Thursday, May 5, 2011

Salmon Mousse Stuffed Phyllo Cups

Crunchy, light-as-air, creamy and herb infused. All adjectives to describe these heavenly bites!

These little savories are perfect for a Spring Tea.  I am a mentor in a wonderful program to teach young women  biblical principles  tending to their families and home. Todays topic is HOSPITALITY and we are celebrating with a Spring Tea.

I am delighted to share these crunchy delicious phyllo cups with them. They definitely have the WOW factor!

Today they are filled with Salmon Mousse. But they can be filled with so many things.... savory or sweet. Chicken salad, roasted veggies, apple and beet slaw, BBQ pulled pork, lemon curd, cheesecake, chocolate mousse, rice pudding... whatever you little heart desires! 

Adding a little cinnamon sugar right before baking will produce a very tasty crunchy sweet cup!

Make these fun flirty cups ahead and keep in an airtight container. What could be easier?

StoneGable Phyllo Cups
1 pkg good Phyllo sheets
1 stick of butter

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Remove phyllo from the box. Open 1 sleeve of pastry and lay flat on a clean surface. I leave it on the plastic wrap that it is rolled around. Put the other sleeve back in the refrigerator.

Cover with a piece of plastic wrap or parchment paper. Cover that with a just damp towel. Do not put the damp towel directly on the phyllo it will get sticky. Keep your phyllo sheets covered between use.

Melt butter in the microwave.
On a clean work surface, lay down 1 sheet of phyllo. Be very careful when working with phyllo sheets, they are delicate!

Using a pastry brush, cover the phyllo with butter. Make sure you cover the whole things with a THIN layer of butter.

Uncover the phyllo sheets and remove 1 sheet. Cover back up. Lay second sheet on top of the first one.

Brush second phyllo sheet with butter. Do this for a third and fourth sheet.

When you have a stack of four buttered phyllo sheets, cut them in two horizontally. Then cut 5 equal rectangles vertically, for a total of 10 rectangles.

Using a mini muffin pan, butter the cups and the top of the pan.

Form a phyllo rectangle into a cup in the muffin tin. Fill every other cup.

Bake for 5-10 minutes. WATCH THEM... they burn quickly. Remove from oven when they are just starting to brown on the edges.

Remove to a wire rack to cool completely.

When completely cooled, keep in an airtight container at room temperature or fill just before serving.

StoneGable Salmon Mousse
This recipe makes 1 fish mold. It can also be put into a large bowl and refrigerated until firm, then piped or spooned into phyllo cups or put on crackers.

1 1/2 lbs freshly cooked or canned salmon, flaked
1/2 cup green onions, diced finely
1/2 cup green pepper, diced finely
3 TBS chopped fresh dill
1 TBS chopped fresh parsley
1/2 cup mayonnaise (full fat)
1/2 cup sour cream (full fat)
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 8oz. package cream cheese (full fat)
1 can tomato soup
dash Tabasco or hot sauce
1/2 cup cold water
1 envelope unflavored, unsweetened gelatin

In a bowl mix salmon, green onions, green pepper, onion, dill, parsley, mayo, sour cream and lemon juice.

In a saucepan over medium heat combine cream cheese and tomato soup. Melt and stir until incorporated together. Add to bowl with salmon and mix.

In another small saucepan, add COLD water and gelatin. Heat over low heat, stirring until gelatin completely dissolves in the water. DO NOT BOIL. When gelatin has dissolved, pour into salmon mixture and stir until completely incorporated.

Cover the inside of fish mold liberally with cooking spray. If you do not have a fish mold you can use any other mold or divide mousse between a couple of medium size bowls. I have individual fish molds and have made molded individual servings for an appetizer course.

Pour mousse in mold and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours. This can be done a day or 2 before.

To unmold, put the bottom of mold in a pan of very hot water for just a couple of seconds and run a knife around the edges of the mold. Put a large platter on top of the mold and invert.

Decorate the mold with thinly sliced cucumbers to resemble scales, matchbox carrot sticks fanned across the fins and tail and a black olive slice for an eye.

I do not decorate mine anymore, because I have found that no one will eat it once it has been decorated.

Serve salmon mousse with crackers. It is also delicious with veggies. Or serve as a pate with toast points.

I am participating in Foodie Friday at Designs By Gollum.


  1. What a wonderful recipe.. I must give it a try... love Salmon anything!
    Thanks so much for posting this..

  2. This sounds delicious and perfect for a spring tea! I'll have to try it.

  3. Hi Yvonne...

    Mmmm...your Salmon Mousse in Phyllo cups look and sound heavenly! I will definitely be giving your recipe a try. Thank you so much for sharing it with us! Ohhh boy, I would love to sit in on some of your Bible classes! I'm sure that the Lord really blesses all those that attend. I can tell that you are a gifted teacher, my friend! Many years ago, my mother and I, taught a similar class at our church. We often take for granted that young people should or would know about such things as keeping a home and family, but I have found that is not always true! Lord bless you and those who attend your classes!!!

