Sunday, August 7, 2011

ON THE MENU~ Week of August 8, 2011

I am not a summer person. Probably because I don't live near a beach, or up in the fresh air of a mountain retreat or maybe because I don't even have a pool ( I would love a pool). I live where the three H's run rampant the month of August! Hazy, Hot and Humid are my constant companions. I play a game of cat-and-mouse most summers trying to dodge them any way I can. Mostly, I hide in the comfort of my air conditioned home or my air conditioned car. I spend time in air conditioned shops and restaurants and  only go out early in the mornings or later in the evenings when the temperatures are a little more tolerable.

This year I might be rethinking my adversity of summer. Yes, it is still unbearable, but the garden is the best we have had in years! I am finding myself scooping up my gathering basket, calling for the dog and heading out to the garden to see what goodies are ready for the picking... even in the heat of the afternoon. I am sweeping the porch and fussing over the potted flowers. I think my garden is a peacemaker between summer and me.

This summer has zoomed by like an express train and soon my official favorite time of the year will be here, Autumn. I have seen glimpses (preview) of Fall on some blogs. But they will not temp me! I am going to embrace the last month of summer this year and give it a big sweaty hug! I will live in the day, even the heat of the day and not shove summer out the door like an unwelcomed guest!

Summer, you are still welcomed here... at least until the crisp air of Autumn blows you out the door!


Grilled White Balsamic Chicken
Braised  Whole Chokeless Baby Artichokes
Crusty Bread (for sopping up that wonderful braising liquid)

photo: Wives With Knives

Recipe: Braised Chokelesss Baby Artichokes
This is one of those recipes that make me weak kneed! I have such a love for artichokes. Braising anything brings out  such great flavor too. Can you just taste it by looking at this fabulous image from Kathy? Wives With Knives (such a great name) is one of my favorite cooking blogs! Kathy's recipes are always so consistently delicious and filled with wonderful ingredients. Her pictures make me want to lick my computer screen. Go visit Wives With Knives for this delicious recipe by clicking HERE.

Walnut Cream Sauce Ravioli
Broccoli Rabe

Recipe: Walnut Cream Sauce Ravioli
Some blogs are addictive! Thank goodness most are not fattening! The Arizona Russums is a blog that could be harmful to your waistline!  A sorta new blogger with such great recipes! I want to try every one! Go visit and get this easy yet company worthy main dish by clicking HERE.

Bourbon Barbecued Pork Chops
Smashed Potato
Grilled Onions And Tomatoes

Recipe: Bourbon Barbecued Pork Chops
1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar
4 bone-in pork loin chops
1/2 cup bourbon
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
3 cloves garlic, pressed
1 TBS minced ginger
1 medium onion, cut into 1/2 inch rounds
2 medium beefsteak tomatoes, halved
1 TBS vegetable oil

Preheat grill to medium high. Turn off one side of the burners. Put 1/2 cup salt, 1/4 cup brown sugar and 3 cups warm water in a large bowl. Add the pork and soak for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, bourbon, apple cider vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, the remaining brown sugar, garlic and ginger in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer until the sauce thickens, about 15 minutes.

Grill onions and tomatoes over direct heat 3 minutes per side for the tomato and 4-5 minutes for the onion.

Remove pork from the brine and pat dry. Brush with vegetable oil and grill over direct heat for 3 minutes per side. Transfer to cooler side of the grill and cook for 3-4 minutes more per side, brushing with the sauce.
A printable copy of this recipe can be found HERE.

Shrimp Creole
Sticky Rice

photo: Designs By Pinky

Recipe: Shrimp Creole
I haven't make Shrimp Creole in a very very long time! My very dear friend Pinky (isn't that the best name) from Designs By Pinky made creole that looks scrumptious... a must try! Please go visit my friend and tell her I sent you. She is one of my favorite people! Click HERE to visit and get this southern favorite!

Lobster Rolls
Homemade Baked Veggie Chips

Recipe: Lobster Roll
Look for this yummy summer treat in a upcoming post!

Recipe: Coleslaw
1 bag coleslaw mix
1 carrot, grated
1 cup mayonnaise
2 TBS cider vinegar
1/2 tsp dijon mustard
2 TBS sugar (I use spoonable Splenda)

Mix mayo, vinegar, mustard and sugar in a large bowl. Add coleslaw mix and carrot. Toss to coat. Serve or refrigerate.
Printable Recipe

Grilled Vegetable Anitpasta Dinner Platter
Grilled Focaccia Bread

SUNDAY: Soup Day
Roasted Garden Tomato Soup With  Garlic Croutons
Open Face Fontina Cheese Sandwich

Recipe: Roasted Garden Tomato Soup With Garlic Croutons
4 lbs tomatoes (I use Roma)
6 cloves garlic, do not peal
4 TBS good olive oil
sea salt, good pinch
1 large onion, chopped
1/2 tsp dried oregano
2 tsp sugar
2 TBS butter
3 cups chicken stock
1/2 cup heavy cream ( I use 1/2 cup cream cheese, cut into small chunks and a couple of TBS heavy cream)
Garlic croutons, recipe follows

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut tomatoes in half and place in a single layer on a large rimmed baking sheet. Add garlic cloves. Drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast for 1 hour and cool. Peel garlic.

