Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A New Decor

On a recent visit to Luckett's I found this dreamy 2 part mirror. Immediately, I knew that it would have a home at StoneGable in my family room. It's white old architectural structure was just the right addition for the evolution of the family room from Tuscan colors and influences to a softer palate and more more tailored look.

Wanting my family room to look like Ballard/Pottery Barn meets Farmhouse meets French/ English meets Traditonal meets collected-things-I-cherish is not easy to transfer from my minds eye to actuality! That transition has the potential of a  train wreck!

Maybe this is a better way to explain my vision...just a nod to some beautiful elements I am seeing in popular catalogues with a French/ English twist. All invited to play together in my Traditional Farmhouse style with the beautiful things I have collected over the years and love.

The real inspiration for this room came from Eastern Market in Washington, DC. I have walked by this magical painting for almost 2 years. It is "Paris On The Sein" by D. Kessler, a local artist. It's primitive yet updated styling and beautiful colors just made me weak-kneed!

Last Mother's Day this lovely piece found a home at StoneGable. I am sad the camera does not do this painting much justice! The colors and sublte tones don't show up well.

It has taken me since late fall to put the "bones" of the room together. Now comes the accents, and embellishing. Editing is hard for me. I tend to fill up space. Decorating restraint is something I am learning. Finding just the right piece and the right price is a talent I am trying to develop too. 

It was easy to leave the Tuscan influences behind... it was time, but that meant a total transformation of our living space. I am showing you just a snippet~ a part that I am working on right now. (Excuse the cabinets and mess in the background, remember Kitchen Facelift)

There is still MUCH work to do! Originally I wanted to put a small drop leaf table under the mirror. It could be pull it out in front of the fireplace for cozy dinners. We bought a gorgeous antique table, but proportionally it was all wrong. I am using it elsewhere in the house.

I know the look I want to achieve in that area, I just have not found the right piece yet... but I will! Do you have any ideas?  I still need pillows, accents and time to think it all out!

I will be posting updates as I rework and finish each area of this room and pass on what I am learning about this new-for-me style.

One thing I HAVE learned is that I like monochromatics and neutrals, but I do need a pop of color! Originally I thought I would use green~ going back to the painting and picking up a bolder spring/lime green.  But having so many blue and white transferware pieces that needed to be displayed changed my mind. I love the traditional weight these blue and white pieces give the room. Brown with blue and white is a favorite of mine.

The most recent addition to the family room is this darling armless chair. It is the perfect size! Found at HomeGood's, it was a very good buy.

I love the trendy fabric! Because this was NOT an investment piece, I can enjoy it for now and when this trend runs it's course I won't feel guilty replacing it.

A great pillow of  blue and white with linen accents will look fetching on this sleek chair. I also thought that a summer slipcover of a blue and white fabric with linen trim might be fun for a brighter look!

The white sofa table, a project I am presently working on,  is almost refinished and I can't wait to share that with you!!!!! Look for a tutorial very soon.

Thing to do in this area:
~ reframe painting of StoneGable. Big linen mat and black frame
~ Pillows in blue/white/browns with great trim
~ Paint pot stand black
~ make topiaries for coffee table
~ purchase baskets for shelf under coffee table
~ find little table or shelf with old corbels for under the mirror
~ blue/white transferware OR all white  garden stool
~ chair by mirror, cover chair seat with ?
~ rework accents on coffee table

What are you working on?

I am participating in WOW US WEDNESDAY at Savy Southern Style. Thanks, Kim for this fun meme!

I am participating in Open House at No Minimalist Here.


  1. ... now THIS is a well styled room!

    please check out my "blog of the month"
    it's YOU!

  2. Hi Yvonne! Oh, lucky you! What a lovely mirror. I've never seen any thing like it before.
    Your living room looks gorgeous! I do love that cute chair with the 'writing fabric'! You are such a wonderful decorator. Hope your kitchen will be finished soon. I want to see it! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Yvonne, I love that mirror! What a great find. Everything looks wonderful. I really enjoy this "style" of decorating but don't have it in my home. I have more colonial reproduction style but at times think I would like the serenity of these neutral colors! Looking forward to seeing it when you have it completed!

