Thursday, April 19, 2012


Elegant and refreshing... there is nothing boring about herbal infused waters.

These satisfying, easy to make waters are and light and oh, so interesting...

Herbal Waters have a hint of  flavor that lingers as you drink it down.  Dazzling! 

A welcomed alternative to regular water and much more economical than those expensive flavored water. Perfect for hydrating with style during the upcoming warm months or after exercising!

Make a statement by filling pretty bottles with your favorite Herbal Infused Waters... so chic!

good fresh water
fresh applemint, rinsed

Fill a pretty bottle with good quality water and add sprigs of applemint. Depending on how intense you want the flavor, slightly bruise some of the leaves, releasing the applemint oils into the water. Refrigerate for a couple of hours. Serve with plenty of ice and a nice sprig of mint.

Show restraint... herbal waters should be very lightly flavored, so you only need a small amount of herbs. They should gently infuse the water.

Some recipes call for steeping herbs in boiling water. This can changes the flavor of the herbs, loosing their just picked, fresh taste. I would not recommend this for herbal waters.

Be creative with herbs and tasty add-ins!

Here are some other delicious combinations for HERBAL INFUSED WATER...

~thinly sliced unpeeled cucumbers, thinly sliced lemons, spearmint and rosemary
~ lemongrass and lavender
~lemon verbena, lemon peel and thyme
~ citrus peel and and pineapple mint 
~ lemongrass and mint
~ strawberries and basil
~ parsley... that's all
~ cucumber and basil
~thinly sliced oranges and sage

Beautiful and good for you too!

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I am participating in:
FOODIE FRIDAY at Rattlebridge Farm


  1. Infused waters are very good after workout drinks, I use it every day. Perfect post for the season! (I made some infused drink today too) :)

  2. Love it Yvonne....cucumber or mint or lemon verbena are my favs!

  3. I just found your blog. What a lot of fun stuff. I'm going to try the breakfast cookies. I'm your newest follower. It's so nice to meet you!

  4. I love cucumber and lemon slices in water and have been drinking it for a while. I just started adding mint, it is wonderful. I need to look for apple mint here. I don't think I have ever seen it. I love the individual bottles. xo

  5. I love making herbal (or berry) infused waters, especially in the summer. Lemon is a favourite, as is mint, and lemon balm. Now if only the weather would warm up around here!

  6. Sound great, I have some lemon balm on hand right now. I do do water with cucumber slices, so I will have to give your recipes a try. Thanks for the great refreshing idea:)

  7. Thanks for your sweet comment. I love the presentation of your water. I once made mint lime water and our dinner guests couldn't believe it was just mint and lime. I hope my mint spreads so I can make this soon.

  8. What a great idea, Yvonne. Reminds me of Mexican agua fresca.

  9. I love this idea.
    I'm so glad you visited my blog and that I returned the visit - and now I'm strangely thirsty.

  10. Perfect and healthy idea for the summer months ahead!
    Bon week-end Yvonne!

  11. That sounds refreshing! Nice to see you again too....
    Really Rainey @ The Project Table

  12. I love trying new recipes of herbal water, using herbs I have in my garden mostly, so I know there's no chemical of any kind on them... But here we're having a chilly spring, so I'll stick to hot herbal tea for a little while! Thanks for the ideas of combinations, though, I'll try some of them as soon as normal spring temperatures are back!

  13. Sounds very refreshing Yvonne! My mint is up:@)

  14. It sounds and looks good, pretty and refreshing. Now you can't beat that! Thanks! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  15. What a gorgeous I have kind of forgotten about. Thanks for the tip, have people coming over on Tues. will give this a go!

  16. I always enjoy the cucumber water they serve at various spas I've been to, so your applemint would be right up my alley, Yvonne. I've never thought to make some for home!

    I have a few antique bottles with the same type of stoppers that my sister found in the attic of my parents home. I need to get them down & use them in a tablescape somehow!

    Hugs to you my friend, for all your wonderful ideas,

  17. Great idea! Can't say that i've ever tried water like this. Closest I've come is tea with a sprig of mint in it! The applemint sounds the best!

  18. Very refreshing Yvonne! I always put a pitcher of water with lemon slices on the table when we have company, but I can't wait to try one of these combos!! Have a great weekend :)

  19. Lovely idea - my mint is coming along nicely... will give this a try soon.


  20. So refreshing! I think this would be perfect to drink during my zumba class!!! Of course in a plastic bottle!!

  21. Definitely going to this this a try! They look so refreshing! :)

  22. As I am on my Spring detox, me and hubby use infuse water. We use cucumber, lemon, lime and mint.

    TY a mill for sharing your educational and a never ending useful menus. My swede family were keeping an eye on your menus §;-)

    Love your soups and the bake prosiutto with egg.

    Happy w/end to one all.

    Greetings from snowy Stockholm on Springtime,

  23. Now that looks refreshing! Did you know that the pic you have on your sidebar has the word "herbal" misspelled? You left out the "b" :)

  24. Beautiful pics! I love your choice of serving ware, too.

  25. These are great ideas! Thank you. I do marketing for a company that allows you to infuse water directly into this cute plastic portable water bottle, with the fruit stored in the bottom. The URL is if you want to check it out.

  26. Eleazar @ Amazing Herbs and OilsJanuary 16, 2013 at 8:59 AM

    Hello Admin,


    My name is Eleazar Acampado from I’m sending you this short message to let you know that I have just featured HERBAL INFUSED WATERS in my new blog at:

    If you like the post and you think your fans and followers would too, then it would be fantastic if you could share the post with your Facebook fans, Twitter followers and Pinterest followers.

    Thanks for a fantastic information on how to make herbal infused waters and let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do for you or your blog.

    Best regards,

    Eleazar Acampado

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