Sunday, December 12, 2010

Weekly Menu December 13~ 19, 2010

For Cashew Crunch recipe and how-to click HERE.

Calling all Christmas Elves!!!! Help needed at StoneGable!  Will pay in hugs and cookies!

I am so far behind this year, I'm just trying to do the bare minimum now. As many of you know, I had quite a time getting around on a hurt knee from a nasty fall. Last week I got my knee somewhat straighted out and now my back went TOTALLY out. I have spent the last 3 days flat on my back. This week it is back to the orthopedic doc. It has been quite the comedy of errors!

So I'm taking a deep breath and remembering Christmas is NOT what you decorate, it is celebrating the birth of Christ, family, friends and making memories. Nothing like a couple of injuries to put you down and to straighten out one's priorities!

I'm planning an easy, not a lot of fuss menu this week.

Sloppy Joes
Oven Fries
Wedge Salad

Recipe: Butter Yum Sloppy Joes
Butter Yum serves up consistently wonderful and delicious food.It is one of my favorite blogs... and blogger!  These wonderful Sloppy Joes are easy and a real treat! Click HERE for this comfort easy food.

Salmon En Croute with Cucumber Dill Sauce
Sauteed Spinach In Garlic Oil
Roasted Baby Carrots

Recipe: Salmon En Croute With Cucumber Dill Sauce
THIS IS A COMPANY WORTHY DISH! But easy enough for a week night.Salmon En Croute is a must try! Click HERE for the yummy recipe.

Recipe: Sauteed Spinach In Garlic Oil
2 bags fresh, washed baby spinach
1-2 TBS garlic oil (recipe below)
kosher salt
champagne vinegar

In a large skillet, heat garlic oil over medium high heat.  When oil is hot, add all of the baby spinach. You may have to pile it up, but it will wilt down quickly. Toss with tongs. Salt and pepper. Put a lid on the spinach and cook until JUST wilted. DO NOT OVERCOOK! Serve. I love to serve spinach with a splash of champagne vinegar.

Recipe: Garlic Oil
1/2 container of peeled garlic cloves (not the huge one from Costco!)
2-3 cups good olive oil

Put garliic and oil in a saucepan. SIMMER garlic in the oil for 30 minutes. Strain out the garlic cloves and put them in the freezer. They taste just like roasted garlic. YUMMY! Put the oil in a jar and refrigerate. This is my favorite go-to oil!
Ceaser Salad
Chicken Piccata
Carba Nada Fettuccine Noodles

Recipe:Chicken Piccata
I am using chicken tenders to make this flesh tasting Italian dish. Chicken Piccata done right, light and lemmony, is a a meal to adore! My mouth waters just thinking about it! Click HERE for StoneGable Chicken Piccata recipe, and look for it on Tuesday's menu.

Recipe:Ceaser Salad
It's no mistake that Ceaser Salad appears on the menu almost weekly . This is FABULOUS! I make a very lemonny Ceaser, and love it with Chicken Piccata. Click HERE and find it on Tuesday's menu.

SG TIP: Make extra dressing and freeze it in ice cube trays. Pop out the frozen dressing and put it in a freezer container. To use. Thaw and dress salad.

Citrus Salad
Pan Sauteed Tilapia
Roasted Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus

Recipe: Citrus Salad
1/4 cup orange juice
1 TBS Dijon mustard
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 Bibb lettuce heads, torn
2 oranges, sectioned
2 clementines, sectioned
1 pink grapefruit, sectioned
Roasted, spiced pecans

Add orange juice, mustard, oil in a bowl and whisk well. Set aside.
Pile bibb lettuce on plates.
Arrange citrus fruits on plates.
Drizzle with dressing and sprinkle with Pecans

Recipe: Pan Sauteed Talipia
1/4 cup  flour

2 teaspoons seafood seasoning
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 1/2 pounds fresh tilapia fillets
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon garlic, pressed
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons freshly chopped parsley 

Heat oven to 300 degrees F.