  4. You did good! Your new mirror and side chair are amazing...just love them!

  5. I love the neutrals with the blue. And the chair is darling. I am working on a primitive hand tied quilt. Garden of Blooms and some prim dolls. Can't wait to see your kitchen.
    Hugs Granny Trace


  6. It's always exciting to bring new pieces into a room, Yvonne! I love your new mirror and that chair you got from Home Goods. They might even have the table you are looking for, although, I think you might do better at a thrift store, flea market or yard sale, and just paint it to your liking. I've got several pieces of furniture, some free, some I just bought at the thrift store, that all need to be painted. Thankfully, they are all being painted Heirloom White, so I'm considering an assembly line set-up to get them done!

  7. Looking good Yvonne. Love the mirror. Love the pops of blue and that chair is perfect.

  8. Yvonne your family room is beautiful just like the rest of your home!! I LOVE your new mirror, you found the perfect home for it! I just finished a little chair project today that I will post sometime this week. Enjoy your day, Martina

  9. Oh, this is tooooooo funny! I have been redoing our house cause I had the Tuscan look at our old house and transferred it over. Now I am going more for a modern farmhouse look. I guess great minds do think alike! If you need somewhere to send those leather chairs, just let me know! I love those chairs. I know what you mean about having something in your mind and trying to bring it to reality. Everything looks better in my mind. Oh well, the adventure is fun!

  10. you are having a blast! i am so happy we don't share the same homegoods store or we would be battling for the same goodies at dawn!

    i have been filling up a teeny tiny beach house so i know exactly what you are up too, its so much fun! i would love your mirror too, i wanted something architectural ovr my sofa and came up with a fun project, your mirror would be welcomed in a heart beat~

  11. OK, I'm weak kneed over that painting too. The new mirror and chair look great together and I can see the vision you have for your "new look". Can't wait to see the finished project. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Yvonne I adore everything you are doing, the mirror is perfect and that chair, wow!

    Art by Karena

  13. The word that comes to mind is serene, Yvonne. It just looks like such a calm and crisp space. Beautiful job.

    I can't wait to see the rest.


  14. What a beautiful addition to your family room Yvonne. Your home is absolutely gorgeous. I may not comment everytime but I sure do visit and just admire everything you do.

    Have a wonderful day,

  15. "Wanting my family room to look like Ballard/Pottery Barn meets Farmhouse meets French/ English meets Traditonal meets collected-things-I-cherish is not easy to transfer from my minds eye to actuality! That transition has the potential of a train wreck!"

    Oh my gosh! It's as if you climbed inside my head and said all the things that I am struggling with.

    I am feeling the pull to simplify and change, but struggle too with letting go of what I have so lovingly collected for so many years. Still trying to figure out how to make it work as Tim Gunn would say.

    But you have given me inspiration and hope. Your new room is perfect!

  16. Good afternoon my friend! I love BOTH the new mirror and the chair!!!! You need to come here: I have been collecting blue and white for almost 30 years so have quite a collection!!!! I have a blue and white garden stool, but I really LOVE it so am being selfish not offering it to you:):) I know you will find the pERFECT pillows! LOVE the chair, it is perfect! The room will be wonderful. EVERYthing you do is gorgeous. XO, Pinky

  17. love the mirror!
    my to do list is so long I keep losing it...on purpose! And a graduation to plan for my son! wow I really should get going.

  18. You are doing a great job..love that chair..I have a very similar mirror in our ensuite:) Not shabbied..but similar:)

  19. Yvonne, I laughed right out loud when I read your "train wreck" paragraph. You sound like me. I just put everything together that I enjoy, and it generally comes out fine in the wash!!! ;0)

    I am presently working on my back deck. I just bought a big outdoor area rug, and am placing things into their summer home. I'm sure to be ready, if summer ever arrives in Nova Scotia!!!

  20. Yvonne, love the mirror and the blue and white with the neutrals will be a charming look. All that you do is exquisite, so I know that this room will come together perfectly through your vision.
    Nothing major here, but I'm trying to organize and edit out some things as well as give the living room a fresh look for summer. ~ Sarah

  21. Woman, don't you EVER rest??!! I can't imagine being in the middle of one major remodel & still having the mental energy to tackle another room. I love the way you're going with it, though. :D
    Very calming colors & the light that the mirror bounces around the room is awesome!
    Keep snapping pictures because its the process that is amazing to watch. Thanks for letting us peek.


  22. Hi Yvonne- Add me to the list- I do love that mirror! What a gorgeous piece! Love the monochromatic look too with the occaisional pop of color!

  23. Just finished some pillows. But I don't have anything big in the works. Everything is kind of "done" for now. I love that chair! Wish we had a Home Goods here.