    I also visited your last two posts...the lilac tablescape and the post about the design style changes that you are making in your living room! Both...great posts, my friend! I remember when you posted the lilac is one of my favorites!!! I think it's a great idea to repost some of your tables with the Tablescape Thursday party. You are absolutely much time and work goes into creating these beautiful tables between the actual preparations and all the photography and posting! And...I love what you are doing in your living room! It looks absolutetly gorgeous and I can't wait to see what all you do in there! Best wishes with your design and decorating...enjoy, sweet friend!

    Well my dear, I just wanted to stop by to say hello and see how you are doing! I am slowly making my way around to all my dear friends and catching up since I took a couple of weeks off for a blogging break. I hope that my note finds you and your family all doing well! Take care and Lord bless, sweet lady!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

    PS...sheeesh, I think I wrote a book! Eeeks!

  4. I haven't been by in a month of Sundays, but so glad I stopped in today!!! Those sound delish!

    I love the sound of your Mentoring program. What a wonderful way to share and to bond with others! Love it!

  5. This looks delicious and so classy, Yvonne. Thanks for sharing the steps involved in making the cups. You've inspired me to try this myself.
    Happy Mother's Day to you! ~ sarah

  6. They are beautiful! Great idea for a special appetizer.

  7. Mmm...I have a shrimp mousse recipe that is very similiar and I had forgotten about it. I think I would like it even more with salmon. I think your recipe has more "creamy stuff" but I'll have to dig it out to be sure. These look wonderful and isn't anything with phyllo just better all around?

  8. This sounds really good. I like the idea of it in the phyllo cups. I just love those cups! I keep them in the freezer. The kids love having little pumpkin tarts in them. I am not even a salmon lover, but I could so do this!

  9. Oh Yvonne,

    I love Salmon Mousse and your cups look lovely!! Everything you do is pretty!!!


  10. Oh Yvonne,

    I love Salmon Mousse and your cups look lovely!! Everything you do is pretty!!!


  11. Hi Yvonne!
    Oh I've had this recipe for salmon... I've used it for a spread. It's so delicious! I've never used it as a filling for phyllo ... yum!
    Your blog just keeps getting better and better, Yvonne!
    It's such a great place to visit!
    *Blessings for a sweet and lovely weekend*

  12. Salmon is truly one of my favorite foods - love your "flirty" fillo cups. So cute!

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and blessed Mother's Day.

    Take care,

  13. Delightful little cups - I'm always looking for these finger food type recipes - so good to take when I'm asked to bring a plate. They look delectable!

  14. You never cease to amaze me with your talent Yvonne. This recipe looks like one to bookmark and the little sprig of dill just makes it even more yummy.

    Enjoy your weekend.


  15. Between you and Mary..these two posts are not only scrumptious ..but beautiful..We eat with our eyes first..
    Bravo..beautiful..I've made the cups..they are fun and actually keep well in a tin box for a few days..unfilled of course:)
    I love your mousse recipe..I am making your scones Sunday again..

    Have a lovely weekend..Thanks for Mothering us with your great Scriptures~

  16. "Heavenly bites" was certainly the correct description! They are so delicate & light in appearance & I just love the extra little touches of the sprig of dill on top & the brilliant orange blossoms beside them. You do that sort of thing so well.

    I keep copying recipe after recipe from you onto my hard drive because I'm afraid that someday your blog will disappear & all will be lost.
    Have you done a backup of it, per instructions on BJ's Sweet Nothings site?
    You should turn it into some books as well, for your future GRANDCHILDREN!!

    Hugs & Happy Mothers Day, Dear Friend,

  17. I am dying to make these!! I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw them. I am so happy I stopped in to catch this post. . .and to wish you a nice weekend!


  18. HI Yvonne! I am just home from 2 days att he beach: shopping and EATING!!!!!!!!!! OMGoodness, I might have gained 5 lbs!!!! I am having our dinner group tomorrow night but when it is my turn to do a snack THIS is what I will be taking!!!! Heavenly!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to try it! Thanks so much for the detailed instructions: I ahve never worked with phyllo dough! XO, Pinky

  19. Hi Yvonne,
    I'm always looking for a good appetizer for entertaining. These will be wonderful. They look so pretty too! Thank you. Have a beautiful weekend!

  20. How beautiful! My mouth is watering looking at the pictures and it's well after midnight. I love salmon mousse, but have never seen it presented in this way. I'm trying it!

  21. Perfect wow factor.

    Have you been getting my emails?

    - The Tablescaper

  22. Hi Yvonne,
    I wanted you to know that I recently served your Salmon Mousse in Phyllo Cups for a luncheon that I hosted. It was a big hit with all the ladies, it was so delicious. Thank you so much for sharing your recipe, hope you are having a great week!
    Miz Helen

  23. I wish I had remembered ths post, as I am taking hors d'ourves for aour dinner group tonight. BUT, I did find 2 recipes on Pinterest and couldn't decide so made BOTH:):). I will print this out to have for the future. Do you have a printable version anywhere??? XOXO, P
