Thursday, December 2, 2010

Yuletide Libatons

The weather outside is getting cold and frosty. And Christmas is in the air. Time for a few  fabulous Yuletide Libations.
These delicious drinks will not only quench your thirst but are a real treat!

Hot Toddy


A wonderful libation when you are feeling a little under the weather, your throat is scratchy, you are stressed or you just need to warm up. Don't let the cute name fool you, this is a potent alcoholic beverage... One to sip on for the evening. Remember, moderation!

boiling water
1 1/2 oz. brandy or whiskey
1 tsp honey
3 whole cloves
1 cinnamon stick
1 large slice of lemon

Put brandy or whiskey in a mug. Add boiling water. Stir in 1 tsp of honey. Add cloves and a cinnamon sticks. Drop in the lemon slice and let the whole things steep for 5 minutes. Sip and enjoy.

Eggnog Smoothie

This is a very yummy treat! Cold and filling. I am a huge eggnog fan, so this is Christmas in a cup to me.

1 cup lo fat eggnog
1 cup vanilla frozen yogurt
6 ice cubes
lo fat whipped topping
dash of nutmeg
1 shot of brandy or rum (optional)

Add everything, except whipped topping, in in a blender and give it a good whizz. Pour it into a glass and add whipped topping. If desired, dust with a little extra nutmeg.

Pomegranate Fizz

This is a must try! And sooooo pretty! I love prosecco, a lovely dry sparkling white wine. Most people think it is Champagne. If you don't want to splurge on a good Champagne, then try Prosecco.

Pomegranate juice

Fill a sugar rimmed glass 1/4 full of Pomegranate juice and top off with Prosecco. For extra pizazz, drop a sugar cube in the bottom of the drink. Ooooh, bubbly!

Get a bonus Christmas libation... The Candy Cane on Facebook!


  1. Hi Yvonne, I want to taste all, looks so special!


  2. Hello Dear,
    I had to giggle out loud when I saw the first drink. I can't tell you how many times my Dad has said "Give them a hot toddy" when my kids are sick~Smile. We do not drink, niether does my Dad, but evidently this was something that was given to him when he grew up while being sick. :-)

    I LOVE eggnog too! (So does my husband) So you can bet we will be trying the Eggnog Smoothie this season!! :-)

    Beautiful pictures~As usual!! :-)

    Always a pleasure to visit!!
    Love Carissa

  3. Hi Yvonne! Oh, I'd love to join you in a toast to the season with a Pomegranate Fizz-looks yummy:@)

  4. I've bookmarked this! They all sound and look yummy. Thanks for sharing.

    Enjoy your evening,

  5. Everything sounds amazing! Thanks for the recipes! ♥

  6. Ok, the only problem I have is: which one shall I try first:):) They all sound delish! I also love a Pomegranite Martini at Christmas, SO pretty! Thanks for these recipes. I will bring these to our dinner group next week! XO, Pinky

  7. Wow, those sound good. My throat is a little scratchy so I need to go buy all that stuff so I can make that toddy. I love eggnog, too.

  8. Hi Yvonne...
    All's quiet here, having some peppermint tea and catching up a bit with one of my favorite things to do ~
    Yvonne, your blog is leaving me speechless~ Your Bethlehem Tablescape is stunningly beautiful... right down to the silvery snowflakes and the blue and white beaded napkin rings.
    I'm just speechless~
    Mary and Martha must be smiling since you bring so much spirit into your hospitality.
    The wonderful beverages in this post are keepers. I'm forwarding the link to my daughter, Rachael. She'll love the recipes!

    I love how you bring CHRISTmas JOY to every season, Yvonne!
    God bless you!

  9. I will be having a hot toddie tomorrow night! I will be off to the store tomorrow for cinnamon sticks and whole cloves! I can't wait! Thanks for such a ~fun~ post! I loved your pics!

  10. An egg nog smoothie?!! Yes, please! In fact, they all look delicious but that smoothie--oh my!


  11. Yvonne,
    Thank you for such 'lovely to look at' beverage ideas. . .I'm thinking I might try the egg nog one this weekend. I'm a huge fan of egg nog! Keep the yuletide cheer coming our way!

