Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Today is a beautiful, sunny spring day here at StoneGable. The kind of day made for being outside all day long!

I can't think of a better way to start my day than with breakfast on the back porch....

I've never been much of a breakfast girl until recently. Now that I am eating something every morning I can honestly say I feel much better throughout the day.

Today's breakfast is served in a white rattan tray... just perfect for one! It is covered with a pretty blue and white dish towel ( Wm-Sonoma). I love this  fresh periwinkle color!
Blues and whites have always been a favorite color palette of mine. 

I start every morning off with a big cup... or 5... of coffee. Do you have a favorite coffee mug? This is mine (Ralph Lauren from HomeGoods). 
Having a pretty mug that is all my own is part of my morning ritual. Making things special... even little things... brings a graceful quality to life!

Strong Coffee With Cream
Soft Boiled Egg
Soldiers, Buttered Toast Sticks
Yogurt and Berries

There are so may opinions for cooking a perfect soft boiled egg. Here's  how I cook mine. Easy and straightforward.

How To Cook A Perfect Soft Boiled Egg

1. Take your eggs out of the refrigerator 30 minutes before cooking. They cook better at room temperature.

2. Bring a pot of water to a boil. The water must cover the eggs by 1 inch.

3. Reduce the water to a simmer. Add eggs and cover with a lid.

4.Simmer 4 minutes for a large egg. You might want to test this on an egg or two until you find your personal preference in doneness. You want the white of the egg to be soft and not rubbery and certainly not raw or runny. The yolk should be hot and loose.

5. Pour out simmering water and run cold water over the eggs to stop the cooking process.

6. Crack open the top, salt and pepper and enjoy!

I try to eat an egg or some protein every morning. It makes such a marked difference in my energy level. I also try to eat a mix of blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. Costco has a mix of these berries in the frozen section of the store. I divide them in 1 cup portions in baggies and grab one out of the freezer each day. I like them as much as just picked berries!

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I am participating in:
LET'S DISH at Cuisine Kathleen
FOODIE FRIDAY at Rattlebridge Farm
SEASONAL SUNDAYS at The Tablescaper


  1. Your breakfast looks delicious and beautiful.

    Most of my favorite mugs are from Homegoods.

  2. Perfect way to start the day! xo

  3. Perfect way to start the day! xo

  4. This is such a yummy & healthy post! Thank you for the tips!
    Big Hugs,

  5. Your back porch tray would have looked grand smack in the middle of my back porch blue and white table this week. My mama ate a soft boiled eggs almost every morning of her life...with one slice of toast and two strips of crisp bacon. I think that we can trace America's issue with obesity back to the day that we were 'scared' out of a traditional breakfast (and all the protein) and into a bagel for breakfast with all those carbs. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  6. Beautiful pics. Everything looks so yummy.

  7. I used to love having a soft boiled egg with buttered toast pulled apart and mixed with the egg in a mug. I haven't had that in a long time {at least 4-5 years, since I went gluten free}. It's the bread. It's just not the same, although I have found a new one since we moved so I may have to give it a try. I learned to eat breakfast again when I was in my mid to late 30's and had put on some weight. I joined Jenny Craig and it was part of the plan to eat breakfast. Like you, I felt better and found I wasn't as hungry throughout the day. Now I have either the Chex cereals {which are gluten free}, a gluten free bagel, or a gluten free muffin for breakfast, with my two cups of coffee, of course! : ) Then I'm good to go!

  8. I just love your posts. So whimsical. ALL the recipes look gourmet and perfectly photographed. You could probably make something I don't like (which isn't much) and still make me want to take a bite!! :)

  9. Beautiful, Yvonne! Love your blue and white and I do love boiled eggs! Although I just eat the yellow! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  10. It is just beautiful, Yvonne, the table setting and the whole shebang! Love it- xo Diana

  11. I love those colors, my favorite combination of blue and white. I am diving into your photos... Brilliant!

  12. It looks yummy! Breakfast is a favorite meal of mine also to have guests...especially on a Saturday morning when there's time to linger. We love breakfast on the porch because its so buggy here, but your deck would be beautiful! Yes I love your mug ---blue and white !!!!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I just started eating a balanced breakfast as well (never have been into breakfast) and it really does make a difference. Your table is gorgeous. Enjoy your weather.

