Sunday, August 21, 2011


First things first.... Let's talk Giveaway!
A big thank you for everyone who participated in the StoneGable Flora Doora Giveaway! And a big thank you to Jane, at FLORA DOORA for making Margaux for one dear StoneGable reader.

The winner was selected by Random Number Generator and is...

Jacqueline, At Cabin And Cottage

Congratulations, Jacqueline!

Please e-mail me your address and I'll send Margaux right along to you.

Now here's what's ON THE MENU MONDAY...

Avocado Salad~ Steak Topped Taco Bowls

Recipe: Alvocado Salad~ Steak Topped Taco Bowls
I could eat Mexican, Tex-Mex, Southwest almost every night! Look at this gorgeous salad! A meal of deliciousness in a tortilla bowl! My sweet, sweet friend Rett from Gazebo House made this culinary delight. She is not only a great cook and decorator but is a gifted seamstress. Click HERE to view her recipe~ OLE'!

Grilled Balsamic Chicken
Barley Salad

Recipe: Barley Salad
On of the first friends I met through blogging was the Tablescaper. Her blog is so beautiful and genuine. She uses her own photography (something I admire greatly) and is a master Tablescaper (something I aspire too). She is a fast and tried and true friend. Blogging would not be the same without Ms. Tablescaper. So when she presented this summery Barley Salad and I saw the gorgeous pictures I know that it would end up ON THE MENU MONDAY! For this luscious recipe and a visit click HERE.

Tomato And Olive Tart
Arugula Salad With Parmesan, Pine Nuts In A  Lemon Vinaigrette

Recipe: Tomato And Olive Tart
I can't wait to try this!
1 pkg puffed pastry
4 oz. red cherry tomatoes, cut in half
8 oz. yellow cherry tomatoes, cut in half
1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes packed in oil, chopped
1/2 cup black olives, such as kalamata, pitted and cut in half
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
1/4 olive oil
fresh basil, chiffonades
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Put tomatoes, olives and oil in a bowl. Add salt and pepper. Mix.

Roll out puffed pastry to a 10 x 12 rectangle. Put pastry on a parchment lined baking sheet for in a rectangle tart pan. Score 1/2 edge all around the pastry and prick the bottom with a fork.

Carefully spoon the tomato mixture on to the puffed pastry, avoiding the edges.

Bake for 12-15 minutes until the puffed pastry has risen and is brown.

Remove from oven and sprinkle with cheese and basil.
Printable Recipe

Recipe: Arugula Salad With Parmesan, Pine Nuts In A Lemon Vinaigrette

1 bag of FREST baby arugula
1/4 cup shaved good parmesan
3-4 TBS toasted pine nuts
1/4 cup good olive oil
juice of 1 juicy lemon
1/4 tsp dijon mustard
good dash of kosher salt
Put the bagged arugula in a large salad bowl.
 In a small jar add oil, lemon juice, mustard and salt. Put lid on jar and shake to emulsify. Pour just enough dressing over arugula to coat. Refrigerate the rest.
Add parmesan and pine nuts. Mix. Serve immediately!
Printable Recipe

Zucchini Boats
Caprese Towers

Recipe: Zucchini Boats
When I saw these delicious looking zucchini I was delighted! My zucchini are offering up their last hurrah and they will be made into these yummy zucchini boats! Lisa from House Dressing has a winner of a recipe as well as a stunning blog! Go visit her and see all the creativity going on over there... and get the recipe by clicking HERE.

Recipe: Caprese Towers
When garden tomatoes are abundant, I thoroughly enjoy them in a caprese salad! Summer perfection!

fresh garden tomatoes
fresh mozzarella
fresh basil
very good olive oil
very good sea salt~ I am using a pink salt
balsamic olive oil, you guessed it... very good

Cut tomatoes about 1/2~ 3/4  inch thick. Cut fresh mozzarella about the same. 
Cut basil into chiffonades and then chop finely. Save a few pretty tops of a basil plant for garnish.

Pour a small pool of olive oil in the center of the plate.

Stack 3 rounds of mozzarella and 3 tomato rounds alternately. I use a round cookie cutter to cut the mozzarella to match the radius of the tomatoes... it looks much prettier.

Drizzle more olive oil over the top of the stack so it runs down the sides.

 Sprinkle sea salt over the stacks and around the plate. Do the same with the fresh basil.

Drizzle a little balsamic vinegar around the edge of the plate. Use a light touch! Too much will spoil the delicate balance of flavors.

