Thursday, November 24, 2011



Dear God, I come to you with a grateful heart for all the countless blessings that You have graciously bestowed on me this year. Blessings great and small and those from You  I never knew about. Thank you for Your sovereign hand in my life. 

Thank You for walking with me and holding me up through the hard times in life, I have felt Your comfort and presence.

Thank You for you love. It is lavish and beyond measure. I see it in so many ways. But it is manifested best in the abundant life from your Son, Jesus.

Help me Lord, to be more aware of my blessings and my gifts from You and help me to share the love You have for all people. Help me be a channel of your love!

Thank you!

To my DEAR readers....
I am so thankful for all of you! It is hard to express how blessed I feel by your friendship, interest and support! You are in my prayers daily!

I pray that you have many blessings to count!

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours..
    from me and mine..
    warmest hugs...

  2. Dear Yvonne.... a most lovely sentiment and prayer!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

    Love and Hugs

    Art by Karena

  3. Thank you Yvonne.
    My daughter and I feel it was the prayers of so many here that helped bring us through a difficult time to a beautiful silver lined cloud we are so blessed to be in now.

    Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours

  4. happy thanksgiving to you too, may god bless you... really nice post.. it makes up the thanksgiving mood on the internet.. :D

  5. Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving Yvonne!! Martina

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Yvonne!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Yvonne- I am thankful for the beautiful posts you do that showcase all your talent with table settings and recipes! xo Diana

  8. Yvonne, wishing you a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

  9. Yvonne, stopping by to wish you and your family splendid holidays. I know your table and meal will be extraordinary.
    Happy Times! ~ Sarah

  10. Hi Yvonne... I've got my mashed taters in the crock pot!
    Thanks again for that tip, i tried two years ago now!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours...

  11. Yvonne Happy Thanksgiving from Canada

  12. I love reading your blog, it's one of two that I consistently read. You are a blessing to me and I'm sure to countless others. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    Kindest regards,

    Yoly from Miami, Fl

  13. In my own small way in my own small corner of Wales I am getting ready to sit down to my vegetarian Thanksgiving Dinner complete with Pumpkin Pie . . Happy Thanksgiving to You Yvonne from Across The Pond.

  14. Greetings Yvonne!

    Just stopping by to wish you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving and holiday season. Thank you for always inspiring us with your amazing talent.

  15. Dearest Yvonne,
    As I started to read this just now, my first impulse was to think, "Oh, if only I had seen this earlier", I would love to have read your gorgeous words as our blessing before dinner today. But then the words got sweeter and sweeter and tears started coming and I knew I the same would have happened at my blessing! I get so sentimental!

    Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
    Hope your day has been a bountiful one in so many ways.

  16. Yvonne,
    As I read your written words, I remembered some of the difficulties you faced earlier this year with your health. I heard the voice of your grateful heart. Warmth and blessings flowed over me as I read that you, too, pray for your followers! You continue to be such a precious blessing in my life...and the lives of others. Thank you for this special Thanksgiving Day message.

  17. Yvonne, that is a beautiful heartfelt prayer. I hope you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I'm sure your family and guest had a memorable one. Today has been a time for counting our blessings and I've been doing a lot of that. Having sweet blogging friends like you is a new blessing for me. I enjoy the creativity, talent and friendship of so many lovely ladies through blogging. I am thankful for that experience. God bless---- Shannon

  18. Amen! Yvonne you are dear to my heart, and I wish you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving!

  19. Beautiful Thanksgiving prayer, Yvonne. Actually it's a perfect every day prayer that I might have to "borrow".

    Blessings to you and your family on this Thanksgiving Day.

  20. Happy Thanksgiving, Yvonne. Hope you're having a wonderful holiday!


  21. Beautifully stated. I hope that you and yours have had a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving!


  22. The same to you and yours, Yvonne! I hope the day was a good one for you!

  23. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Yvonne!

  24. HI my friend, I am just seeing this now and wish I had seen it Thurs. I would have prayed ythe same prayer. Beautiful words. I hope your day was fabulous and you were surrounded by family and their love. Love to you, Pinky PS, haven't been on the computer since Wed. night and have tried to do a post but am unable to get any pictures up??? Someone suggested I may be "out of pictures"? I may have to BUY more??? Do you know about that?????

  25. OH Yvonne, I have been at my mom's and I miss seeing your wonderful blog and sweet thoughts. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I have been blessed by your friendship. thanks!

  26. Thought I had left a comment earlier, but stopping by to wish you a blessed Thanksgiving~