  15. So pretty........not a big breakfast person when I have it its on the run, but you sure do justice for eating a good one!

  16. The Ralph Lauren "Mandarin" is my favorite coffee vessel, too! The design gets me going! Beautiful morning meal set up, with beautiful colors to get the day really up and at attention! I have always been a "breakfast person" and enjoy being able to eat in slowly and comfortably. I most enjoy breakfast on the weekends when my husband is home to eat with me. I'd give anything to have that 7 days a week!

  17. What a great way to start the day! Beautiful Yvonne and the berries and yogurt looks so yummy!!

  18. Thank you for posting this. It’s exactly what I was looking for!

  19. I sure wish I had time these days for a quiet, relaxing, breakfast. I do eat breakfast too but tyhese dyas it is a QUICK bowl of cereal and I always have fruit in it too!!! I need to add some protein, I KNOW it makes me feel more energized. LOOOOOVE the blue and white. I need to find a B and W mug!!! Beautiful breakfast tray. XOXO

  20. Just beautiful Yvonne!! I was not a big breakfast person when I worked but I am making aneffort to enjoy a breakfast each morning.

  21. Looks like a beautiful way to start the day Yvonne! I haven't had a soft boiled egg since Ma made them when I was a kid... might have to correct that:@)

  22. I like the way you think. You sure did have a lovely breakfast.


  23. Just popping by to say I love seeing posts from you in my reader. :) "StoneGable" is so evocative of Anne of Green Gables. Love the new look!

  24. I have a favorite coffee is a Christmas Longaberger Mug. I use it everyday and all year! It's the way it feels. Love it. Your breakfast looks delightful! I eat breakfast every morning and I sit down and enjoy it. Even if I am running late! I just love your posts and photography! Thank you!

  25. I love eating on our patio when the weather is nice...just wish I had your breakfast!

  26. What a lovely way to greet the morning! I can almost hear the birds singing too.

  27. Yvonne, this would certainly start my morning with a peaceful smile. Your photos look like they belong in a coffee table book - beautiful. laurie

  28. Your table is so pretty!! And you inspire me to have a nice breakfast. It has always been hard for me to eat early in the morning but the egg and toast looks so good! And I truly believe it's good for you! :)


  29. What a pleasant way to start your day! The blue & white combo is so soothing and peaceful. The meal looks mighty tasty, too!

  30. This looks so inviting. But then again, if it's blue and white, it's hard to resist.

    Be sure to visit as I have a fantastic GIVEAWAY.

    - The Tablescaper

  31. What a beautiful way to start a day - everything is lovely.

    Your breakfast is delicious and so nutritious too - perfect.

  32. Hi Yvonne, I try to eat breakfast every morning and a boiled egg is my most common choice--a good way to get some protein. You won't like the way I drink coffee--never cream--always black or maybe a little skim milk, and NEVER for breakfast. That time is reserved for tea for me. I can't start my day without it. I even have a cup while I am making the rest of the breakfast! Yes, I am hooked. Yogurt and berries, especially with granola mixed in, is also a popular choice here. Thanks for the tip about the frozen berries. I always buy fresh but that can be a problem. Have a wonderful day. Linda

  33. Beautiful and the food looks like art. I want to have breakfast on the porch! :0)

  34. Your breakfast tray looks so inviting! and delicious!

  35. How wonderful to start the day with that beautiful breakfast setting!

    The food looks delish!
    Thank You for sharing and have a wonderful night!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  36. yum, yum, yum. that breakfast looks decadent...especially the parfait. Dining al fresco is so fun.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  37. Yvonne~ What a wonderful way to start your day with that beautifully set breakfast tray! I'd like to order the same please~ especially with a pitcher/side of bridal wreath spirea! I'm on my second cup of coffee this morning and there is a third in my future :)

  38. Aren't soldiers just THE best??? I gave my 4 little grandies a lovely eggcup each for Easter and they have been having a boiled egg with soldiers for breakfast. Oh, I brings back so many memories!!