Add the basil garnish to the top of the stack.
Savor with a crusty piece of bread to mop up every last drop of summer infused oil!

Grilled Flank Steak Quesidillas
Fresh Salsa
Mexican Explosion Salad

Recipe: Grilled Flank Steak Quesidillas
1-1 1/2 lb flank steak
1/2 cup olive oil
2 TBS balsamic vinegar
2 TBS lime juice
1 clove garlic, crushed
salt and pepper
1/4 cup olive oil
1-2 large onions, sliced into thick rounds
1 red pepper, cored and quartered
1 cup Monetary Jack Cheese
1 cup good salsa, homemade recipe follows
8 8-10 " flour tortillas

Combine olive oil, balsamic vinegar, lime juice and garlic in a zip lock bag and squish with your hands to mix.
Salt and pepper flank steak and add to bag. Let marinade for 30 minutes, up to 4 hours.

Preheat grill to medium high.  Brush onions and peppers with olive oil and grill in a basket until slightly charred.
Grill flank steak till medium. Remove vegetables and steak from grill. Let steak rest, tented, for about 10 minutes and then cut in thin slices on the diagonal, against the grain.

Place a cast iron griddle, smooth surface up, on the grill. Shut lid to let it heat up.

Meanwhile, assemble quesidillas on a sheet pan. Place 4 tortillas on the pan.  Divide the steak among the 4 tortillas. Top the steak with onions and peppers. Add 2 TBS. salsa to each quesidilla and  1/4 cup cheese. Top with remaining tortillas

Brush a little olive oil on the griddle pan. Slip the quesidillas onto the griddle and cook a few minutes each side until the cheese is melted and the tortillas are light golden brown.
Serve with extra salsa and a lime wedge.
Printable Recipe

Recipe: Fresh Salsa
I am mildly allergic to cilantro, so I do not add it to my recipes.
6 large roma tomatoes, diced
1 medium yellow onion, finely chopped
1 small green pepper, finely diced
1 small can green chiles, finely diced
1 garlic clove, finely minced
2 TBS olive oil
dash of white balsamic vinegar
1-2 TBS lime juice
2 tsp. fresh parsley, finely chopped (parsley can be replaced with cilantro)

Combine all ingredients and let flavors marry for a couple of hours. Keep in refrigerator.
Printable Recipe

Recipe: Mexican Explosion Salad

1 bag romaine salad
1/2 cup canned Mexican corn, drained
1/2 cup black beans, rinsed well and drained
1/2 sharp cheddar cheese
1 tomato, diced
Mexican ranch dressing, recipe follows
Tortilla Strips or Nachos, crushed

Place salad, corn, beans, cheese and tomato in a salad bowl.
Southwest Ranch Dressing:In a small bowl, mix 1/4 bottle of ranch dressing, 2 tsp pkg. taco seasoning, and 2TBS salsa. Mix well.
Dress salad and add tortilla chips or crushed nachos.

SATURDAY: Soup Day~ Slow Cooker Day

Recipe: StoneGable French Onion Soup
This is such an easy and absolutely wonderful, full-flavored soup! I am using my sweet onion from my garden in this most loved soup! For recipe and pictorial foodie tutorial, click HERE.

Salmon En Croute
Panzanella Salad
Corn On The Cob

Recipe: Salmon En Croute
I know, puffed pastry twice this week. Well, it IS indulgent, isn't it!
This is a beautiful looking and scrumptious tasting main dish! Puffed Pastry makes this easy meal company worthy! I am adding blanched asparagus to each pastry bundle. To view recipe and how-to's click HERE.

Recipe: Panzanella Salad
As long as I have summer tomatoes, this wonderful and delicious salad will be a weekly welcomed dish on the menu! To see the recipe and a tutorial filled with mouthwatering tomato pictures, click HERE.

Now let's see what's on YOUR menu this week!

~Please link your post using your permalink.
~Make sure you have a link back to ON THE MENU MONDAY on your post.
~ Please visit at least 2 other OTMM participants.


  1. It looks like it will be a yummy week at your place! I love panzanella salad and I make it all the time in summer.

    Thanks for having me today. Have a lovely Monday.