In a shallow baking dish combine flour, seafood seasoning, salt and pepper. Add the tilapia and lightly coat each side.

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Shake off any excess seasoned flour and place in the skillet. Brown on both sides, about 2 to 3 minutes per side. Keep tilapia warm in the oven while sauce is prepared.

Turn down the heat to the pan the tilapia was cooked to low and add the butter. Once the butter is melted, add the garlic, lemon juice and parsley and saute for 2 minutes. Place the fillets on  plates or a platter, top with the sauce and serve.

Recipe: Roasted Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus
1 1/2 lbs asparagus, washed, dried and woody ends broken off
8 slices of prosciutto, sliced thin
olive oil
kosher salt

Heat oven to 400 degrees.  Wrap 1 slice of prosciutto around  the center of 3-4 asparagus spears to make a nice bundle. Make 8 bundles in all. Put on a large rimmed baking sheet and drizzle with good olive oil. Salt and pepper. Roast for 20 minutes. Serve immediately.

Christmas Dinner With Friends

Saturday: Soup Day AND Slow Cooker Day
Cream Of Artichoke Soup

Recipe: Cream Of Aritchoke Soup
6 TBS butter, cut into small chunks
1 small white onions, chopped
3 leeks (white part and 1 inch green), washed and thinly sliced
3- 10 oz. packages frozen artichoke hearts, thawed
6 cups chicken broth
salt and pepper
1 cup heavy cream (I'll use half and half)

In large skillet over medium heat, add butter, onions and leeks. Sweat for 5-6 minutes.

Add to Slow Cooker. Add artichoke hearts and broth. Cover and cook on low for 5-6 hours.

Puree with a hand held immersion blender or transfer to a blender and blend until smooth in batches. Strain soup by pushing it through a large mesh strainer with a spatula. Remove any fibers. Season with salt and pepper.

Return soup to Slow Cooker, stir in cream. Cover and cook on low until heated through, about 20 minutes.

Christmas Dinner At Mom's
I'm bringing the Mac And Cheese!

Recipe: StoneGable Mac and Cheese
This is one of our families VERY FAVORITE side dishes. I get asked to make this more than any other side. Try this cheesy, bubbly, buttery bread crumbed topped , DELICIOUS side. For recipe click HERE and find StoneGable's Mac and Cheese on Saturday's menu.


  1. Oh, no!
    I hope you're back up and on your feet soon!
    Your menu looks wonderful.
    Take it easy and God bless your week.

  2. Hi Yvonne,
    I am so sorry to hear have been suffering from not one but two injuries.
    Please take care of yourself!!!


  3. Yvonne, hope you are back to full speed soon!

    Thanks for sharing another wonderful menu. I am so glad to be reminded of the "Sloppy Joes" recipe, which my recipe card calls "Barbecue Hamburg" (having originated from my mother and her York County roots). It is the same recipe as posted at ButterYum. I am going to make this tomorrow since we have not had it in a while. Yummy delicious indeed!

  4. Oh dear Yvonne! I am so sorry that your back went out on top of the bad knee!!! I have been thinking of you and wondering how you were! These recipes sound so good, but where do you find FROZEN artichoke hearts? I ahve never seen them! I would love to try the soup! I made mac and cheese for our Open House today. It was a LITTLE different from yourts and GOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!:) Here's hoping you are feeling MUCH better and back to normal SOON!!!! XO, Pinky PS, seriously, can I help with anything??? I do decorate other peoples homes, remember? My last job is tomorrow then I am free......

  5. I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I hope you are better soon. Taking it easy? I don't think you know the meaning! Even on my feeling good days I don't do as much as you!

  6. Dear Yvonne,
    take it easy. Although it is our very beloved activity in this season, Christmas will happen also without any decorations. And you will see, Christmas without decorations-stress is much nicer than with. So do what you can but let you time to relax. Your menue is fantastic as if every day would be a holiday.
    Greetings, Johanna

  7. Your body is telling you something! Sometimes simplicity is best. I
    ve noticed that with one of my neighbors, and she seems to enjoy the holidays as much as the rest of us who strive for perfection. I hope you feel better soon.