  39. Anytime I can have breakfast on the back porch I am a happy girl. Your breakfast is beautiful, Yvonne!

  40. Your tray looks so pretty Yvonne. So nice to see someone else loves their morning coffee cup as much as I do. First, mine has to be bone china. I just love how it feels in my hand and how wonderful it is to sip from.

    I have one in each house. My favorite I bought in the Bahamas, English bone china of course, and is blue and yellow and has a big yellow whale on it. I can't help but smile when I see it. The other one has an apple pattern on it and looks very traditional. I would have the whale one in both homes if I could find two. Sigh...

  41. Gorgeous breakfast tray...yes, coffee out of a beautiful mug is great way to start your day....Just bought some RL plates from everything Ralph Lauren....

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  42. Yvonne,
    Breakfast on the deck is common practice on weekend mornings in May here on the Prairie!!! This makes me mentally prepare for the upcoming enjoyment of Breakfast on the Deck!

  43. I have never heard anyone call them toast soldiers except my grandmother and mother. I continued that tradition with my children and grandchildren. Then I heard you say it too! Love your blog. Keep up the good work!

  44. Love eating breakfast outside too and reading morning devotions. The blue and white is lovely. We try to eat some protein each morning especially for the girls. Protein sticks longer than carbs which is why when I eat cold or hot cereal I am hungry before morning coffee time!

  45. Hi Yvonne - Your breakfast looks delicious. My husband and I have four sets of favorite coffee mugs that are seasonal, and they all came from Homegoods! They do brighten one's morning, along with the delicious coffee they contain. Love your blog, as inspiring! Hugs, Dorinda

  46. Hi, Yvonne

    I just love all your table settings and the recipes you share on your blog. You inspire me to create more beauty during our meals. I've been a follower for over a year and I missed you when you left, but I am so happy you are back now. You are a Blessing.


  47. I'm loving your table and the thought of joining you on the porch. I often start my day on our screened porch and am so grateful for those quiet morning moments when everything marks the beginning of a new day.

  48. Breakfast on the pack porch is good for the soul. What a beautiful setting, and I could not agree more that it is essential to treat yourself special. Thanks for sharing.

  49. I so agree, if I eat my egg whites in the morning I am not so hungry during the day!
    It is a beautiful tray, I would feel so pampered! I love the blue and white too.
    Thanks so much for linking to Let's Dish!

  50. Thank you for posting this. It’s exactly what I was looking for!

  51. What a beautiful way to start the day! Beautifully displayed!
    I like someting with protein since it sticks with me the best!
    I adore a good cup of coffee in the morning (or two) and yes I have a favorite mug
    but it's not quite as classy as yours!! That's a good idea with the berries! I know my sister makes herself a morning protein shake and she puts berries in it that she gets from Costco too!

  52. I had to come back and see this again, in the midst of all this madness, I need to see this SERENITY! You are a blessing in my life, my friend. XO, Pinky

  53. Yvonne, what a perfect way to start your day. I am just realizing that about the protein early in the morning. I always wished I liked coffee. I've tried and tried but apparently, I am meant to be a tea drinker. I just don't think it has the punch of coffee! Blue and white is just the perfect way to start the day - calm and fresh.

  54. What a lovely way to start the day! Blues are such soothing colors. I have a favorite coffee cup, but it is actually a huge mug, made for me by a friend who is a potter. Coffee just tastes better out of that cup. :)

  55. What a beautiful start to the day! Love the blue and white. We enjoy breakfast on the porch but it is way too chilly this morning.

  56. You'll always get my attention with the blue and white Yvonne. This table setting is lovely and so perfect for a sunny morning on the porch. Thanks for sharing.

  57. I love a pretty breakfast tray and the blue and white is always striking! Those berries sound really good! hugs, Linda

  58. Thanks Yvonne, you have reminded me how wonderful a quiet morning with a little breakfast and coffee can be. Beautiful trayscape.
