Thursday, November 10, 2011


Giveaway is at the bottom of this post.

I first saw a version of these yummy potato stacks on Pinterest. Searching for the source led me to Martha Stewart... of course! Click Here to see the original stacks and recipe.

They looked delicious but honestly a little plain. I though I could improve them... I could best Martha by putting a StoneGable spin on her own recipe! Thrilling!

These cheesy, creamy, crispy, buttery potatoes are scrumptious and they are so cute!!!!! I have made them 5 times in the last 2 weeks... they are that good! Hope you give my version a try!

Muffin Tin Onion Gruyere Potato Stacks

5 baking potatoes
2 onions, chopped
6 TBS butter
1 1/2 cups grated cheese, Gruyere or cheddar
kosher salt
freshly ground pepper
heavy cream or half and half
cooking spray
thyme sprigs

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Thinly slice raw potatoes. I use a Mandoline but they can be carefully hand sliced into thin even slices. Set aside.
Melt butter (about 4 TBS) in a large skillet and saute onion over a low heat until translucent and slightly golden. Add 2-4 TBS butter in the pan and melt the butter. Set aside.

Grate cheese. Gruyere is my favorite but cheddar works great too! Set aside.

Spray all twelve muffin cups of a regular size muffin pan.

 Add 1 slice of potato to the bottom of each muffin cup. Salt and pepper. Add 1 more slice of potato. Top each potato evenly with 1/2 onion and butter. Add 2 more potato slices. Sprinkle 1/2 grated cheese evenly over potatoes. Add 1 more potato slice and salt and pepper. Add 1 more potato slice and evenly add the remaining 1/2 of onion and butter. Add 1 or 2 potato slices and  top evenly with remaining cheese.

Pour 1 TBS cream over each potato stack.

Bake for 35 minutes until potatoes are tender. Remove from oven and let rest for 5 minutes.

Run a sharp knife around the edges of each muffin cup and pop each stack out with a fork.

Garnish with thyme.

Printable Recipe

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StoneGable French Basketeer Giveaway

Andrea from FRENCH BASKETEER sent me a basket full of French goodies to giveaway.

The giveaway includes...

~A soft woven San Torpez 
Basket in Orange
~A Dehillerin Paris Silpat
~Two MOP Vintage Cheese Knives with etched detailing
~A generous roll of Andrea's Washed Burlap (right from the Romantic Home photo shoot... so soft and waiting for a project)
~ A pair of very vintage French Tea Towels

And from me to you...
~A little Posh Velvet Pumpkin (made by me)

Click HERE to enter this Ooh La La Giveaway!

I am participating in FOODIE FRIDAY at Designs By Gollum


  1. Oh my, your Potato Stacks look sooooooooo good. I will be trying these very soon.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  2. Yvonne,
    These look divine, dear!
    If it's from StoneGable it's a keeper...thanks for sharing ...just in time for the holidays!!!

  3. These look like a wonderful side dish Yvonne, I'll give them a try. Thanks for sharing.

  4. This is such a good take on scalloped potatoes. I think it will be much more appealing since the stacks would be easy to serve. You could also transport to a potluck dinner, warm up and then move to a platter.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  5. Oh my, these look marvelous! I do believe I will be giving these a try very soon! :)

  6. Sounds yummy and I love rosemary potatoes. Looks like a beautiful one for a dinner party.

  7. I am so inspired Yvonne! I've never heard of potato stacks before and I plan on making these asap! Yummy!

  8. Oh my! Those looks delicious. Gosh, they'd be good for so many occasions. I could probably eat a whole pan of them. Yum. Thanks for the printable recipe.
    Have a great weekend.

  9. OMGoodness, these sound SOOOO good! I will try these soon!!! XOXO

  10. They look great Yvonne! Wouldn't mind one or two for breakfast either:@)

  11. Now that is a keeper recipe! Thanks, Yvonne!

  12. I save the word "amazing" for special occasions and this is definitely one of them.

  13. Yvonne, you are killing me! How can I look at this and NOT make my printer print this out? Seriously I render myself helpless and powerless against something this decadently delicious!!!!!! Does your family know how lucky they are!!! WOW This I must make:)

  14. Making me hungry. Those potatoes look delicious and fancy. Pat

  15. I can hardly wait to try this recipe this weekend. It's supposed to rain here and this just looks so yummy. Thank you,

  16. Love potatoes and onions together. This is a must try. Many many thanks for your inspiring and yummy recipes.

  17. Youpotato stacks looks super scrumptious, Yvonne!! I'll definately be giving them a try. Don't we just love our own, little individual serving, too? It makes it so special!!!

  18. Of course you can best Martha... never a doubt in my mind. Love the potato stack.


  19. Never mind the giveaway! I had to chime in to thank you for posting this amazing recipe! I can't wait to try it - YUM!!!

  20. Oh Yvonne, you have me laughing and hungry! We make these almost exactly the same way and, like you, have made ours at least 3 or 4 times in the past couple of weeks! I think potatoes are my favorite food!

    Your pictures are so pretty!


  21. Thank you for this delish recipe. I have also passed it onto my daughter.

  22. Those look scrumptious! I will definitely have to give these a try, my family loves potatoes fixed anyway!!

  23. The potato stacks look great! A nice recipe to try for the holidays!
    Thank you, Lynn

  24. I am making the potato stackes along with your scallop recipe for my daughter's 21 birthday dinner. I love your recipes and decorating ideas.

  25. I am sooo going to make this! Thanks AGAIN!

  26. I am drooling over those potatoes! YUMMY!

  27. This looks delicious - I am going to have to try out the recipe! I just stumbled across your lovely blog & have signed up as your latest follower. I have just been enjoying myself going through some of your older posts I look forward to popping back for some more inspiration!
    Melissah from Scrapbook

  28. These look amazing. I will have to try them have company coming in for four days over Thanksgiving and am not much of a cook so need all the help I can get.

  29. I just made these tonight. Oh my goodness!!! So delicious!

  30. I'm trying to play catch up on some older posts - what a lovely one this is. Gruyere is such an underused cheese - I love it, love, love it.


  31. I made these for dinner tonight......awesome!! Thanks!

    Kim Hewitt

  32. I had the exact same thought...why not make it like I make my traditional french scalloped potatoes. Onion, Gruyere and a bit of cream. Just had to laugh, great minds. Wonder why Martha didn't think of this?? LOL

  33. Sounds delicious! I like the idea of individual servings.

  34. I love this ! Just looking at makes me hungry !!!! I mean happy 😃

  35. Will def give those potatoes a try! Follower on fb, too!

  36. Those potatoes are on my menu tonight. They look delicious! Regena in TN.

  37. Oh wow Yvonne, these recipes all look so scrumptious. I will definitely be trying some of these this week.


  38. Going to try the potato dish tonight ! thanks