  8. Yvonne,
    I just know you will be up and about real soon....because God LOVES you so much! You spread such joy and love around the world!
    Thank you for your lovely blog!! We fellow bloggers love you! Bev Fischer

  9. {{{HUGS}}}...sorry to hear that you're under the weather my friend. Take gentle care and what gets done, does and what doesn't, simply doesn't. I've scaled way back this year too :)

    CHRISTmas Blessings!

  10. Oh, Yvonne, as a fellow back pain sufferer I feel for you! I hope you are up and well soon and can find joy even while you are resting! I know resting must be awfully difficult for an energetic person like you!!! And I can testify to your readers that your Salmon recipe is superb!! I think I'll try the tilapia this week. And I'm hoping Santa will find a slow cooker to leave under my tree!! Any suggestions? Feel better! Linda

  11. Don't worry if you are behind. Christmas will come regardless! LOL! Praying for you to get back on your feet soon! Carla

  12. Just discovered your blog and LOVE it. It is truly an inspiration!

  13. Oh dear, Yvonne! I didn't know about any of your discomforts. Hope that you are back up and about very soon. Your menu for the week is, as always, delicious. I'm very grateful to have the recipe for the artichoke heart soup.


  14. Yvonne~ you are prefectly amazing; I know the issues with back pain, and you still manage to pull together lovely posts and meals, let alone the Christmas decorations and baking! Wishing you a little rest this week; I'm sure your home looks lovely!

  15. Yvonne, I'm so sorry you're experiencing "when it rains, it pours" events at your house! Sounds like you're in a BE STILL phase -- and I'm sure you're wise enough to take advantage of it. After all, Advent is all about waiting ... Blessings, and the merriest of Christmas memories to you!

  16. Yvonne, I am so sorry you are hurting so badly! I'm sure your family and all of blogland will understand if you need a break.

    Sending lots of healing wishes your way!

  17. Oh Yvonne, I am so sorry you have had these health injuries! Especially at this time of the year. You are right this is the time to celebrate the birth of Christ and the older I get the simpler I try to keep things..its not easy to scale back but it seems people are happiest when its intimate and memorable. Oliver goes to a catholic school and he only talks about Christ and all the special things he is learning in religion. He barely even mentions what he is getting for Christmas. He is very excited about Santa but I am so happy he understands the true meaning of why we celebrate this Glorious holiday.
    Take care and feel better soon!!!
    PS, your menu as always inspires me and helps me to make delicious meals for my family!!

  18. Have I ever told you I love reading your weekly menu! Well, I do! Sorry about your pain. Hope you're better soon.

  19. I'm so glad to see that you live in Lancaster County and say "sloppy joes". I'm from Ohio...but my husband's family (here) always call it "barbeque"...and it drives me crazy! It's two very different things to me!

  20. You take it easy and take care of yourself. ♥ I just hate aches and pains.

  21. Yvonne, I'm sorry to hear that you've been laid up so I'm sending you an express delivery of best wishes for a speedy recovery!


  22. Oh Yvonne - I'm so sorry to hear about your fall last week, and now your back. I've had a bad knee for years, and hubby's back goes out every now and then, so I know how miserable both can be. Take this opportunity to rest, rest, rest!!!

    PS - thanks for choosing to share my sloppy joes... I hope you liked them.

  23. If this is what you do when your not're definitely making it hard for the rest of us to make excuses!! I hope you are on the mend and have a blessed and merry Christmas!

  24. Dear Yvonne,

    I am so sorry to hear about your back. I must have missed this post. Please take care and know that I will continue to pray for your speedie recovery!


  25. Yvonne, I'm so sorry to read you are having such pain. I hope you are feeling better soon. Knee and back pain is so difficult during a busy time of year.

    I love how you post your weekly menus. I made your Stonegable Granola last night. It is wonderful. I'm making several of your recipes for family when they are here for Christmas. Thank you for sharing, and Merry Christmas!