  24. You really have a talent for making a home beautiful Yvonne! The blue and white is just the right touch!
    Enjoy all the changes, but don't work too hard.
    Big hugs,

  25. The mirror looks great! I am still working on my den, it never seems to progress!

  26. Mirrors are really coming into their own as pieces of art now arent they. Yours looks perfect in that spot. Thanks for sharing and making me swoon!

  27. Wow...it is looking good. I love the mirror and painting! Had I been trying to do it the train would have crashed and burned...
    You have a good eye!

  28. Love that mirror and that painiting is beautiful Yvonne!
    I am loving this room so far!!
    Pamela ox

  29. Hi Yvonne,
    It looks like like you are well on your way with your new room design. Isn't it amazing how one or two new things can really open up a can of worms? 'll be curious to see what new Mother's day gift this year will make it into the new design scenario. I just love that mirror and chair. Those are some great choices you have made!! I can't wait to see the whole room when it's done. I was thinking, how would that coffee table look with some industrial wheels?...maybe painted all brown?
    Good Luck :)

  30. The mirror is just delightful and looks perfect on the corner wall - tres elegante!

  31. Your room is looking wonderful and I love the mirror. What a great find. I think I like the same style as yours and yes it is hard to achieve. Can't waitt o see what you come up with. Hugs, Marty

  32. Of course you are doing a beautiful job with this room! I love that mirror AND that chair! What perfect finds for the room. I look forward to seeing more. laurie

  33. Oh me, oh my! I think I want to move in. Your living room is homey. I love it! The mirrors were a get find and addition. New follower here!

  34. I love your new chair too! That mirror is fabulous, and so different! What great style you have! So fun to see your process!

  35. I love Luckettes too! Its my idea of a fun day trip. I noticed you are going to have a lilac tablescape. Check out my lilac cookies http://theenchantedoven.blogspot.com/2011/04/lilac-cookies.html

  36. Hi Yvonne, I have nothing but admiration for your ability to take on such a huge project. Your attention to details and personal, meaningful decisions has always impressed me. Now, I'm not a decorator, but I am someone who moves furniture ALL of the time! Since you asked for ideas, I have one for you. Would you consider moving the mirrored architectural piece to the other wall (in place of painting - keep the painting in the same place and use that great mirrored piece elsewhere) and place a small hutch in that corner? To my eye, a tall piece in that space would be great. Hope all is well, we are back from our vacation to Italy and I'm finally visiting some of my favorite blogs. I'll be posting about our trip as soon as I get settled! Ciao, bella!

  37. I get excited when I see all the creative re-do's,I absolutely love this mirror,can't wait to see the results,I too am stuck in the neutrals,but I want to step out into the world of "color".
    Come see a step in that direction,for me it is "big" step as everything in my home is white/cream,black/ebony and khaki.


  38. your whole room looks amazing, but i love that chair and your new mirror. what a great find!

  39. Hello Yvonne,
    you are not only a exquisite cook, you are a gorgeous home decorator, too.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  40. Yvonne -- one day I'm going to open up the pages of my BHG magazine and your place is going to be featured -- it's amazing, and definitely magazine worthy!! I love the fabric on your chair, and your mirror -- it all ties together to form one beautiful, trendy room! You really know a thing or two about decorating, Auntie! ;)

  41. Such a beautiful room, I am in awe...wow so glad to have found you! Coming from Kims party!

  42. Hi Yvonne- I love your room and your mirrors are excellent! I saw this table today and when I read your words do you have any ideas, I thought I would share this link- http://www.wisteria.com/Handpainted-Balustrade-Console/productinfo/W3937/
    I don't know the size of that wall, but I thought this might fit in real well! Liz

  43. Yvonne, Your room is beautiful! Love the mirror and the French script fabric chair. I always add blue to every room and I love your blue pieces with the neutral furniture. Thank you for sharing your pretty room at my Open House party.

  44. The mirror is fabulous! And the blue would be my choice of accent color. It looks crisp and soothing.
    I love reading your blog! It takes me away to a completely different world and allows me to dream, for awhile. :) The only thing is, I have trouble reading the occasional words, which are written in white. I can't see them, against the light background. Sometimes, I have to scroll down and look really hard; other times, I just guess, by the context. Could you use a darker color?
    Thanks so much, for sharing with us. Happy Mother's Day!!!

  45. Love the changes. Isn't decorating fun? We kind of wander through our mind's eye and tranform the space around us. Love the new chair and appreciate the take on the more trendy peice.

    - The Tablescaper
