a popcorn lover, crier, love DWTS & VERY messy too! I am seriously directionally husband says I can't find my way out of a paper bag :)

  70. Yvonne,
    What a fun post. I like getting to know the talented souls that write my favorite blogs.
    I love popcorn but I guess as one random thing about me would be that I love being in the garden working that housecleaning. I do the housecleaning regularly, but if I was given a choice...gardener or housekeeper, I'd rather pay for a house cleaning person. :-)

  71. Such a fun post, Yvonne! I loved it! I love popcorn, DWTS, and have been known to cry while watching the Brady Bunch! :D

  72. Thankyou Yvonne for this beautiful post. I appreciate you more than you know. I too love popcorn and have one of those neat rolling old fashion red and gold popcorn poppers and our grandkids dearly love it. I too cry and hug and you remind me of alot of myself but I don't think you probably ever put your foot in your mouth. Can you ever forgive me? I treasure both you and your blog. I always have. I just have to get use to change...even small ones and then I'm fine. You are still my mentor and great example and it is a joy to come here.

    Loved reading about you and the others you highlighted. I just love every one of those gals too. This blogging world is made up of remarkable people and we seem to all have our funny yet endearing qualities and quirks.

    Again thankyou for your beautiful posts....and your friendship.


  73. Hi Yvonne,

    Loved your post and having been following it since you came back to us from your absence. While I don't blog I do enjoy following many of them. I too am a crier, hate peas, love popcorn made the old fashioned way and dream of staying home a being a housewife to my wonderful husband. Alas I have always had to work outside of the home. Being empty nesters there isn't quite as much to do and both of us now being diabetics limits my baking for friends. Keep blogging, I love hearing everything about your life.

  74. I like to whistle! It really does make me feel good! I'm frequently catching myself trying to start a song while shopping!
    I broke a tooth while eating popcorn many years ago on an unpopped kernel and as much as I love it I've been reluctant to eat it! I love hot air popcorn with butter and salt! That's another reason I don't eat it much anymore!
    I was shocked to see your thumbs down to getting roses! I'm thrilled with any kind of gift of flowers and roses always seemed to be the cadillac of them to me! Of course there are so many more top notch choices!
    I'm always fighting tears back when I see someone else crying and I quietly try to catch my tears hoping no one else will notice when I see something in a movie that moves me!
    When I do our small business accounting, and I'm by myself- I call out the numbers that I'm going to enter into the program so I'll remember and not have to look back! I sound like the person calling out the numbers at a bingo game!

  75. I'm so happy to learn more about you, Yvonne. I do know what an amazing, creative, generous person you are and your kindness and love of God shine through in every post. I spent most of my growing up years in a private girls school too and am thankful for the excellent education I received there. Imagine...4 years of Latin. It's actually something I use all the time. Who would have thought!

  76. I love your blog, and all of your posts, especially anything with your gorgeous photography, but this is hands down my FAVORITE post ever! I love hearing little things about the bloggers I adore! This post was so endearing!

    P.S. I called Derek Hough first in MY DWTS fantasy! ;-) Oh, and I use Google like spell check too!
    Have a great week, Yvonne!


  77. This is random...but true. The kind of creature I am most afraid of....frogs! Horrors!

  78. One random thing about me..... I'm a big fan of your blog. :-)

  79. I love this post! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  80. Loved your post! I love to smile! I smile and laugh out loud all the time! It is just who I am and have had people comment on it. I guess they can't beleive that is who I am, but it is, and I try to spread my joy around! Why go through life unhappy and down in the dumps? I would rather look at the positive than the negative! God bless you and all your readers! Ana