  12. Ok. I was just telling my hubby today (who has had a cold for 2 days) that he needed a Hot Toddy!! I told him I was going to look up the recipe, and here it is!! Funny. Thanks Yvonne! Hope it makes him feel better, or better yet feel nothing at all!! Hahaha!!

  13. My Dad was a great believer in hot toddy!

    Thank you for the fun recipes.


  14. I'd love to try the hot toddy the next time I have a cold. I'm sure it would put me to sleep!


  15. Ooooo Yvonne! Egg Nog Smoothie! Just what I was looking for! We have a little get together every year for the city Christmas parade (it goes right in front of our house cause we live in like the oldest neighborhood EVER). It is this Saturday and I am trying your Champagne punch receipe and was wondering what I could do with the egg I know!
    I'm so excited now! Thanks!

  16. I am going to buy some Prosecco and Pomegranate juice tomorrow! I have the sugar cubes, so this will be a treat! Thanks for stopping by Three Pixie Lane! I was glad to know that the message from blogger about the space was not a scam! Not glad that you had to go through the same thing! I paid the five bucks and can enjoy blog land once again! I have missed everyone and all the wonderful ideas/recipes/decorations and the people so much! Hopefully, we can slow down and enjoy the reason for the season!

  17. Yummy yummy! They all sound so good!
    I've got to go checkout the candy cane one you have on FB.


  18. That egg nog one looks delicious!!!

  19. We love Prosecco. We had it with sushi for Thanksgiving breakfast!

  20. I loved all of your festive recipes, but the first one was so very appealing to a woman with a head cold right now...I have been drinking tea with lemon and honey...maybe the whiskey will help!

  21. What fun drink recipes, thanks!
    I am definately going to make the pomagranate fizz on Christmas Eve...of course I should definately make it before then too so I can try it out! (wink, wink!)

  22. Yvonne,
    Yummy sounds and looks incredible! I scrolled down and enjoyed all of your holiday posts, just beautiful. Wishing you and your loved ones a season filled with Holiday cheer, blessings and love.

  23. ooooh j'adore holiday libations... that whipped cream looks delish!

  24. After the day I've had I could use a libation NOW! I will try to control myself, however, and wait until cocktail hour. Now...which one to try?

  25. So, did you make all of these on the same day and just have a party all by yourself? How fun! I love eggnog. I had an eggnog milkshake at Steak and Shake, and love eggnog lattes at Starbucks. I hadn't thought of a smoothie...mmm!

    Giveaway at my "place" today! It is a fun one!

  26. The brandy with honey, cloves, cinnamon and honey sound wonderful to me on a cold winter night when the snow is blowing!

    Luscious libations indeed :)

  27. So yummy! I want them all!
    Merry Christmas, visit our giveaways~
    Have a beautiful weekend ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  28. Prosecco is a fave around here. Loving a new combination. Happy Pink Saturday!

  29. all of these sound so good and I'd like to relax a bit with all 3 :)

  30. What wonderful holiday drinks!! I think it would be the eggnog one for me. I love eggnog, so bad but so good. Happy Pink Saturday.

  31. Oh, yum! These each look delicious, but I'll have the eggnog smoothy. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  32. Those recipes sound so good and I love your photos. Happy Pink Saturday.

  33. Okay now. I want one of each, but I am not a very "good" drinker. So, I'll just come stay with you, and have one each day.

    Happy Pink Saturday, Yvonne.♥

  34. Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa ( may be another choice. i know alot of people use it, its also non alcoholic, though it's effectiveness is not as good as alcohol based cough medicine, but it's still good to use on not so serious scratchy throat.

  35. These all sound fabulous...but I'm drooling over that egg nog.

  36. The only problem with "Christmas in July" is that I cannot hop right out and get some eggnog. That smoothie looks delicious.

    Hopping over from the Christmas in July blog hop - #57.