In a large dutch oven, heat 1 TBS and butter over medium heat. Add onions, oregano and sugar. Cook for 5 minutes until onions are translucent.

Add tomatoes, garlic and stock. Simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from heat and using an emulsifying blender, blend until smooth OR bled in batches in a blender. Pour liquid through a sieve and discard any solid pieces.

Put liquid back in the dutch oven and reheat. When soup is hot add heavy cream and stir until blended.
If you are adding cream cheese, stir over heat until melted and then add heavy cream.

Ladle into bowl, shave Parmesan cheese over the soup and add croutons.

Homemade Croutons:

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
I always keep crusty bread in the freezer. When a loaf gets a little old, I make croutons. If you have a fresh loaf, leave it out to get a little stale. One or two day old bread from the grocer's is perfect!
Cube bread and put it on a large rimmed baking sheet.
Drizzle olive oil (or melted butter, or both) over bread cubes. Sprinkle with garlic salt and herbs of your choice. I sprinkled on a very light dash of Tuscan herbs.
Bake for about 20 minutes, turning once until they are golden brown. Cooking time depends on the denseness and freshness of the bread. Watch your croutons closely, I always seem to burn mine!

What Else Is On The Menu At StoneGable:

Peach Cobbler In A Bag


Here's what to do with all the wonderful garden herbs...



I can't wait to see all of your delicious dishes. Thank you for joining ON THE MENU MONDAY! 

~Please link your post using your permalink.
~Make sure you have a link back to ON THE MENU MONDAY on your post.
~ Please visit at least 2 other OTMM participants.


  1. Oh my, that salad looks delicious :)

  2. You had me at crusty bread for sopping up that wonderful braising liquid~

    *pausing to wipe the drool & braising liquid off my chin* :-)

    I got the biggest chuckle~ oh to be like you: "I am going to embrace the last month of summer this year and give it a big sweaty hug!" Thanks for the smiles & inspiration!

  3. Yvonne,
    This heat has been sweltering...unbearable...but "this too shall pass". Living in the Sunflower State we have four wonderful seasons. Three of the four are one's I adore...our current one...not so much! My dear friends are always threating to do harm to my "happy feet" when we are enduring Snowstorms...somehow, I think they'd allow a happy dance about now...sorry due time! Enjoy the bounty of your garden!

  4. Oh, mercy! Another yummy Monday, Yvonne. You sure find some fabulous foods to share.
    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

  5. I have just posted about craving for summer but I sure do hope we don't have the terrible heat waves you all have been coping with!

    My son has been sick this week so I haven't done much cooking but I will be cooking up a storm this week for sure!

    Best wishes,

  6. Hi Yvonne,
    Although I keep inviting folks in to have a cold glass of iced tea with me, I shall embrace summer until the last lovely drop is gone. I can certainly do that with your great Garden Tomato soup, it looks delicious. Thank you for hosting a great party and have a wonderful week.
    Miz Helen

  7. WOW!!!! I am beyond honored that you would feature one of my recipes on your wonderful blog!!!!!!!! Thank you my friend!!!! You are too sweet! I have to do my post and then will join in on this wonderful party!!!! We had another EXCELLENT dinner tonight:):):) xO, Pinky

  8. Yvonne, you are unbelievable, another week of wonderful meals. I also feel summer is flying by too fast although my favorite season is autumn as well. I wish it last six months and do without winter. xo,

  9. I feel your pain about heat and humidity, having grown up in Wisconsin! We have dry heat out here and like it a lot better. My garden was so great last year but this year it is not doing very well. Glad to hear your garden is so much fun!

  10. Wonderful menu, as usual. I spied an almost exact roasted garden tomato soup recipe on Jennifer's Jane Deere blog the other day. Made it for dinner tonight and it's fabulous!!

    Have a wonderful week.

  11. O, your menus always looks so delicious. You have a talent of cooking AND photo is indeed a pleasure just to come over to your beautiful blog.
    Thanks so much for all the great recipes and for hosting such a great party each week.
    xoxo bj

  12. It's a yummy week at StoneGable!! I LOVE the sound of the Roasted Tomato Soup. I make homemade soups alot in the fall and winter. I have lots of tomatoes in pots on the back deck this year. I'm going to try this when they are ripe. Thanks for hosting, Yvonne.