    Best wishes,

  2. Sounds like another great menu at StoneGable Yvonne! Love the Tomato and Olive Tart-enjoy:@)

  3. Love your menu, Yvonne! I tried the Caprese pretty!! Mine don't look quite like yours, but they taste great!

  4. bwaaaaa....when I come back in my second life, I so want to be you in my kitchen !!
    xoxo bj

  5. Yvonne,
    What a lovely give away...and congratulations to Jacquline! Those Zucchini Boats look like a recipe that I would truly enjoy! I love zucchini and have two in the fridge! The Mexician Explosion Salad is similar to one I made last week. We gobbled it up!
    Thank you for your sweet comment and visit On Crooked Creek today! You are such an inspirational soul!

  6. I'll be at your house Wednesday & back on Sunday for dinner :-) Thanks for hosting and the inspiring menus!

  7. Hi Yvonne,
    Your menu for the week looks great, I could just eat with you every day. Now I am off to visit the others, I just love coming here every week. Hope you have a wonderful week and thanks for hosting!
    Miz Helen

  8. The caparese towers are exactly like ones we had in Mexico and were a family favorite. Last time we went they had changed them and they were awful! Now I will make my own. We are just getting the first tomatoes and a nice fat raccoon got the first two! Little devil - he doesn't know who he is messing with!!

    I would love to eat at your house for a full week!

  9. Yvonne, thank you so much for featuring my Stuffed Zucchini Boat recipe in your menu, I hope your readers enjoy it.

  10. I really want to have dinner with you! our menus always look so delicious!

  11. I have linked up Hot Bacon Cheese Dip, Mandarin Blueberry Muffins, and Strawberry Pound Cake. Thank you for hosting!

  12. Your photos are all so beautiful! And those zuchinni boats look delicious!

  13. Everyone is posting yummy things... linking up zucchini chocolate pecan cake.

  14. What a fabulous week you have planned. Your panzanella salad is one of my favorites. The tomato tart sounds fabulous and I can't wait to try it, along with a bowl of your French Onion Soup.

    Thank you for hosting On the Menu. I always come away inspired.

  15. Hi Yvonne. I am back today after a two weeks and thrilled, Your caprese stack looks like an artwork and I can virtually taste it...yum. Thanks for having us all over yet again!


  16. Thank you Yvonne. Your week sounds always!

  17. Congratulations to Jacqueline on winning that pretty Flora Dora!
    They are SEW pretty!

    Thank you for including my Taco Salad in this week's menu, Yvonne. I'm honored to be on your beautiful blog. It really was yummy but I can't take credit for the recipe...Rachael Ray thought of it.

    Your salmon en croĆ»te sounds like a real treat & one that is good for our ♥ too.
    I entered a dessert that is just the opposite...but its SOOOOO good!

    Hugs to you, my friend.
    Have a wonderful week!

  18. If I were your neighbor I do believe I'd invent an excuse to pop in at dinner time every day - your menu is always fabulous. We having your Onion Soup on Saturday too - it's the best onion soup recipe I've ever tasted. Yum!

  19. I'm grabbing a copy of that tomato and olive tart! Another wonderful, summery menu, Yvonne

  20. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the kind invite. I am bring Homemade Cookie Mix as you requested. Looks like a great party. Have a fun week. Thanks for hosting.

  21. So many yummy things on StoneGable's menu this week. The tart, mexican salad, and the onion soup all look yummy to me. Thank you for hosting, Yvonne. What a resource we have in OTMM!!!

  22. It all looks delicious. Thanks for hosting Yvonne!

  23. Holy cow! I won my first giveaway! I'm PLEASED AS PUNCH!!! Thanks so much Yvonne! I'll email. We are a bit on the same page with the recipes. Mine is a regional NM one for salsa. Petty basic. But WOW!

  24. YUMMY! everything looks and sounds delicious. I'm with you I love mexican food...I'll be having that tomorrow night for my birthday dinner.
    Have a good day!

  25. You really touched on several of my favorites this week. I had caprese salad for lunch and I have it all the time in the summer. I love panzanella salad and I so wish I could get some good salmon in my town. I buy it when we are out of town and bring it home! Yummy stuff!

  26. Oh my goodness.. love your menu and your sweet little image of those flowers in a wee little bag on the back of that blue chair..HEAVEN!

  27. Everytime I come here I start feeling famished!! Holy moly those zucchini boats, the steak with all looks soooo amazing!! You are the best place to come for amazing recipes and gorgeous pictures of food! I am forwarding this post to my mom as she likes to cook too and is always looking for new ideas!! You are filled with them, thanks for the inspiration!

  28. So many fabulous features!!! Love those caprese stacks...but everything is picture perfect and delicious looking...mmmmmmm.