  13. Everything looks really good -- don't you just love herb butter!

  14. You've once again put together another wonderful menu for the week, Yvonne!

  15. Oh Yvonne, your pictures are mouth-watering! I can't wait to try those artichokes. I, too, LOVE them! Thanks for hosting this fun party with such great ideas.

  16. Dear Yvonne,
    Thank you so much for all of your wonderful recipes and hosting this party. You are so generous in sharing all of your creative ideas and talents!

  17. Hi Yvonne,
    Another wonderful menu. Everything looks delicious!

  18. I just wanted to pop back and see if you have seen this page at Pinterest:

    It is really easy to add pins when you add the "pin it" button. It says you need Chrome as the browser so I'm not if it works with other browsers.

    Thanks again!

  19. Love your menu Yvonne and I add my raspberries cupcakes, thanks, gloria

  20. Yvonne, the panzanella salad and herb butter are calling our names. As always, some must try recipes.
    XO Angela and Renee

  21. I do love summer, not the heat, but the days at the beach with my gkids, and all the flowers. September is a beautiful month here in Southampton. The water is warm, the air is cooler, and the tourists are gone!
    It is what comes after Fall that I dread!

  22. I too love artichokes. Sounds good. And I am NOT ready for Fall. No way, no how.

    - The Tablescaper

  23. It is a treat to visit OTMM every Sunday night! I am so excited about two menu items this week. I am a lobster roll freak and can't wait to try yours. are on my facebook page tonight. I so love showing you off! Thank you, too for featuring my nephew's cobbler. I can't wait to show him!
    Love YOU!

  24. What a great week you have planned Yvonne. I've said before, I could exist on your panzanella salad.

    I'm a summer person through and through. It's not that I like the heat, it's that I don't ever want to be cold again in my life. So consequently we follow the sun all year long. Sometimes I wonder if the month you are born in determines what your favorite season is. I was born in the sultry heat of August in the south before a/c. My poor mother...

  25. Bourbon B-B-Q'd Pork... oh my that sounds good! We're one week through August Yvonne-woo hoo! While I don't want to wish time away either, I do look forward to cooler weather (at least less humidity:@)

  26. I'm 100% the same about summer. My garden is my draw (although it's only flowers) to getting outdoors. The heat humidity does overwhelm at times. A home along the beach of a lake or the ocean sounds quite lovely! Those bourbon barbecued pork chops sound yummy!

  27. What a yummy sounding week you're going to have, Yvonne! I've already been over to Pinky's to copy down her shrimp creole recipe & next I'm heading for the peach cobbler in a bag.

    Thanks so much for all the ideas & inspiration.

    p.s. I feel EXACTLY the same way you do about August!!!

  28. **squeal** I always get so excited on Monday's to see what YOU are showing and the links are so inspiring as well. I brought some champagne glass cupcakes to the party today! Cheers!

  29. Any photo that Cathy, from Wive with Knives, posts makes me want to make it. Your weekly menu looks varied and delicious. I wish I had the fortitude to sit down and plan my weekly menu. SIGH. I used to, but ....well, life gets in the way.
    Beautiful roundup!

  30. Love all the summer sunshine but the 3 H's kill me too.
    Everything looks so yummy, however will I chose what to try?

  31. Two questions for you on the menu:
    where can I find the recipe for the grilled white balsamic chicken and where did yo find the artichokes?

  32. It's always such inspiration to stop by always brighten up my day! Your recipe ideas look scrummy for this week!
    Thanks for hosting such a great party...Shel

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Thanks for the feature, Yvonnve! Those braised artichokes look delicious! I love ALL things artichoke as well. I will have to try them!

  35. Hi Yvonne so sorry to have missed a week and am back today! as usual it looks alll delectable at The Stone Gable. My favourite season is also autum but nowwe are looking forward to spring and new growth has begun to sprout so am dying to make panzanella salad!


  36. Hi Yvonne,
    oh yumm, yumm, yumm - I could eat all your wonderful photos. That look all so delicious. You have it hot and humid, we have it wet and cold. It nowhere really nice at the moment.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  37. LOL....I love the way you write.

    And your menu for the week has me drooling.

    Thanks for the recipes and the links.

    Wishing you a beautiful week ahead.

  38. The artichokes LOOK OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!! I must must try this, both my hubby and I love artichokes so this is right up my alley! I get the best ideas from you. I love summer but do love fall as much except for the schedule and stress that the school year can bring....( you know hearing at 11 that your son needs a poster board and running frantically from one CVS to another to see who is still opened)!! Thanks for the wonderful ideas and recipes..always such a treat to come here!

  39. I do love panzanella salad and make it every summer with dad's tomatoes right off the vine and his fresh-picked basil!
